Posts Tagged ‘Jake Smith’
Copy of Your News Talk America with Jake Smith – 10/15/2024
Video is Available on Fridays
Your News Talk America with Jake Smith. Welcome to the digital and interactive program.
To participate live by asking and voting on questions, chatting with viewers, and watching the show, got to and click the “Watch Here” button. You can view questions by clicking on the “Recent”, “Popular”, or “On Deck” buttons at the top of the left column.
To ask a question fill out the field on the left. You may vote on questions by pressing on the up and down arrow to the left of each question. You can watch the show in the middle and see current questions below the show window. You are the “Producers”, ask questions and your votes count. There will be way more questions than time which makes voting important.
You can chat with other Producers and comment in the chat which is in the right column. You can keep notes by clicking the link to the right of your name in the upper right corner. If you asked your question in Mukana, and there is an issue with ti or we run out of time we will send your question back to your notes. Show notes will be posted on and the shows will be posted the following week.
Community Guidelines
Thank you for being part of the DTDMedia Community. We value our producers and encourage an active participation by having everyone ask questions vote and chat. In order to keep the DTD Media Community and this platform engaging and respectful to all members we request all commenters adhere to our guidelines.
Respectful Debate: We encourage a variety of opinions and open debate but please refrain from using threatening language or making direct threats. Civil discourse is key.
Accuracy and Ownership: Ensure that your contributions are either factual or clearly presented as your own opinions. Posts containing illegal, discriminatory, offensive or misleading content will not be tolerated.”
Use Real Names: For a better and more respectful experience we encourage participants to use their real names rather than nicknames. People tend to be more considerate when their identity is known.
Language: Please use English when posting comments or questions as this is the primary language of our event.
Stay On Topic: Keep discussions relevant to the event topic. If you have a different topic in mind please wait for an appropriate session or thread.”
Question Submission: When asking questions please use the designated questions field and select the appropriate category from the dropdown menu. Do not add comments in the question field; they will be removed. All comments should be posted in the chat section.
Be Respectful: Engage in discussions with kindness and respect for others. Differences in opinion should be addressed with civility to maintain a constructive environment.
Avoid Negativity: If you encounter negativity or hostile behavior consider your response carefully. Engaging in a positive and constructive manner helps foster a better community.”
Moderation: We reserve the right to moderate and remove comments that are abusive, spammy, off-topic, or otherwise inappropriate. Even partial violations may result in the removal of a post.
Reporting Issues: If you notice inappropriate content please report it to our moderation team at the following email address: Include a direct link or reference to the specific session or chat where the issue occurred. While we may not respond to all reports individually please know that your concerns are reviewed and taken seriously.
By following these guidelines you contribute to a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone. Thank you for your cooperation and for making this event a success!
Out & About Wednesday 10-16-24
Kim Benton State Farm
29848 Millsboro Hwy, Millsboro, DE 19966
Phone: (302) 934-9393
9:08 – 9-10: Client Segment
9:15 – 9:30: Eastern Sussex First Responders need our help!
Mark Schaefer, Sussex County Councilman;
Ron O’Neal, President, Millsboro Fire Department
9:15– 9:18: Break
9:18 – 9:30: First Responder appeal segment continues until 9:30
9:30 – 9:33: Break (Marine Weather/Fox Business)
9:33 – 9:35: Client Segment
9:35 – 9:45: Client requested segment topic/guest
9:45 – 9:50: BREAK
9:50 – 9:59: Client requested segment continues until 10:59:49
9:59:49 – 10:08: Break (News, Fishing)
10:06 – 10:08: Client Segment2
10:10 – 10:15: Child Support Enforcement, Ted Mermigos, Director
Division of Child Support Services
10:16 – 10:19: Break
10:19 – 10:30: Child support segment continues!
10:30 – 10:33: Marine Weather/Fox Business
10:33 – 10:35: Client Segment
10:35 – 10:45: Child support segment continues!
10:45 – 10:48: Break
10:48 – 10:59: Child support segment concludes!
10:59 – 11:08: Fox News Break
11:08 – 11:10: Client Segment
11:10 – 11:15: At Coachella, Trump says he will end the EV Mandate on day one!
How does Trump plan to do that?
Jay Beeber, Executive Director of Policy at the National Motorists
11:15 – 11:18: Break
11:18 – 11:30: EV mandate segment continues until 11:30!
11:30 – 11:33: (Marine Weather/Fox Business)
11:33 – 11:35: Client segment3
11:37 – 11:50: Affordable Holiday Meals, Gifting, and Entertaining Ideas!
Spice up your holiday on a budget:
Shanisty Ireland, Food & Lifestyle Influencer
11:50: Salute the Troops
Jake Smith
Real News Talk Logo Graphics LED Pixels Light Effect
Storyblocks Asset ID: SBV-302248713
Music Track: About The Lion and The Cuckoo
Artist: Radioactive Pokemon
Written by: Alexander, Denis
Album: Through the thorns of a dead forest
Visuaizer: About The Lion and The Cuckoo –
Radio… (First release on YouTube) Spotify:…
Your News Talk America with Jake Smith – 10/24/2024
There is no video today.
Your News Talk America with Jake Smith. Welcome to the digital and interactive program.
To participate live by asking and voting on questions, chatting with viewers, and watching the show, got to and click the “Watch Here” button. You can view questions by clicking on the “Recent”, “Popular”, or “On Deck” buttons at the top of the left column.
To ask a question fill out the field on the left. You may vote on questions by pressing on the up and down arrow to the left of each question. You can watch the show in the middle and see current questions below the show window. You are the “Producers”, ask questions and your votes count. There will be way more questions than time which makes voting important.
You can chat with other Producers and comment in the chat which is in the right column. You can keep notes by clicking the link to the right of your name in the upper right corner. If you asked your question in Mukana, and there is an issue with ti or we run out of time we will send your question back to your notes. Show notes will be posted on and the shows will be posted the following week.
10:10 AM ET
Segment Topic:
Jake and the Judge:
- War and the Constitution (what about the War Powers Act?)
- DOJ threatening Trump voters without any evidence of violence.
- Senators retaliate against McDonalds for Trump campaign stop.
Can the president fight any war he wishes? Can Congress fund any war it chooses? Are there constitutional and legal requirements that must first be met before war is waged?
These questions should be addressed in a national debate over the U.S. military involvement in Ukraine and Israel. Sadly, there has been no debate. The media are mouthing what the CIA is telling them, Congress is in lock-step, and only a few websites and podcasts — my own, “Judging Freedom” on YouTube, among them — are challenging the government’s reckless, immoral, illegal and unconstitutional wars.
The Supreme Court has ruled that all power in the federal government comes from the Constitution and from no other source. Congress, however, has managed to extend its reach beyond the confines of the Constitution domestically by spending money in areas that it cannot regulate and purchasing compliance from the states by bribing them; and in foreign policy by paying for wars it cannot legally declare.
Congress cannot legally declare war on Russia or Iran, since there is no American militarily grounded reason for doing so. Russia and Iran pose no credible threats to American national security. Moreover, the U.S. has no treaties with Ukraine or Israel that trigger an American military defense. But Congress spends money on those wars nevertheless.
Under the Constitution, only Congress can declare war on a nation or group. The last time it did so was to initiate American involvement in World War II. But Congress has given away limited authority to presidents and permitted them to fight undeclared wars, such as the War Powers Resolution of 1973 and President George W. Bush’s disastrous and criminal invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq.
Last week, the Biden administration announced that it was sending around 100 troops to Israel to man the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense system, or THAAD, the U.S. has sent there. Then, the administration announced that it was sending a second THAAD unit and another 100 troops. The THAADs will presumably be used in Israel’s defense against Iran.
Congress has not only not declared war on Iran; it has not authorized the use of American military forces against it. Yet, it has given President Joe Biden a blank check and authorized him to spend it on military equipment for Israel however he sees fit, without a lawful or even credible American military objective.
Biden has also promised to continue giving Ukraine whatever it needs for “as long as it takes.” As long as it takes to do what? Eliminating Russian troops from Ukraine and Crimea or Russian President Vladimir Putin from office are not realistically attainable American military goals. Last week, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said he fears Putin has his eyes on Poland. That’s scaremongering nonsense.
The U.S. involvement in Vietnam began the same way: no declaration of war; no authorization for the use of military force; no clear American military objective; shamelessly preaching the discredited domino theory of collapsing countries; a gradual buildup of American troops as technicians, advisers and instructors; and then a congressionally supported war that saw half a million American troops deployed, 10% of whom came home in body bags. And for what?
We don’t know how many American troops are in Ukraine. We do know that they are involved in hostilities, since much of the offensive hardware that Biden has sent requires American know-how to operate and maintain. And some of the weaponry has American troops actually targeting Russian forces and pulling the triggers.
Are American soldiers killing Russian soldiers? Yes. Will American troops soon be shooting down Iranian pilots in their jets? Yes. None of this has been authorized by Congress, but Congress has paid for all of it.
Now back to the Constitution. The War Powers Resolution, which requires presidential notification to Congress of the use of American military force, is unconstitutional because it consists of Congress giving away to the president one of its core functions — declaring war.
The Supreme Court has characterized delegating away core functions as violative of the separation of powers because when one branch of the federal government cedes its powers to another, the receiving branch threatens the constitutional order and potentially jeopardizes personal liberty.
Nevertheless, Biden has not informed Congress of his intentions to use American troops in Ukraine or Israel.
Don’t be surprised if Biden gives War Powers Resolution notice secretly to the Gang of Eight. That’s the Congress within the Congress. It consists of the chairs and ranking members of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees and the Republican and Democratic leaders of the House and Senate with which the president legally shares secrets.
