Posts Tagged ‘Jake Smith’
Your News Talk America with Jake Smith – 10/30/2024
Video is Available on Fridays
Out and About
9:08 – 9:10: Client Segment
9:10 – 9:15: Eastern Sussex First Responders need our help! Mark Schaefer, Sussex County Councilman; Michael Suit, VP, Bethany Beach Fire Department
9:15 – 9:20: Break (Weather)
9:20 – 9:30: First Responder segment continues!
9:30 – 9:35: Break (Marine Weather/Fox Business)
9:35 – 9:37: Client Segment
9:37 – 9:45: What role will unions play in the 2024 presidential election? Vinnie Vernuccio, President and co-founder of the Institute for the American Worker
9:45 – 9:50 Break:
9:50 – 9:59:49: Union voter segment continues until 9:59:49 2 of 3
9:59:49 – 10:08: Fox News Break, Sports, Fishing Report
10:08 – 10:10: Client Segment
10:10 – 10:15: Does anyone believe Kamala Harris is no longer an enemy to fossil fuels? What is America’s energy future if Trump wins?
Dan Kish, Senior VP of Policy, American Energy Alliance
10:15 – 10:19: Break
10:19 – 10:30: Energy segment continues until 10:30
10:30 – 10:35 (Marine Weather/Fox Business)
10:37 – 10:45: Axios says the days of big media dominance are over!
Author, Auron MacIntyre, author of The Total State: How Liberal Democracies Become Tyrannies
10:45 – 10:50: Break
10:50 – 10:59:49: Auron MacIntyre segment continues until 11:00
11:00 – 11:08 Fox News Break/Local News
11:08 – 11:10: Client Segment
11:10 – 11:15: YNTA Entrance/Exit Polling
Open Mic for voters at Midway Early Voting Location! 3 of 3
11:15 – 11:20: Break
11:20 – 11:30: Open mic segment continues until 11:30
11:30 – 11:35: (Marine Weather/Fox Business)
11:35 – 11:37: Client Segment
11:37 – 11:45: Entrance/Exit Polling Continues
Open Mic for voters at Midway Early Voting Location!
11:45 – 11:50: Break
11:50 – 11:53: Salute the Troops
Community Guidelines
Thank you for being part of the DTDMedia Community. We value our producers and encourage an active participation by having everyone ask questions vote and chat. In order to keep the DTD Media Community and this platform engaging and respectful to all members we request all commenters adhere to our guidelines.
Respectful Debate: We encourage a variety of opinions and open debate but please refrain from using threatening language or making direct threats. Civil discourse is key.
Accuracy and Ownership: Ensure that your contributions are either factual or clearly presented as your own opinions. Posts containing illegal, discriminatory, offensive or misleading content will not be tolerated.”
Use Real Names: For a better and more respectful experience we encourage participants to use their real names rather than nicknames. People tend to be more considerate when their identity is known.
Language: Please use English when posting comments or questions as this is the primary language of our event.
Stay On Topic: Keep discussions relevant to the event topic. If you have a different topic in mind please wait for an appropriate session or thread.”
Question Submission: When asking questions please use the designated questions field and select the appropriate category from the dropdown menu. Do not add comments in the question field; they will be removed. All comments should be posted in the chat section.
Be Respectful: Engage in discussions with kindness and respect for others. Differences in opinion should be addressed with civility to maintain a constructive environment.
Avoid Negativity: If you encounter negativity or hostile behavior consider your response carefully. Engaging in a positive and constructive manner helps foster a better community.”
Moderation: We reserve the right to moderate and remove comments that are abusive, spammy, off-topic, or otherwise inappropriate. Even partial violations may result in the removal of a post.
Reporting Issues: If you notice inappropriate content please report it to our moderation team at the following email address: Include a direct link or reference to the specific session or chat where the issue occurred. While we may not respond to all reports individually please know that your concerns are reviewed and taken seriously.
By following these guidelines you contribute to a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone. Thank you for your cooperation and for making this event a success!
Jake Smith
Radio Director
Walt Palmer
Streaming Technical Director
Julia Hardy
Real News Talk Logo Graphics
LED Pixels Light Effect
Storyblocks Asset ID: SBV-302248713
Credit for Music Track:
About The Lion and The Cuckoo
Artist: Radioactive Pokemon
Written by: Alexander, Denis
Album: Through the thorns of a dead forest
Visualizer: About The Lion and The Cuckoo
Your News Talk America with Jake Smith – 10/29/2024
Video is Available on Fridays
Your News Talk America with Jake Smith. Welcome to the digital and interactive program.
To participate live by asking and voting on questions, chatting with viewers, and watching the show, got to and click the “Watch Here” button. You can view questions by clicking on the “Recent”, “Popular”, or “On Deck” buttons at the top of the left column.
To ask a question fill out the field on the left. You may vote on questions by pressing on the up and down arrow to the left of each question. You can watch the show in the middle and see current questions below the show window. You are the “Producers”, ask questions and your votes count. There will be way more questions than time which makes voting important.
You can chat with other Producers and comment in the chat which is in the right column. You can keep notes by clicking the link to the right of your name in the upper right corner. If you asked your question in Mukana, and there is an issue with ti or we run out of time we will send your question back to your notes. Show notes will be posted on and the shows will be posted the following week.
10:10 AM ET
Segment Topic:
More election funny business in Pennsylvania?
RNC Chair Michael Whatley: A supporter of President Trump’s was arrested today for encouraging people to stay in the early voting line and cast their ballots freely in Pennsylvania. This follows reports from across the commonwealth that voters are being turned away in conservative areas. This is voter suppression from the left. Do not let them turn you away. GO VOTE!
Pennsylvania GOP Committeewoman and RNC delegate Val Biancaniello was taken away in handcuffs for telling voters at a polling place in Delaware County to stay in line and vote.
It is unclear if Biancaniello was booked and charged.
According to Val Biancaniello, the Democrats were discouraging voters from in-person voting on Monday in Delaware County so she encouraged voters to stay in line.
“I was just taken away in handcuffs at the Delaware County, Pennsylvania Government Center for encouraging people to stay in line and vote,” Val Biancaniello said.
Election bureau workers telling anyone in line that they “should only be in this line for a pressing reason” is a FALSE statement and blatant voter suppression! VOTE! Do not let anyone intimidate you or discourage you from voting! (Val Biancaniello)
Commander Gregory Stenstrom, USN Retired
Commander Stenstrom is the Co-founder Patriot Online and author of “The Parallel Election: A Blueprint for Deception.”
Sample Questions:
- Commander, when you hear of what occurred to Val Biancaniello at a Delaware County polling place, what is your reaction?
- We must assume that local police, under the control of the local Democrat machines will follow orders and lock up those such as Val Biancaniello. Do you agree?
- You attended a hearing yesterday; can you tell us about it?
- What is your reaction to the significant increase in Republican early voting across the country?
- Why then does Pennsylvania show results in sharp contrast to the rest of the country? Dem’s voters are showing a 2-1 margin against Republican early voters.
10:35 AM ET
Segment Topic:
The Gateway Pundit:
- BREAKING! Dem Operative Caught in Undercover Video Explaining How They Allegedly Stole 2020 Election in GA: From Kicking Out GOP Poll Watchers to Nursing Home Ballot Harvesting to Identifying A Driver in 2000 Mules
- Joe, on your brother’s The Gateway Pundit site yesterday came a story about election fraud; an undercover investigation on how the election in GA. was stolen from Trump. I wonder if Fanni knows?
- The face and voice on the undercover video is that of Joel Caldwell, Operations Director for the Georgia Coalition for the Peoples Agenda!
- Why elections are NOT certifiable!
Joe Hoft, Author of the hugely successful book series on the theft of the 2020 election: The Steal, Volumes 1-2&3. You can follow Joe at Joe Hoft dot com. Joe Hoft dot com is election fraud prevention central – check it out today!
Sample Questions:
- Joe, we knew that GA was stolen and now we have video evidence. What is your reaction? Is Fanni going to drop all charges against all defendants in Fulton County? Is Rudy Giuliani going to get all his property back – which was seized?
- As an author of three books on the theft of the 2020 Election do you feel vindicated?
- Joe, where do you believe there are threats of election fraud and theft now?
- Jamie Raskin has been threatening the 14th Amendment as a way of keeping Trump’s victory from being certified on January 6th, 2025. Can you tell us why elections are NOT certifiable?
- Republicans are voting early in droves. How does that change the plans of the Dem-Com’s? Are they less likely to commit fraud because so many Republicans have voted early?
- Joe, how can we hear your podcast?
11:10 AM ET
Segment Topic:
Are the Dem-Com’s planning LAW-FARE if Trump captures the Electoral College? Is George Soros planning to burn American cities if Trump is elected the 47th President of the United States?
Dan Bongino (audio cuts from the Dan Bongino Show 10/28/24):
Cut 1: Is your election day vote any less impactful. 1-2% of voters do not show up if they wait for election day.
Cut 2: There are states in play, which should not be in play for Republicans, unless something has changed in America. Americans are refusing to accept the USSA!
Cut 3: The Dem-Com’s know they are in a world of trouble and they know it. MSG was a 2nd RNC!
Cut 4: If we do not swamp the vote for Trump, the Dem-Coms are planning to tie up the results via Law-Fare to interfere with Trump’s certification on J-6. This lawfare will be much worse for Trump than what we saw last summer. If the results are not overwhelming for Trump, a mathematical impossibility for Kamala the Commie – they will interfere with the American people. The civil war will have really begun.
Cut 5: Who will be at the center of it all? The maggots in Marxist State Media who will refuse to call the race for Trump, even when the results are impossible to deny. Buckle up!
Cut 6: The expected Dem-Com early voting surge NEVER HAPPENED and the Dem-Com’s know it. Republicans surged; Dem-Com’s have not yet shown up!
Cut 7: From November to January period will be one of the most chaotic periods in American history. This will undoubtedly be the Fort Sumter moment we knew was coming.
Cut 8: Megyn Kelly obliterates Bill Marr. Denialism will be on their minds and mouths on November 5th.
Cut 9: Bongino sources tell him that it will be stop and sue if Trump wins. Jamie Raskin has been openly telling us what he plans on doing for months.
Cut 10: Jamie Raskin has telegraphed Dem-Com plans since December 2023 and last August:
Cut 11: They want (The Dem-Com’s) like true communists to shape public opinion and shut down any contradicting media and social media – to keep the truth from the American people. This is COMMUNISM!
Sample Questions:
NONE – there will be no time for questions in this segment.
11:35 AM ET
Segment Topic:
Sample Questions:
Community Guidelines
Thank you for being part of the DTDMedia Community. We value our producers and encourage an active participation by having everyone ask questions vote and chat. In order to keep the DTD Media Community and this platform engaging and respectful to all members we request all commenters adhere to our guidelines.
Respectful Debate: We encourage a variety of opinions and open debate but please refrain from using threatening language or making direct threats. Civil discourse is key.
Accuracy and Ownership: Ensure that your contributions are either factual or clearly presented as your own opinions. Posts containing illegal, discriminatory, offensive or misleading content will not be tolerated.”
Use Real Names: For a better and more respectful experience we encourage participants to use their real names rather than nicknames. People tend to be more considerate when their identity is known.
Language: Please use English when posting comments or questions as this is the primary language of our event.
Stay On Topic: Keep discussions relevant to the event topic. If you have a different topic in mind please wait for an appropriate session or thread.”
Question Submission: When asking questions please use the designated questions field and select the appropriate category from the dropdown menu. Do not add comments in the question field; they will be removed. All comments should be posted in the chat section.