This, too, is unconstitutional. Just as Congress cannot delegate away its war-making powers to the president, it cannot delegate them away to the Gang of Eight. The concept of the Gang of Eight is antithetical to democratic values. Informing them of whatever violence the president is up to is done under an oath of secrecy. What kind of democracy operates and kills in secret?
The various treaties to which the U.S. is a party limit its war-making to that which is defensive, proportional and reasonable. So, if a foreign power is about to strike — like on 9/11 or Dec. 7, 1941, while the government slept — the president can strike first in order to protect the U.S. Beyond an imminent attack, the basis for war must be real, the adversary’s anti-U.S. military behavior must be grave, the objective of war must be clear and attainable, and the means must be proportionate to the threat.
Has Russia or Iran threatened the U.S.? No. What grave acts have they committed against the U.S.? None. What is Biden’s clear military objective? He won’t say.
Do Congress or the president uphold the Constitution? They do not. They also don’t understand that the problem with searching the world for monsters to slay is that they have a way of following you home.
Judge Andrew Napolitano
Sample Questions:
- Judge, North Korea has sent at least 3,000 soldiers to Russia to fight against Ukraine. How worried should we be that we are being tricked into another foreign war?
- What is it about the War Powers Act which is blatantly unconstitutional?
- The Justice Department is deploying district elections officers across the nation ahead of Election Day to ensure poll workers can “do their jobs free from threatsand intimidation.”
- The elections officers are expected to work in coordination with the Justice Department’sElection Threats Task Force, which was created in June 2021 by Attorney General Merrick Garland and Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco to address alleged violence against election workers.
- The task force, since its inception, has been engaging with the election community and state and local law enforcement to assess allegations and reports of threats against election workers, according to the Justice Department. The task force also partners with FBI field offices and U.S. Attorneys’ Offices throughout the U.S.
- U.S. Senate demands answers to Mc’Donalds price gouging. Is that a job for the U.S. Senate?
- A group of Democratic senators knocked McDonald’s over its price increases and its “dominant market position” as the largest fast-food chain across the country.
- In a letter sent to McDonald’s leadership, Sens. Elizabeth Warren (Mass.), Bob Casey (Pa.) and Ron Wyden (Ore.) demanded President and CEO Chris Kempczinski explain the chain’s pricing they say is higher than it should be, accounting for inflation.
- They voted for the Inflation Reduction Act and they are demanding answers from a public company?
10:35 AM ET
Segment Topic:
1. It appears that the Dem-Coms are in full panic mode. Are they?
2. The Atlantic slanders Trump
3. Trump accused of groping a model in 1993?
4. Republicans seize control of early voting. Is that sending the Dem-Com’s into full panic mode?
Roger Stone
Roger Stone is a seasoned political operative, speaker, pundit, and New York Times Bestselling Author featured in the Netflix documentary Get Me Roger Stone.
Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and Donald Trump—all of these Presidents relied on Roger Stone to secure their seat in the Oval Office. In a 45-year career in American politics, Stone has worked on over 700 campaigns for public office.
Host of the Roger Stone Show 7PM on Sundays on 92.7
Stone Zone dot com – all things Roger Stone
Sample Questions:
- Roger, did the Dem-Com’s expect Republicans to early vote this year? If not, what has that done to their plans to steal the 2024 election?
- Are the Hitler, NAZI references by the Atlantic swayed any voters to abandon Trump support?
- We are hearing that it will take at least five-days to count all the votes. The Fox decision desk is warning that it will be days before a winner is announced? What is your response?
- How powerful was Trump’s campaign stop at a PA McDonalds last Sunday?
- How powerful will Trump’s MAGA rally at MSG be on Sunday?
11:10 AM ET
Segment Topic:
- Are recent examples of Dem-Com retaliation to protect Kamala the Commie acts of desperation?
- Can Trump and his supporters expect more threats and more intimidation over the next 12-days? How should we respond to those threats?
DOJ threatens Trump voters?
DOJ deploys district elections officers to handle ‘threats and intimidation aimed at Trump voters.
Trump surging ahead:
Did Joe Biden and Kamala Harris both threaten Trump with jail in response to his recent surge in the polls?
Dem-Com corporate retaliation:
One day following President Trump’s time at a PA McDonalds, the Dem-Coms in the Senate, sprang into action – accusing the Golden Arches of price gouging – the centerpiece of the Kamala the Commie Economic plan.
In a letter sent late Monday afternoon, Sens. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, Bob Casey of Pennsylvania and Ron Wyden of Oregon demanded that McDonald’s President and CEO Chris Kempczinski explain the chain’s pricing decisions.
The DOJ threaten Elon Musk:
The Justice Department warned Elon Musk’s America PAC in recent days that his $1 million sweepstakes to registered voters in swing states may violate federal law, people briefed on the matter told CNN.
Musk, who has thrown his support behind former President Donald Trump and is spending millions of dollars supporting his candidacy, has publicized the $1 million prize by his political action committee aiming to increase voter registrations in hotly contested states.
Musk’s initial promise to pay prizes to registered voters immediately raised concerns from election law experts and some state officials who questioned whether it ran afoul of the law.
Federal law bars paying people to register to vote. The language of the petition currently promises $1 million prizes to people chosen at random for signing a petition in support of First and Second Amendment freedoms. But to sign the petition, you must be registered to vote in specific states.
A letter from the Justice Department’s public integrity section, which investigates potential election-related law violations, went to Musk’s political action committee, according to people briefed on the matter.
Sample Questions:
- Are recent examples of threatened retaliation against Trump and his supporters acts of desperation?
- Every time a poll indicates Trump is surging, the Dem-Com’s respond. Is it a coincidence?
- Has early voting by Trump voters sent the Dem-Coms into mental health crisis?
- Can Trump and his supporters expect more threats and more intimidation over the next 12-days? How should we respond to those threats?
11:35 AM ET
Segment Topic:
Sample Questions:
Community Guidelines
Thank you for being part of the DTDMedia Community. We value our producers and encourage an active participation by having everyone ask questions vote and chat. In order to keep the DTD Media Community and this platform engaging and respectful to all members we request all commenters adhere to our guidelines.
Respectful Debate: We encourage a variety of opinions and open debate but please refrain from using threatening language or making direct threats. Civil discourse is key.
Accuracy and Ownership: Ensure that your contributions are either factual or clearly presented as your own opinions. Posts containing illegal, discriminatory, offensive or misleading content will not be tolerated.”
Use Real Names: For a better and more respectful experience we encourage participants to use their real names rather than nicknames. People tend to be more considerate when their identity is known.
Language: Please use English when posting comments or questions as this is the primary language of our event.
Stay On Topic: Keep discussions relevant to the event topic. If you have a different topic in mind please wait for an appropriate session or thread.”
Question Submission: When asking questions please use the designated questions field and select the appropriate category from the dropdown menu. Do not add comments in the question field; they will be removed. All comments should be posted in the chat section.
Be Respectful: Engage in discussions with kindness and respect for others. Differences in opinion should be addressed with civility to maintain a constructive environment.
Avoid Negativity: If you encounter negativity or hostile behavior consider your response carefully. Engaging in a positive and constructive manner helps foster a better community.”
Moderation: We reserve the right to moderate and remove comments that are abusive, spammy, off-topic, or otherwise inappropriate. Even partial violations may result in the removal of a post.
Reporting Issues: If you notice inappropriate content please report it to our moderation team at the following email address: Include a direct link or reference to the specific session or chat where the issue occurred. While we may not respond to all reports individually please know that your concerns are reviewed and taken seriously.
By following these guidelines you contribute to a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone. Thank you for your cooperation and for making this event a success!
Jake Smith
Walt Palmer
Technical Director
Julia Hardy
Panel Liaison
Mark Giuliani
Real News Talk Logo Graphics LED Pixels Light Effect
Storyblocks Asset ID: SBV-302248713
Music Track: About The Lion and The Cuckoo
Artist: Radioactive Pokemon
Written by: Alexander, Denis
Album: Through the thorns of a dead forest
Visuaizer: About The Lion and The Cuckoo –
Radio… (First release on YouTube) Spotify:…
Your News Talk America with Jake Smith | Ep. 16 – 10/18/2024
Your News Talk America with Jake Smith. Welcome to the digital and interactive program.
To participate live by asking and voting on questions, chatting with viewers, and watching the show, got to and click the “Watch Here” button. You can view questions by clicking on the “Recent”, “Popular”, or “On Deck” buttons at the top of the left column.
To ask a question fill out the field on the left. You may vote on questions by pressing on the up and down arrow to the left of each question. You can watch the show in the middle and see current questions below the show window. You are the “Producers”, ask questions and your votes count. There will be way more questions than time which makes voting important.
You can chat with other Producers and comment in the chat which is in the right column. You can keep notes by clicking the link to the right of your name in the upper right corner. If you asked your question in Mukana, and there is an issue with ti or we run out of time we will send your question back to your notes. Show notes will be posted on and the shows will be posted the following week.
10:10 AM ET
Segment Topic:
Why do our children hate America after only one-semester away at University?
“If you are scratching your head as to how radicals could have seized control in Washington, and of American media, while defaming American democracy as a ‘white supremacist’ nightmare, look no further than the left’s transformation of American universities into ideological boot camps for Marxist treachery. Brutal Minds is a model of clarity and straight talk about this national tragedy, whose destructive energies have yet to run their course.” —DAVID HOROWITZ, Bestselling Author of Final Battle
Dr. Ridgley is Clinical Professor of Management at Drexel University’s LeBow College of Business. He holds a Doctorate and Masters in International Relations from Duke University and an International MBA from Temple University. He has also studied at Moscow State University and the Institut de Gestion Sociale in Paris.
A former Military Intelligence Officer, Dr. Ridgley served five years in West Berlin and near the Czech-German border. Dr. Ridgley’s intelligence activities versus the Soviet Union included signals intelligence, electronic intelligence, operations security, as well as Russian translation and analysis. He graduated from the U.S. Army’s Airborne School at Ft. Benning, Georgia, and served as a tactical intelligence officer on the German frontier with a combat arms unit and as a liaison officer during Soviet military inspections.
In Brutal Minds, award-winning professor Stanley K. Ridgley exposes the dangers of radicalization, cancel culture, academic censorship, and the growing influence of socialists “boldly transforming” colleges across the country into reeducation camps of dull conformity.
Sample Questions:
- Professor Ridgley, we all know the dirty little secret of communist controlled colleges and universities indoctrinating our kids into believing that this nation has been evil since its founding. We can and should adopt and embrace socialism. This nation can permit communist lite government, but what can we do about it?
- How important is it to carefully screen potential schools for our kids before we send them into the lion’s den?
- I have heard from so many parents who swore when they sent THEIR kids off to a Marxist college or university that their kids would not allow themselves to be brainwashed, only to discover that they had been turned into card carrying communists. What would you say to those parents?
- Why are Federal and State tax dollars handed over to these institutions, especially when many of them are monitored by the Chinese Communist Party?
10:35 AM ET
Segment Topic: (postponed). Holdover Dr. Ridgley
- Election integrity, how can we ensure that the 2024 election cannot be stolen?
- The state of Florida is suing the Biden administration over what it claims is a refusal to verify immigration records so that the Sunshine State can ensure the integrity of its voter rolls and prevent noncitizens from voting. (Fox News)
- Fulton Judge Strikes Down Seven New Election Rules, Including Hand-Counting of Ballots After Polls Close and Mandatory Video Surveillance of Drop Boxes, Claiming It is “Illegal, Unconstitutional and Void” (The Gateway Pundit)
Ken Cuccinelli, Chairman of the Election Transparency Initiative:
Ken served in the federal government, first as the acting director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, and then as the acting deputy secretary for the Department of Homeland Security.
During his tenure, Cuccinelli was a leading spokesman for the administration on immigration, election security and homeland security issues, and was appointed by the president to serve as an original member of the Coronavirus Task Force upon the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic.
In addition to practicing law for over 25 years, Cuccinelli served in state government in the Virginia Senate from 2002-2010 and as Virginia’s attorney general from 2010-2014. Cuccinelli earned a mechanical engineering degree from the University of Virginia, a law degree from the Antonin Scalia Law School at George Mason University, and a master’s in international transactions from George Mason University.
Sample Questions:
- Ken, can you tell us that the top 10 election litigation cases in 2024 implicating the rule of law?
- Will battleground North Carolina voters overcome Hurricane Helene challenges?
- Officials in North Carolina, Georgia say Helene will not derail voting in presidential election
- “Buncombe County will vote,” said one North Carolina elections official.
- Ken, what is the status of the SAVE Act?
11:10 AM ET
Segment Topic:
- Kamala has sat down with Fox News for an interview, but still refuses to answer any questions. It appears that she will continue to BS her way to election day!
- Will Bob Casey be sent back to the Senate?
- What about reliable conservative Scott Perry?
- Is Fracking an issue for PA voters?
- Microsoft has purchased and is reopening Three Mile Island Nuclear Facility. How can that be? The Democrats (who control Washington) refuse to consider Nuclear. How do Pennsylvanians feel about this?
Jeffrey Lord, Former advisor to President Ronald Reagan, Associate Editor of the American Spectator, frequent contributor for Newsmax and host of the Word of the Lord Podcast and a very good friend to this radio program.
Sample Questions:
- Can Kamala continue to BS her way to election day!
- Will Bob Casey be sent back to the Senate? At last report, McCormick is polling 10-points behind?
- What about reliable conservative Scott Perry?
- How important is the Fracking issue for PA voters? PA could become its own Saudi Arabia; it is energy rich?
- Microsoft has purchased and is reopening Three Mile Island Nuclear Facility. How can that be? The Democrats (who control Washington) refuse to consider Nuclear. How do Pennsylvanians feel about this? Do you think this is the future for energy production: corporations going it alone and perhaps avoiding the political fallout?
11:35 AM ET
Segment Topic:
It’s not your imagination. By any objective measure, America is in decline, but there’s a lot to laugh at! Really?
It’s not your imagination. By any objective measure, America is in decline. But as depressing as the facts might be, there’s a lot to laugh at. And there might even be hope.
Thirty years ago, the United States seemed invincible. We had won the Cold War, the economy was galloping, crime had plunged. Life was good, and the country was confident.
But since then, a series of crises have drained Americans of their optimism. Our government is dysfunctional, our president thinks he’s an emperor, our kids are uneducated, our streets are filled with crime, Christianity is in decline, wokeness reigns, and addiction has hollowed out our communities. Even late-night comedy has gone down the tubes.
Matt Purple, author of Decline from the Top: Snapshots from America’s Crisis and Glimmers of Hope.
Matt is an editor and journalist who has written for the Spectator, the American Conservative, National Review, the Washington Examiner, and many other magazines and newspapers. A native of Avon, Connecticut, and a graduate of the Catholic University of America, he lives in Alexandria, Virginia, with his wife, Claire, and their two children.
Sample Questions:
- Matt, how can you find humor when America is in decline?
- In your book, you say that the 1990s really were better than today and vividly documents our economic, political, and cultural signs of decay. What can we do about that?
- WOKE comedy sucks, we no longer have free speech, everyone in the country is offended at the drop of a hat, what can we do to improve the spirit of America?
Community Guidelines
Thank you for being part of the DTDMedia Community. We value our producers and encourage an active participation by having everyone ask questions vote and chat. In order to keep the DTD Media Community and this platform engaging and respectful to all members we request all commenters adhere to our guidelines.
Respectful Debate: We encourage a variety of opinions and open debate but please refrain from using threatening language or making direct threats. Civil discourse is key.
Accuracy and Ownership: Ensure that your contributions are either factual or clearly presented as your own opinions. Posts containing illegal, discriminatory, offensive or misleading content will not be tolerated.”
Use Real Names: For a better and more respectful experience we encourage participants to use their real names rather than nicknames. People tend to be more considerate when their identity is known.
Language: Please use English when posting comments or questions as this is the primary language of our event.
Stay On Topic: Keep discussions relevant to the event topic. If you have a different topic in mind please wait for an appropriate session or thread.”
Question Submission: When asking questions please use the designated questions field and select the appropriate category from the dropdown menu. Do not add comments in the question field; they will be removed. All comments should be posted in the chat section.
Be Respectful: Engage in discussions with kindness and respect for others. Differences in opinion should be addressed with civility to maintain a constructive environment.
Avoid Negativity: If you encounter negativity or hostile behavior consider your response carefully. Engaging in a positive and constructive manner helps foster a better community.”
Moderation: We reserve the right to moderate and remove comments that are abusive, spammy, off-topic, or otherwise inappropriate. Even partial violations may result in the removal of a post.
Reporting Issues: If you notice inappropriate content please report it to our moderation team at the following email address: Include a direct link or reference to the specific session or chat where the issue occurred. While we may not respond to all reports individually please know that your concerns are reviewed and taken seriously.
By following these guidelines you contribute to a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone. Thank you for your cooperation and for making this event a success!
Jake Smith
Walt Palmer
Technical Director
Julia Hardy
Panel Liaison
Mark Giuliani
Real News Talk Logo Graphics LED Pixels Light Effect
Storyblocks Asset ID: SBV-302248713
Music Track: About The Lion and The Cuckoo
Artist: Radioactive Pokemon
Written by: Alexander, Denis
Album: Through the thorns of a dead forest
Visuaizer: About The Lion and The Cuckoo –
Radio… (First release on YouTube) Spotify:…
Your News Talk America with Jake Smith – 10/14/2024
Video is Available on Fridays
Your News Talk America with Jake Smith. Welcome to the digital and interactive program.
To participate live by asking and voting on questions, chatting with viewers, and watching the show, got to and click the “Watch Here” button. You can view questions by clicking on the “Recent”, “Popular”, or “On Deck” buttons at the top of the left column.
To ask a question fill out the field on the left. You may vote on questions by pressing on the up and down arrow to the left of each question. You can watch the show in the middle and see current questions below the show window. You are the “Producers”, ask questions and your votes count. There will be way more questions than time which makes voting important.
You can chat with other Producers and comment in the chat which is in the right column. You can keep notes by clicking the link to the right of your name in the upper right corner. If you asked your question in Mukana, and there is an issue with ti or we run out of time we will send your question back to your notes. Show notes will be posted on and the shows will be posted the following week.
10:10 AM ET
Segment Topic:
From balloons to drones: UFO drones are surveilling America’s most sensitive military sites — and the Pentagon says it can’t stop them (NY Post 10/13/24)
Brigadier General Blaine Holt:
Brig. Gen. Holt is a former Deputy United States Military Representative to (NATO). He supported the Military Representative and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in executing the U.S. political-military mission at the North Atlantic Council.
General Holt was a command pilot with more than 3,900 flying hours in a variety of aircraft. He is a frequent contributor to Newsmax.
Sample Questions:
- General, who do you believe are behind fleets of dozens of mysterious UFO drones are surveilling America’s most sensitive military sites, and the Pentagon admits it can’t do much to stop the aerial intruders? (NY Post 10/13/24)
- These drones have been spotted flying over military bases in Virginia and Nevada over the past year, including the secret base for theNavy’s elite SEAL Team Six commando unit and Naval Station Norfolk, the world’s largest naval port, the Wall Street Journal reports. Why do you think we are only learning about them now? (NY Post 10/13/24)
- Were these drones spotted via radar or just visual contact?