Be Respectful: Engage in discussions with kindness and respect for others. Differences in opinion should be addressed with civility to maintain a constructive environment.
Avoid Negativity: If you encounter negativity or hostile behavior consider your response carefully. Engaging in a positive and constructive manner helps foster a better community.”
Moderation: We reserve the right to moderate and remove comments that are abusive, spammy, off-topic, or otherwise inappropriate. Even partial violations may result in the removal of a post.
Reporting Issues: If you notice inappropriate content please report it to our moderation team at the following email address: Include a direct link or reference to the specific session or chat where the issue occurred. While we may not respond to all reports individually please know that your concerns are reviewed and taken seriously.
By following these guidelines you contribute to a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone. Thank you for your cooperation and for making this event a success!
Jake Smith
Radio Director
Walt Palmer
Streaming Technical Director
Julia Hardy
Real News Talk Logo Graphics
LED Pixels Light Effect
Storyblocks Asset ID: SBV-302248713
Credit for Music Track:
About The Lion and The Cuckoo
Artist: Radioactive Pokemon
Written by: Alexander, Denis
Album: Through the thorns of a dead forest
Visualizer: About The Lion and The Cuckoo
Your News Talk America with Jake Smith – 10/28/2024
Video is Available on Fridays
Your News Talk America with Jake Smith. Welcome to the digital and interactive program.
To participate live by asking and voting on questions, chatting with viewers, and watching the show, got to and click the “Watch Here” button. You can view questions by clicking on the “Recent”, “Popular”, or “On Deck” buttons at the top of the left column.
To ask a question fill out the field on the left. You may vote on questions by pressing on the up and down arrow to the left of each question. You can watch the show in the middle and see current questions below the show window. You are the “Producers”, ask questions and your votes count. There will be way more questions than time which makes voting important.
You can chat with other Producers and comment in the chat which is in the right column. You can keep notes by clicking the link to the right of your name in the upper right corner. If you asked your question in Mukana, and there is an issue with ti or we run out of time we will send your question back to your notes. Show notes will be posted on and the shows will be posted the following week.
10:10 AM ET
Segment Topic:
What was the Trump MSG Rally like from someone who was there?
Jennifer Kerns, Republican Strategist, Host of All-American Radio, has served as Spokeswoman for the California Republican Party, and as a winning GOP strategist for faith and family campaigns across America. As a former TV producer for FOX News, she served as a writer/researcher for one of the “most-watched Presidential debates in American history.” She is the author of the book “The REAL War on Women” and is the only Press Secretary ever to beat Gavin Newsom at the ballot box.
Sample Questions:
- Jennifer, before we discuss what the actual MAGA rally was like for you yesterday as a political observer, you live on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, what was it like to actually get into The Garden?
- Marxist State Media followed Hillary Clinton’s lead and called it a bombastic, racist, misogynist, carnival of grievances. If Trump is elected with an overwhelming mandate in 8-days, what can the average American do to fight back against the fake news. They will be an obstacle to change, don’t you think?
- Jennifer, what is your reaction to Republican early voting and has that put a kink in the Dem-Com’s plans for election fraud?
10:35 AM ET
Segment Topic:
Now that Israel has retaliated against Iran, how much damage was done to Iran’s military capabilities?
General Holt’s opinion piece at Nation’s State of Weakness Opens Doors for Our Enemies, lays out the threats ahead to our nation and every American.
Brigadier General Blaine Holt, USAF Ret. Brig. Gen. Holt is a former Deputy United States Military Representative to (NATO). He supported the Military Representative and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in executing the U.S. political-military mission at the North Atlantic Council. General Holt was a command pilot with more than 3,900 flying hours in a variety of aircraft. He is a frequent contributor to Newsmax.
Sample Questions:
- General Holt, we are only now learning where Israel focused its retaliatory attacks against Iran. Did Tehran believe that Israel did not know about those missile production facilities that they hit last week?
- How successful were those attacks and how well fortified were they against attack?
- What aircraft were used to bomb these Iranian military sites and does the U.S. gain valuable intel from the Israeli’s where our aircraft are used in operations like this?
- Do you believe Iran is going to sit back or do you believe the are going to strike back directly at Israel or by way of their proxies?
- General, last week you wrote an opinion piece, posted on Newsmax, dealing with threats to America from the BRICS Conference and the threat from low-life’s like Jamie Raskin to a peaceful, transfer of power, if President Trump wins on November 5th.
- You point out the MSM is an obstacle to change in American, but are they now a national security threat as well?
11:10 AM ET
Segment Topic:
The main focus at the Trump MAGA rally at MSG last night was inside the historic arena, but what occurred outside should have sent shivers down the spine of the Marxist communists who run NCY and tried to take him down!
John Tobacco, Host of Wise Guys (on Newsmax) and street reporter (for Newsmax) outside MSG on Sunday!
Sample Questions:
- John, what was it like for you to be outside the Garden yesterday?
- Nancy wants to know where you got that jacket?
- How large, do you estimate was the crowd outside? And what about those who packed nearby pubs on 34th – between 7th and 8th?
- Can you update us on the situation with Eric Adams legal problems?
Community Guidelines
Thank you for being part of the DTDMedia Community. We value our producers and encourage an active participation by having everyone ask questions vote and chat. In order to keep the DTD Media Community and this platform engaging and respectful to all members we request all commenters adhere to our guidelines.
Respectful Debate: We encourage a variety of opinions and open debate but please refrain from using threatening language or making direct threats. Civil discourse is key.
Accuracy and Ownership: Ensure that your contributions are either factual or clearly presented as your own opinions. Posts containing illegal, discriminatory, offensive or misleading content will not be tolerated.”
Use Real Names: For a better and more respectful experience we encourage participants to use their real names rather than nicknames. People tend to be more considerate when their identity is known.
Language: Please use English when posting comments or questions as this is the primary language of our event.