- Federal laws, prohibits the military from shooting down the drones over the potential risks to troops and civilians. Does whomever is in control of these drones know that?
10:35 AM ET
Segment Topic:
- Unknown drone fleet breached US military base airspace in Virginia for 17 straight days: Report Mysterious drones swarmed Langley Air Force Base for over two weeks last year.
- Gordon G. Chang’s latest book; an Amazon Best Seller:
Gatestone Institute senior fellow Gordon Chang, author of the Coming Collapse of China discusses Tim Walz’s connections to China. You can follow Gordon on X: @GordonGChang.
Sample Questions:
- Gordon, whom do you believe is behind this drone invasion of sensitive American military installations?
- Is it possible that this could be a bolder move on the part of the CCP, a follow-up to Joe Biden’s balloon-gate last year?
- In your latest book, Plan Red: China’s Project to Destroy America, you believe that Xi Jinping believes he must destroy America to accomplish his objectives. And that Xi already has a plan to do it! What are some of those points and would a return of Donald Trump to the White House thwart those plans?
- Gordon, you say, that China’s penetration of American society has been so thorough that the Communist Party has been able to kill Americans with impunity. What do you mean?
- You believe that it is time to take a page from Ronald Reagan’s playbook and work to bring down the enemy: the Chinese Communist Party. How can we do that when the Democrat Party has become the Democrat Communist Party?
- The Communist Party often talks about “win-win” solutions, but as its actions make clear, it believes there can be only one survivor, either the People’s Republic of China or the United States of America. Is America strong enough at this point to stand up to the ONE SURVIVOR threat. In Star Trek; America could be facing its own: The Kobayashi Maru (the no-wind scenario)?
11:10 AM ET
Segment Topic:
Tim Walz’s China ties are just too deep to ignore:
Why would the Department of Homeland Security be so concerned about Tim Walz’s China ties that his name repeatedly comes up in internal communications and classified documents?
According to Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), chairman of the US House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, whistleblowers have revealed “serious concerns among DHS personnel regarding a longstanding connection between the Chinese Communist Party and Minnesota Governor Timothy James Walz.”
Those concerns could not be more obvious to me, a China hand of long-standing: Tim Walz has long had a special relationship with the CCP. (NY Post 10/12/24)
Dr. Steven W. Mosher is an internationally recognized authority on China and population issues, as well as an acclaimed author, speaker and most-importantly, President of the Population Research Institute?
Sample Questions:
- Dr. Mosher, as a devout Catholic, having once been an atheist, what is your opinion of MI Governor, Gretchen Whitmer mocking the Holy Eucharist in a very public, staged event last week?
- Doesn’t this kind of activity play right into the hands of the CCP and their attacks on America?
- Mosher, during the Vice-Presidential Debate last month, Tim Walz appeared to be someone with something to hide, when it comes to his cozy relationship with the CCP. Would you agree?
- In your opinion piece in the NY Post, over the weekend, you indicate that there are just too many questions about Walz, particularly the number of times his name surfaces in classified documents?
- Why would the Department of Homeland Security be so concerned about Tim Walz’s China ties that his name repeatedly comes up in internal communicationsand classified documents?
- According to Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), chairman of the US House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, whistleblowers have revealed“serious concerns among DHS personnel regarding a longstanding connection between the Chinese Communist Party and Minnesota Governor Timothy James Walz.” Why haven’t the Republicans held hearings on Capitol Hill?
- Is it true that at the suggestion of the Chinese, Walz started-up and ran a travel agency, specializing in China travel and someone or some group inside China gave Walz the funding?
Community Guidelines
Thank you for being part of the DTDMedia Community. We value our producers and encourage an active participation by having everyone ask questions vote and chat. In order to keep the DTD Media Community and this platform engaging and respectful to all members we request all commenters adhere to our guidelines.
Respectful Debate: We encourage a variety of opinions and open debate but please refrain from using threatening language or making direct threats. Civil discourse is key.
Accuracy and Ownership: Ensure that your contributions are either factual or clearly presented as your own opinions. Posts containing illegal, discriminatory, offensive or misleading content will not be tolerated.”
Use Real Names: For a better and more respectful experience we encourage participants to use their real names rather than nicknames. People tend to be more considerate when their identity is known.
Language: Please use English when posting comments or questions as this is the primary language of our event.
Stay On Topic: Keep discussions relevant to the event topic. If you have a different topic in mind please wait for an appropriate session or thread.”
Question Submission: When asking questions please use the designated questions field and select the appropriate category from the dropdown menu. Do not add comments in the question field; they will be removed. All comments should be posted in the chat section.
Be Respectful: Engage in discussions with kindness and respect for others. Differences in opinion should be addressed with civility to maintain a constructive environment.
Avoid Negativity: If you encounter negativity or hostile behavior consider your response carefully. Engaging in a positive and constructive manner helps foster a better community.”
Moderation: We reserve the right to moderate and remove comments that are abusive, spammy, off-topic, or otherwise inappropriate. Even partial violations may result in the removal of a post.
Reporting Issues: If you notice inappropriate content please report it to our moderation team at the following email address: Include a direct link or reference to the specific session or chat where the issue occurred. While we may not respond to all reports individually please know that your concerns are reviewed and taken seriously.
By following these guidelines you contribute to a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone. Thank you for your cooperation and for making this event a success!
Jake Smith
Walt Palmer
Technical Director
Julia Hardy
Panel Liaison
Mark Giuliani
Real News Talk Logo Graphics LED Pixels Light Effect
Storyblocks Asset ID: SBV-302248713
Music Track: About The Lion and The Cuckoo
Artist: Radioactive Pokemon
Written by: Alexander, Denis
Album: Through the thorns of a dead forest
Visuaizer: About The Lion and The Cuckoo –
Radio… (First release on YouTube) Spotify:…
Your News Talk America with Jake Smith – 10/15/2024
Video is Available on Fridays
Your News Talk America with Jake Smith. Welcome to the digital and interactive program.
To participate live by asking and voting on questions, chatting with viewers, and watching the show, got to and click the “Watch Here” button. You can view questions by clicking on the “Recent”, “Popular”, or “On Deck” buttons at the top of the left column.
To ask a question fill out the field on the left. You may vote on questions by pressing on the up and down arrow to the left of each question. You can watch the show in the middle and see current questions below the show window. You are the “Producers”, ask questions and your votes count. There will be way more questions than time which makes voting important.
You can chat with other Producers and comment in the chat which is in the right column. You can keep notes by clicking the link to the right of your name in the upper right corner. If you asked your question in Mukana, and there is an issue with ti or we run out of time we will send your question back to your notes. Show notes will be posted on and the shows will be posted the following week.
Community Guidelines
Thank you for being part of the DTDMedia Community. We value our producers and encourage an active participation by having everyone ask questions vote and chat. In order to keep the DTD Media Community and this platform engaging and respectful to all members we request all commenters adhere to our guidelines.
Respectful Debate: We encourage a variety of opinions and open debate but please refrain from using threatening language or making direct threats. Civil discourse is key.
Accuracy and Ownership: Ensure that your contributions are either factual or clearly presented as your own opinions. Posts containing illegal, discriminatory, offensive or misleading content will not be tolerated.”
Use Real Names: For a better and more respectful experience we encourage participants to use their real names rather than nicknames. People tend to be more considerate when their identity is known.
Language: Please use English when posting comments or questions as this is the primary language of our event.
Stay On Topic: Keep discussions relevant to the event topic. If you have a different topic in mind please wait for an appropriate session or thread.”
Question Submission: When asking questions please use the designated questions field and select the appropriate category from the dropdown menu. Do not add comments in the question field; they will be removed. All comments should be posted in the chat section.
Be Respectful: Engage in discussions with kindness and respect for others. Differences in opinion should be addressed with civility to maintain a constructive environment.
Avoid Negativity: If you encounter negativity or hostile behavior consider your response carefully. Engaging in a positive and constructive manner helps foster a better community.”
Moderation: We reserve the right to moderate and remove comments that are abusive, spammy, off-topic, or otherwise inappropriate. Even partial violations may result in the removal of a post.
Reporting Issues: If you notice inappropriate content please report it to our moderation team at the following email address: Include a direct link or reference to the specific session or chat where the issue occurred. While we may not respond to all reports individually please know that your concerns are reviewed and taken seriously.
By following these guidelines you contribute to a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone. Thank you for your cooperation and for making this event a success!
Out & About Wednesday 10-16-24
Kim Benton State Farm
29848 Millsboro Hwy, Millsboro, DE 19966
Phone: (302) 934-9393
9:08 – 9-10: Client Segment
9:15 – 9:30: Eastern Sussex First Responders need our help!
Mark Schaefer, Sussex County Councilman;
Ron O’Neal, President, Millsboro Fire Department
9:15– 9:18: Break
9:18 – 9:30: First Responder appeal segment continues until 9:30
9:30 – 9:33: Break (Marine Weather/Fox Business)
9:33 – 9:35: Client Segment
9:35 – 9:45: Client requested segment topic/guest
9:45 – 9:50: BREAK
9:50 – 9:59: Client requested segment continues until 10:59:49
9:59:49 – 10:08: Break (News, Fishing)
10:06 – 10:08: Client Segment2
10:10 – 10:15: Child Support Enforcement, Ted Mermigos, Director
Division of Child Support Services
10:16 – 10:19: Break
10:19 – 10:30: Child support segment continues!
10:30 – 10:33: Marine Weather/Fox Business
10:33 – 10:35: Client Segment
10:35 – 10:45: Child support segment continues!
10:45 – 10:48: Break
10:48 – 10:59: Child support segment concludes!
10:59 – 11:08: Fox News Break
11:08 – 11:10: Client Segment
11:10 – 11:15: At Coachella, Trump says he will end the EV Mandate on day one!