Stay On Topic: Keep discussions relevant to the event topic. If you have a different topic in mind please wait for an appropriate session or thread.”
Question Submission: When asking questions please use the designated questions field and select the appropriate category from the dropdown menu. Do not add comments in the question field; they will be removed. All comments should be posted in the chat section.
Be Respectful: Engage in discussions with kindness and respect for others. Differences in opinion should be addressed with civility to maintain a constructive environment.
Avoid Negativity: If you encounter negativity or hostile behavior consider your response carefully. Engaging in a positive and constructive manner helps foster a better community.”
Moderation: We reserve the right to moderate and remove comments that are abusive, spammy, off-topic, or otherwise inappropriate. Even partial violations may result in the removal of a post.
Reporting Issues: If you notice inappropriate content please report it to our moderation team at the following email address: Include a direct link or reference to the specific session or chat where the issue occurred. While we may not respond to all reports individually please know that your concerns are reviewed and taken seriously.
By following these guidelines you contribute to a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone. Thank you for your cooperation and for making this event a success!
Jake Smith
Radio Director
Walt Palmer
Streaming Technical Director
Julia Hardy
Real News Talk Logo Graphics
LED Pixels Light Effect
Storyblocks Asset ID: SBV-302248713
Credit for Music Track:
About The Lion and The Cuckoo
Artist: Radioactive Pokemon
Written by: Alexander, Denis
Album: Through the thorns of a dead forest
Visualizer: About The Lion and The Cuckoo
Your News Talk America with Jake Smith | Ep. 17 – 10/25/2024
Your News Talk America with Jake Smith. Welcome to the digital and interactive program.
To participate live by asking and voting on questions, chatting with viewers, and watching the show, got to and click the “Watch Here” button. You can view questions by clicking on the “Recent”, “Popular”, or “On Deck” buttons at the top of the left column.
To ask a question fill out the field on the left. You may vote on questions by pressing on the up and down arrow to the left of each question. You can watch the show in the middle and see current questions below the show window. You are the “Producers”, ask questions and your votes count. There will be way more questions than time which makes voting important.
You can chat with other Producers and comment in the chat which is in the right column. You can keep notes by clicking the link to the right of your name in the upper right corner. If you asked your question in Mukana, and there is an issue with ti or we run out of time we will send your question back to your notes. Show notes will be posted on and the shows will be posted the following week.
10:10 AM ET
Segment Topic:
Who Leaked Israel’s Plan to Attack Iran? The CIA? Iranian agents inside the U.S. Government?
Kenneth Abramowitz, author of The Multifront War: Defending America From Political Islam, China, Russia, Pandemics, and Racial Strife. Ken is the founder of, a website dedicated to saving Western Civilization from itself.
Eric Caron is a retired U.S. Diplomat, U.S. Special Agent, HSBC Middle East Bank Executive and author of SWITCHED ON – The Heart and Mind of a Special Agent. He is also an Adjunct Professor at the Massachusetts Maritime Academy on Cape Cod, where he teaches a course on How to Identify and Prevent Transnational Crime, and Cyber Security. Eric Caron has held senior positions within the Department of Treasury, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and INTERPOL.
Sample Questions:
- Ken, who do you believe is responsible for the intel leak?
- Iranian infiltration of our government is nothing new. Why are agents of Tehran hired to work inside our government?
- How much damage has this leak done to the relationship between Israel and the U.S.?
- Is Iran nervous about another Trump term and are they worried about Israel’s incursion into Southern Lebanon?
10:35 AM ET
Segment Topic:
- Election integrity, how can we ensure that the 2024 election cannot be stolen?
- The state of Florida is suing the Biden administration over what it claims is a refusal to verify immigration records so that the Sunshine State can ensure the integrity of its voter rolls and prevent noncitizens from voting. (Fox News)
- Fulton Judge Strikes Down Seven New Election Rules, Including Hand-Counting of Ballots After Polls Close and Mandatory Video Surveillance of Drop Boxes, Claiming It is “Illegal, Unconstitutional and Void” (The Gateway Pundit)
- Republicans are early-voting in numbers never before seen. Is this out of fear of election fraud?
Ken Cuccinelli, Chairman of the Election Transparency Initiative:
Ken served in the federal government, first as the acting director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, and then as the acting deputy secretary for the Department of Homeland Security.
During his tenure, Cuccinelli was a leading spokesman for the administration on immigration, election security and homeland security issues, and was appointed by the president to serve as an original member of the Coronavirus Task Force upon the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic.
In addition to practicing law for over 25 years, Cuccinelli served in state government in the Virginia Senate from 2002-2010 and as Virginia’s attorney general from 2010-2014. Cuccinelli earned a mechanical engineering degree from the University of Virginia, a law degree from the Antonin Scalia Law School at George Mason University, and a master’s in international transactions from George Mason University.
Sample Questions:
- Ken, can you tell us that the top 10 election litigation cases in 2024 implicating the rule of law?
- Commander Stenstrom, can you update us on the SCOYUS case and other election (legal) cases you are involved in?
- Will battleground North Carolina voters overcome Hurricane Helene challenges?
- Officials in North Carolina, Georgia say Helene will not derail voting in presidential election
- “Buncombe County will vote,” said one North Carolina elections official.
- Ken, what is the status of the SAVE Act?
11:10 AM ET
Segment Topic:
- Philadelphia Firefighters Union flips and endorses Dave McCormick for U.S. Senate.
- Bob Casey joined two other left-wing U.S. Senators to accuse McDonalds of price gouging the day after Trump made a campaign stop at a local Golden Arches!
- Is the Kamala Campaign coming apart at the seems when she cannot handle a CNN Townhall? Even David Axelrod says it was “Word Salad City.”
- Compare the final days of the 1980 campaign to today?
Jeffrey Lord, Former advisor to President Ronald Reagan, Associate Editor of the American Spectator, frequent contributor for Newsmax and host of the Word of the Lord Podcast and a very good friend to this radio program.