How does Trump plan to do that?
Jay Beeber, Executive Director of Policy at the National Motorists
11:15 – 11:18: Break
11:18 – 11:30: EV mandate segment continues until 11:30!
11:30 – 11:33: (Marine Weather/Fox Business)
11:33 – 11:35: Client segment3
11:37 – 11:50: Affordable Holiday Meals, Gifting, and Entertaining Ideas!
Spice up your holiday on a budget:
Shanisty Ireland, Food & Lifestyle Influencer
11:50: Salute the Troops
Jake Smith
Real News Talk Logo Graphics LED Pixels Light Effect
Storyblocks Asset ID: SBV-302248713
Music Track: About The Lion and The Cuckoo
Artist: Radioactive Pokemon
Written by: Alexander, Denis
Album: Through the thorns of a dead forest
Visuaizer: About The Lion and The Cuckoo –
Radio… (First release on YouTube) Spotify:…
Your News Talk America with Jake Smith – 10/16/2024
Video is available on Fridays
Your News Talk America with Jake Smith. Welcome to the digital and interactive program.
To participate live by asking and voting on questions, chatting with viewers, and watching the show, got to and click the “Watch Here” button. You can view questions by clicking on the “Recent”, “Popular”, or “On Deck” buttons at the top of the left column.
To ask a question fill out the field on the left. You may vote on questions by pressing on the up and down arrow to the left of each question. You can watch the show in the middle and see current questions below the show window. You are the “Producers”, ask questions and your votes count. There will be way more questions than time which makes voting important.
You can chat with other Producers and comment in the chat which is in the right column. You can keep notes by clicking the link to the right of your name in the upper right corner. If you asked your question in Mukana, and there is an issue with ti or we run out of time we will send your question back to your notes. Show notes will be posted on and the shows will be posted the following week.
9:10 – 9:12: Sponsor Segment
9:12 – 9:15: Break
9:15 – 9:30: Eastern Sussex First Responders need our help!
Mark Schaefer, Sussex County Councilman;
Deanna Lobe, EMS Supervisor, Georgetown EMS Ambulance
9:30 – 9:33 Break (Marine Weather/Fox Business)
9:33: Sponsor Segment
9:33 – 9:45:
9:45 – 9:48: Break
9:48 – 9:57:49:
10:08 – 10:10: Sponsor Segment
10:10 – 10:15:
10:15 – 10:18: Break
10:18 – 10:30:
10:30 – 10:35: Break (Marine Weather/Fox Business)
10:35 – 10:37: Sponsor Segment
10:37 – 10:50:
10:55 – 10:59:49:
10:59:49 – 11:08: Hard Break
11:08 – 11:10: Sponsor Segment:
11:10 – 11:15:
11:30 – 11:35: Break – (Marine Weather/Fox Business)
11:35 – 11:37: Sponsor Segment:
Community Guidelines
Thank you for being part of the DTDMedia Community. We value our producers and encourage an active participation by having everyone ask questions vote and chat. In order to keep the DTD Media Community and this platform engaging and respectful to all members we request all commenters adhere to our guidelines.
Respectful Debate: We encourage a variety of opinions and open debate but please refrain from using threatening language or making direct threats. Civil discourse is key.
Accuracy and Ownership: Ensure that your contributions are either factual or clearly presented as your own opinions. Posts containing illegal, discriminatory, offensive or misleading content will not be tolerated.”
Use Real Names: For a better and more respectful experience we encourage participants to use their real names rather than nicknames. People tend to be more considerate when their identity is known.
Language: Please use English when posting comments or questions as this is the primary language of our event.
Stay On Topic: Keep discussions relevant to the event topic. If you have a different topic in mind please wait for an appropriate session or thread.”
Question Submission: When asking questions please use the designated questions field and select the appropriate category from the dropdown menu. Do not add comments in the question field; they will be removed. All comments should be posted in the chat section.
Be Respectful: Engage in discussions with kindness and respect for others. Differences in opinion should be addressed with civility to maintain a constructive environment.
Avoid Negativity: If you encounter negativity or hostile behavior consider your response carefully. Engaging in a positive and constructive manner helps foster a better community.”
Moderation: We reserve the right to moderate and remove comments that are abusive, spammy, off-topic, or otherwise inappropriate. Even partial violations may result in the removal of a post.
Reporting Issues: If you notice inappropriate content please report it to our moderation team at the following email address: Include a direct link or reference to the specific session or chat where the issue occurred. While we may not respond to all reports individually please know that your concerns are reviewed and taken seriously.
By following these guidelines you contribute to a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone. Thank you for your cooperation and for making this event a success!
Jake Smith
Real News Talk Logo Graphics LED Pixels Light Effect
Storyblocks Asset ID: SBV-302248713
Music Track: About The Lion and The Cuckoo
Artist: Radioactive Pokemon
Written by: Alexander, Denis
Album: Through the thorns of a dead forest
Visuaizer: About The Lion and The Cuckoo –
Radio… (First release on YouTube) Spotify:…
Your News Talk America with Jake Smith – 10/17/2024
There is no video today.
Your News Talk America with Jake Smith. Welcome to the digital and interactive program.
To participate live by asking and voting on questions, chatting with viewers, and watching the show, got to and click the “Watch Here” button. You can view questions by clicking on the “Recent”, “Popular”, or “On Deck” buttons at the top of the left column.
To ask a question fill out the field on the left. You may vote on questions by pressing on the up and down arrow to the left of each question. You can watch the show in the middle and see current questions below the show window. You are the “Producers”, ask questions and your votes count. There will be way more questions than time which makes voting important.
You can chat with other Producers and comment in the chat which is in the right column. You can keep notes by clicking the link to the right of your name in the upper right corner. If you asked your question in Mukana, and there is an issue with ti or we run out of time we will send your question back to your notes. Show notes will be posted on and the shows will be posted the following week.
10:10 AM ET
Segment Topic:
Jake and the Judge:
Who Cares What the Government Thinks?
In 1791, when Congressman James Madison was drafting the first 10 amendments to the Constitution — which would become known as the Bill of Rights — he insisted that the most prominent amendment among them restrain the government from interfering with the freedom of speech. After various versions of the First Amendment had been drafted and debated, the committee that he chaired settled on the iconic language: “Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech.”
Madison insisted upon referring to speech as “the” freedom of speech, not for linguistic or stylistic reasons, but to reflect its pre-political existence. Stated differently, according to Madison — who drafted the Constitution as well as the Bill of Rights — because the freedom of speech preexisted the government, it does not have its origins in government. The use of the article “the” reflects Madison’s and the Framers’ understanding of that preexistence.
The First Amendment also reflects the framers’ collective belief that the freedom of speech is a natural right. It has its origins in our human nature. We all yearn to speak free from restraint, and we all understand that we can use our speech to express any idea we want to express without fear or hesitation. Those yearnings and understandings are universal — hence, natural.
The framers wrote the First Amendment to codify negative rights. That is, the First Amendment recognizes the existence of the freedom of speech for every person, and it negates the ability and the power of Congress — and after the ratification of the 14th Amendment, of all governments — to infringe upon it. The First Amendment does not command Congress to grant the freedom of speech (it is not Congress’ to grant); rather, it commands that Congress shall not interfere with it.
The Bill of Rights guarantees negative rights. Their essence is not grants of liberty. Their essence is restraints on the government from interfering with preexisting liberty.
I offer this brief understanding of the freedom of speech in our constitutional government as an introduction to a discussion of the dangers of government exercising free speech. We know that all persons have the freedom of speech. But what about the government?
Does government have the freedom of speech?
That is not an academic question. The short answer to it is: Under the theory of the Declaration of Independence — that our rights come to us from the Creator and are inalienable — and consistent with Madison’s understanding of the Bill of Rights, the government has no freedom of speech. Government only can exercise the powers we have given it. Nowhere in the Constitution did the states give such powers to the feds, and nowhere did the people give such powers to the states. We don’t elect government to identify ideas it loves or hates. We elect it to protect the expression of all ideas.
Stated differently, who cares what the government thinks?
Last week, the California Coastal Commission — once notorious for taking land without just compensation — reminded us that in California, one needs to care. The CCC denied the request of SpaceX for launching permission because members of the Commission disagreed with the politics of SpaceX’s principal shareholder, Elon Musk. One Commission member even stated that she voted against the launching request because Musk himself had tweeted “political falsehoods” about FEMA and climate issues.
This is sophistry. Under the First Amendment, there is no such thing as a false political idea.
Surely, the folks who work in government have free speech rights, and they are free to exercise them. However, they cannot commandeer the government and use it as an instrument to reward or punish speech. Why not? Because when the government speaks, it chills the rights of others to speak who disagree with it, and that chilling constitutes the very infringement that the First Amendment was written to prohibit.
Chilling occurs when the government makes it easier for some to speak freely or more difficult for others to do so. Government does that when it expresses favoritism or hatred in the marketplace of ideas.
Whatever one thinks of Musk, the government has no business exercising the levers of power against him based on his political speech. Can government condemn McDonald’s as a health menace for selling fatty foods? Can it condemn pro-life groups as domestic terrorists for publicly attempting to dissuade young women from having abortions? Can it condemn young socialists as “enemies within” for demanding confiscation and redistribution of property? Can it condemn the free press as a public enemy when the press criticizes it? The answer to all these hypotheticals (the last is not so hypothetical today) is: No.
The First Amendment was written to keep the government out of the marketplace of ideas. The whole purpose of the First Amendment is to encourage and foment open, wide, robust, unbridled — even caustic and hateful — speech about the government; speech without fear or favor from the government; speech without government interference; speech without government challenge or reward.