Sample Questions:
- Jeffrey, Bob Casey’s campaign is all over the place, like Kamala’s. One day he is aligned with Trump, the next day, he retaliates against McDonalds, accusing them of price gouging for prices he helped to drive up by voting for the Inflation Reduction Act. What are the odds that Dave McCormick will be heading to the Senate in January?
- Let’s talk about Trump coattails; do you see any possible comparison with Reagan’s 1980 coattails, which delivered the U.S. Senate for the Republicans?
- How huge was Trump’s campaign stop at a local McDonalds? Was it similar to Reagan’s in the burned-out South Bronx?
- Jeffrey, if Trump wins in a landslide, the news networks are not the same as they were in 1980. Will they try to withhold calling the election on November 5th for Trump in an effort to help Kamala and the Democrats find where ballot shortfalls are needed?
- What is your opinion of the hit jobs The Atlantic has done on Trump – with just 11-days until election day?
- Do you see any indication of more Republicans participating in early voting in PA and if so, how important is this?
11:35 AM ET
Segment Topic:
Is Kamala’s DOJ sending FBI Agents to the Voting Booths? What is the Election Threats Task Force?
John O’Connor
John D. O’Connor, is author of the book, The Mysteries of Watergate: What Really Happened and Postgate: How the Washington Post Betrayed Deep Throat, Covered Up Watergate, and Began Today’s Partisan Advocacy Journalism and host of The Mysteries of Watergate Podcast.
He served as an Assistant U.S. Attorney in Northern California representing the United States in both criminal and civil cases.
Sample Questions:
John, as a former Assistant U.S. Attorney, what was your reaction to Merrick Garland targeting Trump voters with the announcement of Election Threats Task Force?
- Is this nothing more that election intimidation?
- Your father was an FBI agent, what do you think of agents being assigned once again in a role which will further decay their image with the American people?
- John, what is your advise to voters if they see something that is clearly suspicious at their polling place of they feel that they have been the target of DOJ voter intimidation?
Community Guidelines
Thank you for being part of the DTDMedia Community. We value our producers and encourage an active participation by having everyone ask questions vote and chat. In order to keep the DTD Media Community and this platform engaging and respectful to all members we request all commenters adhere to our guidelines.
Respectful Debate: We encourage a variety of opinions and open debate but please refrain from using threatening language or making direct threats. Civil discourse is key.
Accuracy and Ownership: Ensure that your contributions are either factual or clearly presented as your own opinions. Posts containing illegal, discriminatory, offensive or misleading content will not be tolerated.”
Use Real Names: For a better and more respectful experience we encourage participants to use their real names rather than nicknames. People tend to be more considerate when their identity is known.
Language: Please use English when posting comments or questions as this is the primary language of our event.
Stay On Topic: Keep discussions relevant to the event topic. If you have a different topic in mind please wait for an appropriate session or thread.”
Question Submission: When asking questions please use the designated questions field and select the appropriate category from the dropdown menu. Do not add comments in the question field; they will be removed. All comments should be posted in the chat section.
Be Respectful: Engage in discussions with kindness and respect for others. Differences in opinion should be addressed with civility to maintain a constructive environment.
Avoid Negativity: If you encounter negativity or hostile behavior consider your response carefully. Engaging in a positive and constructive manner helps foster a better community.”
Moderation: We reserve the right to moderate and remove comments that are abusive, spammy, off-topic, or otherwise inappropriate. Even partial violations may result in the removal of a post.
Reporting Issues: If you notice inappropriate content please report it to our moderation team at the following email address: Include a direct link or reference to the specific session or chat where the issue occurred. While we may not respond to all reports individually please know that your concerns are reviewed and taken seriously.
By following these guidelines you contribute to a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone. Thank you for your cooperation and for making this event a success!
Jake Smith
Walt Palmer
Technical Director
Julia Hardy
Panel Liaison
Mark Giuliani
Real News Talk Logo Graphics LED Pixels Light Effect
Storyblocks Asset ID: SBV-302248713
Music Track: About The Lion and The Cuckoo
Artist: Radioactive Pokemon
Written by: Alexander, Denis
Album: Through the thorns of a dead forest
Visuaizer: About The Lion and The Cuckoo –
Radio… (First release on YouTube) Spotify:…
Your News Talk America with Jake Smith – 10/21/2024
Video is Available on Fridays
Your News Talk America with Jake Smith. Welcome to the digital and interactive program.
To participate live by asking and voting on questions, chatting with viewers, and watching the show, got to and click the “Watch Here” button. You can view questions by clicking on the “Recent”, “Popular”, or “On Deck” buttons at the top of the left column.
To ask a question fill out the field on the left. You may vote on questions by pressing on the up and down arrow to the left of each question. You can watch the show in the middle and see current questions below the show window. You are the “Producers”, ask questions and your votes count. There will be way more questions than time which makes voting important.
You can chat with other Producers and comment in the chat which is in the right column. You can keep notes by clicking the link to the right of your name in the upper right corner. If you asked your question in Mukana, and there is an issue with ti or we run out of time we will send your question back to your notes. Show notes will be posted on and the shows will be posted the following week.
10:10 AM ET
Segment Topic:
- Is Kamala Harris and her campaign having problems with Christian voters?
- As reported earlier by Jordan Conradson, The Gateway Pundit, President Trump drove to work a shift on Sunday at a McDonald’s restaurant in Lancaster, Pennsylvania this afternoon.
- President Trump worked a half-hour at the restaurant – a half-hour longer than Kamala Harris – before delivering remarks at a Town Hall event in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
- The crowd was HUMONGOUS outside the restaurant!
- Jim, the crowds of supporters along the route to the McDonalds was incredible!
Jim Hoft, Editor, Publisher, The Gateway Pundit
Sample Questions:
- Sending threatening letters to Trump supporters who show their support by way of a flag or a lawn sign is terrorism – isn’t it?
- Do you expect the DOJ or U.S. Postal Service to investigate?
- How important is it for Trump to get in the trenches with ordinary Americans like he did at a PA McDonalds yesterday?
10:35 AM ET
Segment Topic:
Top U.S. officials are worried about a potential mole inside the Intelligence Community after top secret documents were posted on pro-Iranian social media accounts that allegedly showed what U.S. spy satellites detected happening inside Israel as the country prepares to strike Iran.
House Speaker Mike Johnson expressed deep concerns Sunday about an alleged major leak of US intelligence detailing Israel’s plans to retaliate against Iran and stressed that he’s following the situation “closely.”
Brigadier General Blaine Holt, USAF Ret. Brig. Gen. Holt is a former Deputy United States Military Representative to (NATO). He supported the Military Representative and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in executing the U.S. political-military mission at the
North Atlantic Council. General Holt was a command pilot with more than 3,900 flying hours in a variety of aircraft. He is a frequent contributor to Newsmax.
Sample Questions:
- General, do you believe it was a mole inside the U.S. intel agencies or someone inside the White House who published satellite data of Israeli military preparations to retaliate against Iran?
- If this is true, what does it say about the relationship between Israel and the United States?
- Are there any unforeseen circumstances since the death of Sinwar that you have seen?
11:10 AM ET
Segment Topic:
Kamala Harris and her campaign keep making mistakes when it comes to organized religions. Muslims blame her for the war and the lack of a cease fire, Jews blame for the waves of anti-Semitism sweeping the country and they seem to be willing to repeat the same mistakes with Christians. The latest of those missteps occurred last week in Madison, WI and are only coming to light now.
Sample Questions:
- Americans who identify as members of an organized religion are generally law-abiding and patriotic. If Kamala has such problems with those who identify as religious, what would her presidency look like?
- Will Kamala have no road to an electoral victory if she has no support throughout America’s religious communities? Muslims claim they will not support her. Jews may (for the first time) vote Republican and her anti-Catholic rhetoric is going to do plenty of damage to her on election day.
- Was Kamala’s response to two Christian students at a Madison, WI rally typical of her problems with the mention of any religious representation? Her supporters cursed and pushed out those two Christian students.
Community Guidelines
Thank you for being part of the DTDMedia Community. We value our producers and encourage an active participation by having everyone ask questions vote and chat. In order to keep the DTD Media Community and this platform engaging and respectful to all members we request all commenters adhere to our guidelines.
Respectful Debate: We encourage a variety of opinions and open debate but please refrain from using threatening language or making direct threats. Civil discourse is key.
Accuracy and Ownership: Ensure that your contributions are either factual or clearly presented as your own opinions. Posts containing illegal, discriminatory, offensive or misleading content will not be tolerated.”
Use Real Names: For a better and more respectful experience we encourage participants to use their real names rather than nicknames. People tend to be more considerate when their identity is known.
Language: Please use English when posting comments or questions as this is the primary language of our event.
Stay On Topic: Keep discussions relevant to the event topic. If you have a different topic in mind please wait for an appropriate session or thread.”
Question Submission: When asking questions please use the designated questions field and select the appropriate category from the dropdown menu. Do not add comments in the question field; they will be removed. All comments should be posted in the chat section.
Be Respectful: Engage in discussions with kindness and respect for others. Differences in opinion should be addressed with civility to maintain a constructive environment.
Avoid Negativity: If you encounter negativity or hostile behavior consider your response carefully. Engaging in a positive and constructive manner helps foster a better community.”
Moderation: We reserve the right to moderate and remove comments that are abusive, spammy, off-topic, or otherwise inappropriate. Even partial violations may result in the removal of a post.
Reporting Issues: If you notice inappropriate content please report it to our moderation team at the following email address: Include a direct link or reference to the specific session or chat where the issue occurred. While we may not respond to all reports individually please know that your concerns are reviewed and taken seriously.
By following these guidelines you contribute to a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone. Thank you for your cooperation and for making this event a success!
Jake Smith
Walt Palmer
Technical Director
Julia Hardy
Panel Liaison
Mark Giuliani
Real News Talk Logo Graphics LED Pixels Light Effect
Storyblocks Asset ID: SBV-302248713
Music Track: About The Lion and The Cuckoo
Artist: Radioactive Pokemon
Written by: Alexander, Denis
Album: Through the thorns of a dead forest
Visuaizer: About The Lion and The Cuckoo –
Radio… (First release on YouTube) Spotify:…
Your News Talk America with Jake Smith – 10/22/2024
Video is Available on Fridays
Your News Talk America with Jake Smith. Welcome to the digital and interactive program.
To participate live by asking and voting on questions, chatting with viewers, and watching the show, got to and click the “Watch Here” button. You can view questions by clicking on the “Recent”, “Popular”, or “On Deck” buttons at the top of the left column.
To ask a question fill out the field on the left. You may vote on questions by pressing on the up and down arrow to the left of each question. You can watch the show in the middle and see current questions below the show window. You are the “Producers”, ask questions and your votes count. There will be way more questions than time which makes voting important.
You can chat with other Producers and comment in the chat which is in the right column. You can keep notes by clicking the link to the right of your name in the upper right corner. If you asked your question in Mukana, and there is an issue with ti or we run out of time we will send your question back to your notes. Show notes will be posted on and the shows will be posted the following week.
10:10 AM ET
Segment Topic:
- DOJ deploys district election officers to handle threats and intimidation to poll workers. This is based on rumor and allegations and NOT on any pattern of arrests or convictions?
- It appears that Nathan Wade was getting help from the White House Counsel’s Office after all.
Paul Ingrassia, Esq.