In the most liberal state in America — where free speech was once sacrosanct — it is now subject to official government disapproval. That is, until the courts do their job of protecting the free speech of an unpopular minority so that individuals can decide for themselves what to hear and believe, free from government interference.
In America, thanks to the First Amendment, no one should hesitate to express any opinion publicly for fear of incurring the wrath of the government. And no government can constitutionally punish or isolate any person or group because of their exercise of the freedom of speech. Government officials not faithful to those first principles have violated their oaths to uphold the Constitution. Why do we repose constitutional principles for safekeeping into the hands of those who reject them? If unchecked, where will this take us?
Judge Andrew Napolitano
Sample Questions:
- Judge, why have so many surrendered to the government and handed over their Constitutional protections?
- What will it take to recover that which government has taken from us?
10:35 AM ET
Segment Topic:
Kamala sits down with Bret Baier:
- Kamala Cut 1: Illegal Immigration
- Kamala Cut 2: She is a uniter
- Kamala Cut 3: Trump: The enemy within
- Kamala 4: Trump is unstable
- Kamala 5: Trump is unfit to serve
- Does Joe Biden have cancer?
- Kamala 6: Iran
- Kamala 7: Trans Surgeries
Sample Questions:
- Did Bret Baier hold Kamala’s feet to the fire last night?
- What was her worst moment?
- Did she answer any direct question?
11:10 AM ET
Segment Topic:
- Kamala at a PA Campaign stop claims that Trump is unfit to serve and props up RINOS to support her claims.
- Biden threatens Trump with prison. Perhaps, he himself should worry about serving in prison?
Sample Questions:
- Kamala presented several RINO’s at her PA campaign stop yesterday; will they inflict any damage on Trump’s chances?
- Joe Biden appeared to threaten Trump with prison after he loses in November; is that a good idea for an un-convicted felon – such as Joe Biden?
11:35 AM ET
Segment Topic:
The Biden Regime announces another round of student loan forgiveness.
Sample Questions:
- Why has the Biden Regime continued to forgive student loans when the SCOTUS has ruled against this?
- What is behind this latest round of loan bailouts?
- Why can’t I have my car loan or mortgage forgiven?
Community Guidelines
Thank you for being part of the DTDMedia Community. We value our producers and encourage an active participation by having everyone ask questions vote and chat. In order to keep the DTD Media Community and this platform engaging and respectful to all members we request all commenters adhere to our guidelines.
Respectful Debate: We encourage a variety of opinions and open debate but please refrain from using threatening language or making direct threats. Civil discourse is key.
Accuracy and Ownership: Ensure that your contributions are either factual or clearly presented as your own opinions. Posts containing illegal, discriminatory, offensive or misleading content will not be tolerated.”
Use Real Names: For a better and more respectful experience we encourage participants to use their real names rather than nicknames. People tend to be more considerate when their identity is known.
Language: Please use English when posting comments or questions as this is the primary language of our event.
Stay On Topic: Keep discussions relevant to the event topic. If you have a different topic in mind please wait for an appropriate session or thread.”
Question Submission: When asking questions please use the designated questions field and select the appropriate category from the dropdown menu. Do not add comments in the question field; they will be removed. All comments should be posted in the chat section.
Be Respectful: Engage in discussions with kindness and respect for others. Differences in opinion should be addressed with civility to maintain a constructive environment.
Avoid Negativity: If you encounter negativity or hostile behavior consider your response carefully. Engaging in a positive and constructive manner helps foster a better community.”
Moderation: We reserve the right to moderate and remove comments that are abusive, spammy, off-topic, or otherwise inappropriate. Even partial violations may result in the removal of a post.
Reporting Issues: If you notice inappropriate content please report it to our moderation team at the following email address: Include a direct link or reference to the specific session or chat where the issue occurred. While we may not respond to all reports individually please know that your concerns are reviewed and taken seriously.
By following these guidelines you contribute to a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone. Thank you for your cooperation and for making this event a success!
Jake Smith
Walt Palmer
Technical Director
Julia Hardy
Panel Liaison
Mark Giuliani
Real News Talk Logo Graphics LED Pixels Light Effect
Storyblocks Asset ID: SBV-302248713
Music Track: About The Lion and The Cuckoo
Artist: Radioactive Pokemon
Written by: Alexander, Denis
Album: Through the thorns of a dead forest
Visuaizer: About The Lion and The Cuckoo –
Radio… (First release on YouTube) Spotify:…
Your News Talk America with Jake Smith | Ep. 15 – 10/11/2024
Your News Talk America with Jake Smith. Welcome to the digital and interactive program.
To participate live by asking and voting on questions, chatting with viewers, and watching the show, got to and click the “Watch Here” button. You can view questions by clicking on the “Recent”, “Popular”, or “On Deck” buttons at the top of the left column.
To ask a question fill out the field on the left. You may vote on questions by pressing on the up and down arrow to the left of each question. You can watch the show in the middle and see current questions below the show window. You are the “Producers”, ask questions and your votes count. There will be way more questions than time which makes voting important.
You can chat with other Producers and comment in the chat which is in the right column. You can keep notes by clicking the link to the right of your name in the upper right corner. If you asked your question in Mukana, and there is an issue with ti or we run out of time we will send your question back to your notes. Show notes will be posted on and the shows will be posted the following week.
10:10 AM ET
Segment Topic:
The Biden-Harris administration Is lying to the American public when they claim that FEMA is out of money. What is the Truth about FEMA and their response to the victims of Hurricane Helene?
Unfortunately, the Biden-Harris administration has not only been slow to respond, with anecdotal accounts of soldiers at Fort Liberty (formerly Fort Bragg) in North Carolina being denied leave to rescue their friends and neighbors in the Smoky Mountains.
Rather than going into overdrive with a massive public-private search and rescue mission, the Biden-Harris administration has let the people of Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Tennessee, South Carolina and Virginia down through their deadly failure to treat the devastation caused by Hurricane Helene as a major emergency.
DHS Chief Alejandro Mayorkas is being blasted for saying that FEMA has no money left to help Americans in need, even as he has spent billions to fly migrants into and around the country while feeding, housing, and clothing them, all at taxpayer expense.
As the South and East reel from the disastrous effect of Hurricane Helene, many are slamming the absenteeism of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) as millions struggle to recover from the devastation.
Rick Manning is the President Americans for Limited Government. A long-time public affairs professional, Rick served as the Public Affairs Chief of Staff at the U.S. Department of Labor during the George W. Bush Administration, where he was twice recognized by the Secretary for Exceptional Achievement.
Judd T. Saul, is a film producer, director and missionary. Saul is the Executive Director of Equipping the Persecuted, a mission that is focused on helping the persecuted Christians in Nigeria.
Sample Questions:
- Joe Biden has accused President Trump of lying about FEMA’s response to Hurricane Helene; what is your response?
- What do you both think about FEMA’s response to Helene?
- Do you both believe Kamala Harris has attempted to use Helene and Milton for political gain?
- Given the response on the part of NG”s, such as Samaritans Purse, Operation Helo and Grey Bull Rescue, is it time to rethink planning for emergencies?
10:35 AM ET
Segment Topic:
A shadow climate government agency exists:
After more than eight months of litigation with the U.S. Department of State, Power The Future is suing the Department of Justice (DOJ) over their systemic cover-up of the secretive Office of the Special Presidential Envoy for Climate (SPEC.) For years, Power The Future has filed Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests seeking basic information about the taxpayer-funded office formerly run by John Kerry. At every turn, the Biden-Harris Administration has thwarted the law and used stalling tactics to keep this information hidden.
In the latest development, DOJ and agencies have made it clear that no documents related to Mr. Kerry and his climate office will be released until after the November election. Is the DOJ hiding climate and energy lies?
Daniel Turner, Executive Director, Power the Future:
Power The Future, a national nonprofit organization that advocates for American energy jobs. He comments regularly on trends related to energy, environmental policies, and politics in the media and has been published at, New York Post, RealClearEnergy, Washington Times, Daily Caller, Washington Examiner, The Federalist, Human Events, and The Spectator. He appears regularly on Fox Business, Fox News, Newsmax, OANN, and more. He’s also a frequent guest on Tim Pool’s Timcast IRL. You can watch clips of him here.
Frank Lasee, author of Climate and Energy Lies: Expensive, Dangerous & Destructive.
“Do Not Fear Climate Change, Fear Climate Change Policy”
Across the modern world, we are being told that the climate is heating up, creating a climate crisis. This well-funded propaganda, commonly called “Climate Alarmism,” is founded on lies. These “Climate and Energy Lies” will impoverish communities, states, and entire nations, robbing citizens of their freedoms. What’s more, the psychological fear triggered by Climate Alarmism is used to control populations. To herd them into making decisions that favor corporations and politicians, at the average citizen’s expense. At its core, Climate Alarmism is a tool in a dark globalist political and corporate agenda.
Energy inflation and bureaucratic meddling for the sake of reducing greenhouse gases are the first steps toward global control through Climate Alarmism.
The “Green” movement is financed with borrowed tax money, oppressive regulations, and ever more expensive electricity and energy. This adds to the $34 trillion U.S. national debt.
The West scrambles to purchase wind towers, solar panels, batteries, and electric car components from the world’s greatest polluter and Alarmism beneficiary, totalitarian Communist China.
“Green” Chinese products are made with dirty coal power, near slave labor, and almost no environmental protections. They are often more detrimental to earth (and our national debt) than fossil fuel energy.
Thankfully, the climate crisis is an imaginary threat. In “Climate and Energy Lies,” Frank Lasee details these lies, using hundreds of mainstream sources and graphs. However imaginary the climate crisis is, the threat of prosperity and freedom disintegrating is real. We shouldn’t fear climate change, we should fear climate change policy!
Will the West choose a prosperous future or succumb to the Climate and Energy Lies?