Paul Ingrassia is a Constitutional Scholar; a two-time Claremont Fellow, and is on the Board of Advisors of the New York Young Republican Club and the Italian American Civil Rights League. He writes a widely read Substack that is regularly re-truthed by President Trump. Follow him on X @PaulIngrassia, Substack, Truth Social, Instagram, and Rumble. Last Saturday, paul made his first successful appearance on Wiseguys!
Sample Questions:
- Paul, as a Constitutional Scholar, our government is supposed to function by and for the people. Why is the DOJ in the business of threatening American Citizens and acting to intimidate voters for Donald Trump?
- The fact that Chris Wray’s FBI will be involved in the surveilling and intimidation of Trump voters, what should we keep in mind as we head to the polls?
- Nathan Wade, by way of his closed-door testimony has admitted that he was working with the White House Counsel’s office in coordination with Fani’s phony case in Fulton County. Did not Joe Biden deny that his White House was involved?
- What is likely to occur now that we know the truth about Wade, Fani and the coordination with the Biden-Harris White House?
- Paul, how intimidating was Big Lou?
10:35 AM ET
Segment Topic:
Segment Topics:
- Trump at McDonalds – retail politics at its best?
- Trump Townhall at Bronx Barber Shop?
- Mark Halpern polling trends!
- Kamala has problems with Christians on campaign trail.
Jennifer Kerns, Republican Strategist, Host of All-American Radio.
Sample Questions:
- Jennifer, how successful was Donald Trump’s working the fry’s station and the Drive-Thru at McDonalds on Sunday from a political standpoint?
- The town hall with Trump at a Bronx, NY Barbershop was one of the most interesting moments of this campaign. Life-long Democrat voters admitted that they voted for him in 2016, 2020 and 2024. How important was this moment in your eyes?
- Trump seems to be trending upward in every poll, including battleground states (with the possible exception of WI). What are you seeing? What has jumped out at you?
- Dan Bongino said yesterday that Kamala freaking out overhearing the name of Jesus at a campaign event last Thursday that it was her DEPLORABLES moment. Do you agree?
11:10 AM ET
Segment Topic:
Sample Questions:
11:35 AM ET
Segment Topic:
Sample Questions:
Community Guidelines
Thank you for being part of the DTDMedia Community. We value our producers and encourage an active participation by having everyone ask questions vote and chat. In order to keep the DTD Media Community and this platform engaging and respectful to all members we request all commenters adhere to our guidelines.
Respectful Debate: We encourage a variety of opinions and open debate but please refrain from using threatening language or making direct threats. Civil discourse is key.
Accuracy and Ownership: Ensure that your contributions are either factual or clearly presented as your own opinions. Posts containing illegal, discriminatory, offensive or misleading content will not be tolerated.”
Use Real Names: For a better and more respectful experience we encourage participants to use their real names rather than nicknames. People tend to be more considerate when their identity is known.
Language: Please use English when posting comments or questions as this is the primary language of our event.
Stay On Topic: Keep discussions relevant to the event topic. If you have a different topic in mind please wait for an appropriate session or thread.”
Question Submission: When asking questions please use the designated questions field and select the appropriate category from the dropdown menu. Do not add comments in the question field; they will be removed. All comments should be posted in the chat section.
Be Respectful: Engage in discussions with kindness and respect for others. Differences in opinion should be addressed with civility to maintain a constructive environment.
Avoid Negativity: If you encounter negativity or hostile behavior consider your response carefully. Engaging in a positive and constructive manner helps foster a better community.”
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Reporting Issues: If you notice inappropriate content please report it to our moderation team at the following email address: Include a direct link or reference to the specific session or chat where the issue occurred. While we may not respond to all reports individually please know that your concerns are reviewed and taken seriously.
By following these guidelines you contribute to a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone. Thank you for your cooperation and for making this event a success!
Jake Smith
Real News Talk Logo Graphics LED Pixels Light Effect
Storyblocks Asset ID: SBV-302248713
Music Track: About The Lion and The Cuckoo
Artist: Radioactive Pokemon
Written by: Alexander, Denis
Album: Through the thorns of a dead forest
Visuaizer: About The Lion and The Cuckoo –
Radio… (First release on YouTube) Spotify:…
Your News Talk America with Jake Smith – 10/23/2024
Video is Available on Fridays
9:08 – 9:12: Client Segment
9:12 – 9:20: Eastern Sussex First Responders need our help!
Mark Schaefer, Sussex County Councilman;
Mike Simpler, President, Rehoboth Beach VFD
9:20 – 9:25: Break
9:25 – 9:30: First Responder segment continues!
9:30 – 9:33: Break (Marine Weather/Fox Business)
9:33 – 9:35: Client Segment
9:35 – 9:45: Housing, Veterans, and The Fuller Center for Housing of Delaware
Col. Michelle Williams, USAF Ret (Dr. Tiny): Exec. Director
9:45 – 9:50 Break:
9:50 – 9:57:49: Veterans housing segment continues!
9:59:49 – 10:08: News Break
10:08 – 10:10: Client Segment2 of 3
10:10 – 10:15: VA Community Outreach Segment: Veterans Administration:
Major Valerie Harwood, Delaware Air National Guard, Public
Affairs Officer, Wilmington VA Medical Center
John Richter, Community Outreach Specialist, Georgetown VA Clinic.
Dr. Ernest Nyannor: Pharmacogenomics
10:15 – 10:19: Break
10:19 – 10:30: VA segment continues until 10:30
10:30 – 10:35 (Marine Weather/Fox Business)
10:35 – 10:37: Client Segment
10:37 – 10:45: Veterans segment continues until 10:59:59
10:45 – 10:50: Break
10:50 – 10:59:49: Veterans segment concludes!
11:00 – 11:08: Fox News Break/Local News/Sports
11:08-11:10: Client Segment
11:10 – 11:15: Maryland’s Reproductive Freedom Amendment
Jeff Trimbath, President of the Maryland Family Institute
11:15 – 11:20: Break3 of 3
11:20 – 11:30: Maryland Reproductive Freedom segment continues until 11:30
11:30 – 11:35: (Marine Weather/Fox Business)
11:35 – 11:37: Client Segment
11:37 – 11:50: BVSPCA: Shelter Pet of the Month!