Sample Questions:
- Daniel, was John Kerry involved in running (what is in essence) an underground, subversive (shadow) government agency as a work-around climate government?
- Frank you have called this global climate hoax: Well-funded propaganda, commonly called “Climate Alarmism, founded on lies.” If we do not fight back harder against this hoax, tell us what is at stake for the nation?
- In 24-days, we will (unless the Dem-Com’s) commit massive fraud, send Donald Trump back to the White House. If he attempts to drill, drill, drill, will the Marxist EPA block his efforts at every turn?
11:10 AM ET
Segment Topic:
Has Kamala’s media blitz done more harm to her campaign? Drinking beer on national TV while the dead are unaccounted for in North Carolina and Hurricane Milton preparations were underway?
Did Donald Trump commit high crimes and misdemeanors by sending Vladimir Putin a COVID test kit? Is Bob Woodward up to his old tricks again?
Jeffrey Lord, Former advisor to President Ronald Reagan, Associate Editor of the American Spectator, frequent contributor for Newsmax and host of the Word of the Lord Podcast and a very good friend to this radio program.
Sample Questions:
- Jeffrey, this week, Kamala chugged a beer on national TV, is this as damaging to her image as Mike Dukakis riding in a tank?
- Bob Woodward’s new book has been released. Do you see anything which would change any committed voter? Do you see anything which would sway any undecided voters?
- Trump spent more time in PA, with a rally on Wednesday in Scranton. Do you see any differences in Trump support between 2020 and 2024?
- Dick Morris is predicting a Reagan 1980 like landslide. Do you agree?
11:35 AM ET
Segment Topic:
Federal Agencies permitted illegals (without proper identification) to fly on commercial aircraft, while American citizens cannot.
Ira Mehlman, Media Director, Federation for American Immigration Reform
Ira joined FAIR in 1986 with experience as a journalist, professor of journalism, special assistant, and press secretary of the House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee. His columns have appeared in National Review, LA Times, NY Times, Washington Post, Newsweek, and more. He is an experienced TV and radio commentator.
Sample Questions:
- Ira, since 9-11, I cannot even get access to an airport gate, much less an aircraft, without a government-issued ID. What is the truth about this?
- Can you outline this scheme, how taxpayer dollars were used by the Border Czar to smuggle illegals into the United States?
There are violent gang members inside our country right now, warring with domestic gangs, why is half the country OK with this?
- Ira, if Trump returns to the White House, has FAIR evaluated his promise for a mass deportation effort? Blue states will put up all sorts of roadblocks. Police, who report to Dem-Com politicians will not put their jobs and pensions on the line to participate; however they will put their lives on the line when facing a Guatemalan gang member in the middle of the night.
Community Guidelines
Thank you for being part of the DTDMedia Community. We value our producers and encourage an active participation by having everyone ask questions vote and chat. In order to keep the DTD Media Community and this platform engaging and respectful to all members we request all commenters adhere to our guidelines.
Respectful Debate: We encourage a variety of opinions and open debate but please refrain from using threatening language or making direct threats. Civil discourse is key.
Accuracy and Ownership: Ensure that your contributions are either factual or clearly presented as your own opinions. Posts containing illegal, discriminatory, offensive or misleading content will not be tolerated.”
Use Real Names: For a better and more respectful experience we encourage participants to use their real names rather than nicknames. People tend to be more considerate when their identity is known.
Language: Please use English when posting comments or questions as this is the primary language of our event.
Stay On Topic: Keep discussions relevant to the event topic. If you have a different topic in mind please wait for an appropriate session or thread.”
Question Submission: When asking questions please use the designated questions field and select the appropriate category from the dropdown menu. Do not add comments in the question field; they will be removed. All comments should be posted in the chat section.
Be Respectful: Engage in discussions with kindness and respect for others. Differences in opinion should be addressed with civility to maintain a constructive environment.
Avoid Negativity: If you encounter negativity or hostile behavior consider your response carefully. Engaging in a positive and constructive manner helps foster a better community.”
Moderation: We reserve the right to moderate and remove comments that are abusive, spammy, off-topic, or otherwise inappropriate. Even partial violations may result in the removal of a post.
Reporting Issues: If you notice inappropriate content please report it to our moderation team at the following email address: Include a direct link or reference to the specific session or chat where the issue occurred. While we may not respond to all reports individually please know that your concerns are reviewed and taken seriously.
By following these guidelines you contribute to a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone. Thank you for your cooperation and for making this event a success!
Jake Smith
Walt Palmer
Technical Director
Julia Hardy
Panel Liaison
Mark Giuliani
Real News Talk Logo Graphics LED Pixels Light Effect
Storyblocks Asset ID: SBV-302248713
Music Track: About The Lion and The Cuckoo
Artist: Radioactive Pokemon
Written by: Alexander, Denis
Album: Through the thorns of a dead forest
Visuaizer: About The Lion and The Cuckoo –
Radio… (First release on YouTube) Spotify:…
Your News Talk America with Jake Smith – 10/10/2024
There is no video today.
Your News Talk America with Jake Smith. Welcome to the digital and interactive program.
To participate live by asking and voting on questions, chatting with viewers, and watching the show, got to and click the “Watch Here” button. You can view questions by clicking on the “Recent”, “Popular”, or “On Deck” buttons at the top of the left column.
To ask a question fill out the field on the left. You may vote on questions by pressing on the up and down arrow to the left of each question. You can watch the show in the middle and see current questions below the show window. You are the “Producers”, ask questions and your votes count. There will be way more questions than time which makes voting important.
You can chat with other Producers and comment in the chat which is in the right column. You can keep notes by clicking the link to the right of your name in the upper right corner. If you asked your question in Mukana, and there is an issue with ti or we run out of time we will send your question back to your notes. Show notes will be posted on and the shows will be posted the following week.
10:10 AM ET
Segment Topic:
The Government Compels Silence Again!
When Congress enacted the Stored Communications Act of 1986 (SCA), it claimed the statute would guarantee the privacy of digital data that service providers were retaining in storage. The act prohibited the providers from sharing the stored data, and it prohibited unauthorized access to the data, commonly called computer hacking — except, of course, if the recipients or the hackers were working for the federal government.
Just as it did with the Patriot Act of 2001 — which permits one federal agent to authorize another to conduct a search of stored data, without a judicially issued search warrant — the SCA permits judges to issue “orders” for searches without meeting the probable cause standard required by the Fourth Amendment.
Just like the Patriot Act — which in its original form prohibited the recipient of agent-issued search warrants, called National Security Letters (NSLs), from telling any persons of their existence — the SCA requires judges who issue orders for a search, upon the request of the government, to bar the custodian of the data who has received the order from informing the person whose data is sought.
What if the person whose data is sought has a claim of privacy on the data? What if the owner and creator of the data relied on the Fourth Amendment to keep the government’s hands off of it? What if that person was the President of the United States at the time he created the data? What if he has a claim of executive privilege on it? What if all persons have a privacy claim on all stored data and have a right to resist the government’s efforts to seek it?
Here is the backstory.
Is a judicial order for data under the SCA a search warrant under the Fourth Amendment? It is, after all, a judicial order directing and authorizing an official of the executive branch to surveil and seize private property, and it does specifically describe the place to be searched or the thing to be seized. But, because it is not based on probable cause of crime as the Fourth Amendment requires, the short answer is: No.
In United States v. Carpenter (2018), the Supreme Court ruled that orders for data based on governmental need, rather than probable cause of crime, are constitutionally defective and the data cannot be used at trial.
But the government, which knows how to evade an uncomfortable constitutional provision or Supreme Court opinion, has continued to use the SCA as a means around them. This became apparent this week in a case before the Supreme Court involving former President Donald Trump, Jack Smith and Elon Musk.
Two years ago, Smith, the Special Counsel prosecuting Trump for alleged Jan. 6 crimes, obtained an order from a federal judge in Washington, D.C., directing X — formerly known as Twitter — to surrender copies of communications sent and received by Trump in January 2021, and prohibiting X from informing Trump. This was not a search warrant, as it was not based on probable cause of crime. It was an SCA order based on governmental need.
The SCA is unconstitutional on its face. This is so because it directly defies the Fourth Amendment, which guarantees privacy by requiring a showing under oath of probable cause of crime as the absolute precondition of all government searches and seizures. Nevertheless, X complied with the order, but filed a secret application with the judge who issued it seeking to vacate the order for silence.
Government orders for silence have a long and troubled history. The same First Amendment that prohibits Congress from infringing upon the freedom of speech also prohibits the government from compelling speech. If Congress cannot infringe upon or compel speech, how can it compel silence? It cannot constitutionally do so.
In 2005, in Bridgeport, Connecticut, two elderly librarians were at work one day when two young men walked into the library and identified themselves as FBI agents. They handed one of the librarians an NSL, which had been authorized by their boss. After the librarian who received the NSL handed it to her colleague, the agents threatened to arrest both of them for violating the Patriot Act’s command of silence.
The Patriot Act prohibited the recipient of an NSL from telling anyone — even a lawyer — of the receipt of it. The feds in Bridgeport were looking to discover who had read certain books. What? These were government-owned books in a government-owned library; how can reading them be a crime? Moreover, the right to read is a fundamental liberty protected by the First Amendment from government infringement without due process and by the Fourth Amendment from government surveillance without a search warrant.
When the librarians sued for the right to discuss the receipt of the NSL, the feds charged them with criminal violations of the Patriot Act by discussing the receipt of the NSL with their lawyers.
After a federal district court granted and a federal appellate court upheld the relief the librarians sought, and the criminal case against them was dismissed, Congress amended the Patriot Act to permit recipients of NSLs to discuss them with counsel. By then, five different federal judges had declared the silence provisions of the Patriot Act unconstitutional.
That should have been the end of commands for silence, but it wasn’t.
When lawyers for X argued that the SCA infringed upon Musk’s freedom of speech to tell Trump what the feds were up to, a federal district court rejected that argument and a federal appellate court upheld the rejection. X appealed to the Supreme Court, and the court — without an opinion or a dissent — declined to hear X’s appeal.
Here we go again. Doesn’t the Constitution mean what it says? Of what value are constitutional guarantees if those in whose hands we repose them for safekeeping secretly and repeatedly decline to do so? How does this end?
From NPR:
23andMe is on the brink. What happens to all its DNA data?
From the Guardian:
The US government may ask a judge to force the breakup of Google’s business as it attempts to challenge the tech corporation’s monopoly over the internet search market.
The Department of Justice has filed court papers that say it is considering enforcing “structural remedies” that would prevent Google from using some of its products such as Chrome, Android and Play, which the DoJ argues give the company an advantage over rivals.
Other actions being considered include blocking Google from paying to have its search engine pre-installed on smartphones and other devices.
Google, which is owned by Alphabet, said it would challenge any case by the DoJ and that the proposals marked an “overreach” by the government that would harm consumers.
Judge Andrew Napolitano (Jake and the Judge)
Sample Questions:
- Judge, why should Americans be concerned about the SCA?
- What will 23andMe is almost bankrupt. If it the DNA testing service folds, what will happen to the DNA data of 15 million customers? Could this DNA data be sold-off by order of a bankruptcy court?
- Judge, what is your response to the government’s attempt to break-up Google?
10:35 AM ET
Segment Topic:
It is 25 days until election day, what are Trump’s chances of retaking the White House and will his coattails bring Republican control to the Senate?
What damage did Kamala’s 60-Minutes interview do to her chances? Did drinking a beer with Stephen Colbert, with hurricane victims suffering a good idea?
Roger Stone
Sample Questions:
- Roger, are you optimistic about Trump’s chances 25-days from today?
- Are you concerned about election fraud this year?
- Can you speak to the disaster that is Kamala The Commie? Her campaign wants her to get media exposure, however every time she does, event with softball sit-down’s, she embarrasses herself every time.
- Will chugging a beer with Stephen Colbert earn her any support with independent voters?
11:10 AM ET
Segment Topic:
- NYC Mayor Eric Adams is under indictment. Members of his administration are bailing on him; but why?
- Will New York Governor, Kathy Hochul force Adams out of office?
- How much longer can he last?
- Wiseguys preview: Saturday night 10PM ET
John Tabacco, Newsmax Anchor, Host of Wise Guys
Sample Questions:
- Members of Adams administration are bailing on him; but why?
- Will New York Governor, Kathy Hochul force Adams out of office? How much longer can he last?
11:35 AM ET
Segment Topic:
Did Donald Trump commit treason by sending a COVID test kit to Vladimir Putin? Is Bob Woodward up to his old tricks again?
Tyler Nixon, political historian, strategist and attorney.
Sample Questions:
What is Bob Woodward up to Tyler?
If Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation, why isn’t this BS – Woodward disinformation?
Community Guidelines
Thank you for being part of the DTDMedia Community. We value our producers and encourage an active participation by having everyone ask questions vote and chat. In order to keep the DTD Media Community and this platform engaging and respectful to all members we request all commenters adhere to our guidelines.
Respectful Debate: We encourage a variety of opinions and open debate but please refrain from using threatening language or making direct threats. Civil discourse is key.
Accuracy and Ownership: Ensure that your contributions are either factual or clearly presented as your own opinions. Posts containing illegal, discriminatory, offensive or misleading content will not be tolerated.”
Use Real Names: For a better and more respectful experience we encourage participants to use their real names rather than nicknames. People tend to be more considerate when their identity is known.
Language: Please use English when posting comments or questions as this is the primary language of our event.
Stay On Topic: Keep discussions relevant to the event topic. If you have a different topic in mind please wait for an appropriate session or thread.”
Question Submission: When asking questions please use the designated questions field and select the appropriate category from the dropdown menu. Do not add comments in the question field; they will be removed. All comments should be posted in the chat section.
Be Respectful: Engage in discussions with kindness and respect for others. Differences in opinion should be addressed with civility to maintain a constructive environment.
Avoid Negativity: If you encounter negativity or hostile behavior consider your response carefully. Engaging in a positive and constructive manner helps foster a better community.”
Moderation: We reserve the right to moderate and remove comments that are abusive, spammy, off-topic, or otherwise inappropriate. Even partial violations may result in the removal of a post.
Reporting Issues: If you notice inappropriate content please report it to our moderation team at the following email address: Include a direct link or reference to the specific session or chat where the issue occurred. While we may not respond to all reports individually please know that your concerns are reviewed and taken seriously.
By following these guidelines you contribute to a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone. Thank you for your cooperation and for making this event a success!
Jake Smith
Walt Palmer
Technical Director
Julia Hardy
Panel Liaison
Mark Giuliani
Real News Talk Logo Graphics LED Pixels Light Effect
Storyblocks Asset ID: SBV-302248713
Music Track: About The Lion and The Cuckoo
Artist: Radioactive Pokemon
Written by: Alexander, Denis
Album: Through the thorns of a dead forest
Visuaizer: About The Lion and The Cuckoo –
Radio… (First release on YouTube) Spotify:…
Your News Talk America with Jake Smith – 10/09/2024
Video is available on Fridays
Your News Talk America with Jake Smith. Welcome to the digital and interactive program.
To participate live by asking and voting on questions, chatting with viewers, and watching the show, got to and click the “Watch Here” button. You can view questions by clicking on the “Recent”, “Popular”, or “On Deck” buttons at the top of the left column.
To ask a question fill out the field on the left. You may vote on questions by pressing on the up and down arrow to the left of each question. You can watch the show in the middle and see current questions below the show window. You are the “Producers”, ask questions and your votes count. There will be way more questions than time which makes voting important.
You can chat with other Producers and comment in the chat which is in the right column. You can keep notes by clicking the link to the right of your name in the upper right corner. If you asked your question in Mukana, and there is an issue with ti or we run out of time we will send your question back to your notes. Show notes will be posted on and the shows will be posted the following week.
9:10 – 9:12: Post 28 Segment
9:12 – 9:15: Break
9:15 – 9:30: Eastern Sussex First Responders need our help!
Mark Schaefer, Sussex County Councilman;
Deanna Lobe, EMS Supervisor, Georgetown EMS Ambulance
9:30 – 9:33 Break (Marine Weather/Fox Business)
9:33: Post 28 Segment
9:33 – 9:45: Wreaths Across America Annual Fundraiser
Robin Airey, Local Coordinator
9:45 – 9:48: Break
9:48 – 9:57:49: WAA segment continues9:59:49 – 10:08: Hard Break/News/Fishing Report
10:08 – 10:10: Post 28 Segment
10:10 – 10:15: Our Neglect of Men is Having Devastating Consequences on Families, the Economy and if men decide the 2024 election?
Edward Bartlett, President of the International Council for Men and Boys (ICMB), a non-governmental organization working to assure gender equality for all.
10:15 – 10:18: Break
10:18 – 10:30: Men and boys segment continues!
10:30 – 10:35: Break (Marine Weather/Fox Business)
10:35 – 10:37: Post 28 Segment
10:37 – 10:50: Conservative Criminal Justice Policy Expert discusses WH
National Community Policing Week!
Josh Crawford, director of Criminal Justice initiatives at
Georgia Center for Opportunity
10:55 – 10:59:49: Criminal justice segment continues until 10:59:49
10:59:49 – 11:08: Hard Break
11:08 – 11:10: Post 28 Segment:
11:10 – 11:15: How would a Harris admin handle a global oil crisis if the Middle East conflict escalates?
Tevi Troy, author: The Power and the Money: The Epic Clashes Between Commanders in Chief and Titans of Industry.
11:30 – 11:35: Break – (Marine Weather/Fox Business)
11:35 – 11:37: Post 28 Segment
Community Guidelines
Thank you for being part of the DTDMedia Community. We value our producers and encourage an active participation by having everyone ask questions vote and chat. In order to keep the DTD Media Community and this platform engaging and respectful to all members we request all commenters adhere to our guidelines.
Respectful Debate: We encourage a variety of opinions and open debate but please refrain from using threatening language or making direct threats. Civil discourse is key.
Accuracy and Ownership: Ensure that your contributions are either factual or clearly presented as your own opinions. Posts containing illegal, discriminatory, offensive or misleading content will not be tolerated.”
Use Real Names: For a better and more respectful experience we encourage participants to use their real names rather than nicknames. People tend to be more considerate when their identity is known.
Language: Please use English when posting comments or questions as this is the primary language of our event.
Stay On Topic: Keep discussions relevant to the event topic. If you have a different topic in mind please wait for an appropriate session or thread.”
Question Submission: When asking questions please use the designated questions field and select the appropriate category from the dropdown menu. Do not add comments in the question field; they will be removed. All comments should be posted in the chat section.
Be Respectful: Engage in discussions with kindness and respect for others. Differences in opinion should be addressed with civility to maintain a constructive environment.
Avoid Negativity: If you encounter negativity or hostile behavior consider your response carefully. Engaging in a positive and constructive manner helps foster a better community.”
Moderation: We reserve the right to moderate and remove comments that are abusive, spammy, off-topic, or otherwise inappropriate. Even partial violations may result in the removal of a post.
Reporting Issues: If you notice inappropriate content please report it to our moderation team at the following email address: Include a direct link or reference to the specific session or chat where the issue occurred. While we may not respond to all reports individually please know that your concerns are reviewed and taken seriously.
By following these guidelines you contribute to a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone. Thank you for your cooperation and for making this event a success!