Gracie introduces us to the shelter pet of the month!
11:45 – 11:50: Break
11:50 – 11:53: Salute the Troops!
Community Guidelines
Thank you for being part of the DTDMedia Community. We value our producers and encourage an active participation by having everyone ask questions vote and chat. In order to keep the DTD Media Community and this platform engaging and respectful to all members we request all commenters adhere to our guidelines.
Respectful Debate: We encourage a variety of opinions and open debate but please refrain from using threatening language or making direct threats. Civil discourse is key.
Accuracy and Ownership: Ensure that your contributions are either factual or clearly presented as your own opinions. Posts containing illegal, discriminatory, offensive or misleading content will not be tolerated.”
Use Real Names: For a better and more respectful experience we encourage participants to use their real names rather than nicknames. People tend to be more considerate when their identity is known.
Language: Please use English when posting comments or questions as this is the primary language of our event.
Stay On Topic: Keep discussions relevant to the event topic. If you have a different topic in mind please wait for an appropriate session or thread.”
Question Submission: When asking questions please use the designated questions field and select the appropriate category from the dropdown menu. Do not add comments in the question field; they will be removed. All comments should be posted in the chat section.
Be Respectful: Engage in discussions with kindness and respect for others. Differences in opinion should be addressed with civility to maintain a constructive environment.
Avoid Negativity: If you encounter negativity or hostile behavior consider your response carefully. Engaging in a positive and constructive manner helps foster a better community.”
Moderation: We reserve the right to moderate and remove comments that are abusive, spammy, off-topic, or otherwise inappropriate. Even partial violations may result in the removal of a post.
Reporting Issues: If you notice inappropriate content please report it to our moderation team at the following email address: Include a direct link or reference to the specific session or chat where the issue occurred. While we may not respond to all reports individually please know that your concerns are reviewed and taken seriously.
By following these guidelines you contribute to a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone. Thank you for your cooperation and for making this event a success!
Jake Smith
Real News Talk Logo Graphics LED Pixels Light Effect
Storyblocks Asset ID: SBV-302248713
Music Track: About The Lion and The Cuckoo
Artist: Radioactive Pokemon
Written by: Alexander, Denis
Album: Through the thorns of a dead forest
Visuaizer: About The Lion and The Cuckoo –
Radio… (First release on YouTube) Spotify:…
Copy of Your News Talk America with Jake Smith – 10/15/2024
Video is Available on Fridays
Your News Talk America with Jake Smith. Welcome to the digital and interactive program.
To participate live by asking and voting on questions, chatting with viewers, and watching the show, got to and click the “Watch Here” button. You can view questions by clicking on the “Recent”, “Popular”, or “On Deck” buttons at the top of the left column.
To ask a question fill out the field on the left. You may vote on questions by pressing on the up and down arrow to the left of each question. You can watch the show in the middle and see current questions below the show window. You are the “Producers”, ask questions and your votes count. There will be way more questions than time which makes voting important.
You can chat with other Producers and comment in the chat which is in the right column. You can keep notes by clicking the link to the right of your name in the upper right corner. If you asked your question in Mukana, and there is an issue with ti or we run out of time we will send your question back to your notes. Show notes will be posted on and the shows will be posted the following week.
Community Guidelines
Thank you for being part of the DTDMedia Community. We value our producers and encourage an active participation by having everyone ask questions vote and chat. In order to keep the DTD Media Community and this platform engaging and respectful to all members we request all commenters adhere to our guidelines.
Respectful Debate: We encourage a variety of opinions and open debate but please refrain from using threatening language or making direct threats. Civil discourse is key.
Accuracy and Ownership: Ensure that your contributions are either factual or clearly presented as your own opinions. Posts containing illegal, discriminatory, offensive or misleading content will not be tolerated.”
Use Real Names: For a better and more respectful experience we encourage participants to use their real names rather than nicknames. People tend to be more considerate when their identity is known.
Language: Please use English when posting comments or questions as this is the primary language of our event.
Stay On Topic: Keep discussions relevant to the event topic. If you have a different topic in mind please wait for an appropriate session or thread.”
Question Submission: When asking questions please use the designated questions field and select the appropriate category from the dropdown menu. Do not add comments in the question field; they will be removed. All comments should be posted in the chat section.
Be Respectful: Engage in discussions with kindness and respect for others. Differences in opinion should be addressed with civility to maintain a constructive environment.
Avoid Negativity: If you encounter negativity or hostile behavior consider your response carefully. Engaging in a positive and constructive manner helps foster a better community.”
Moderation: We reserve the right to moderate and remove comments that are abusive, spammy, off-topic, or otherwise inappropriate. Even partial violations may result in the removal of a post.
Reporting Issues: If you notice inappropriate content please report it to our moderation team at the following email address: Include a direct link or reference to the specific session or chat where the issue occurred. While we may not respond to all reports individually please know that your concerns are reviewed and taken seriously.
By following these guidelines you contribute to a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone. Thank you for your cooperation and for making this event a success!
Out & About Wednesday 10-16-24
Kim Benton State Farm
29848 Millsboro Hwy, Millsboro, DE 19966
Phone: (302) 934-9393
9:08 – 9-10: Client Segment
9:15 – 9:30: Eastern Sussex First Responders need our help!
Mark Schaefer, Sussex County Councilman;
Ron O’Neal, President, Millsboro Fire Department
9:15– 9:18: Break
9:18 – 9:30: First Responder appeal segment continues until 9:30
9:30 – 9:33: Break (Marine Weather/Fox Business)
9:33 – 9:35: Client Segment
9:35 – 9:45: Client requested segment topic/guest
9:45 – 9:50: BREAK
9:50 – 9:59: Client requested segment continues until 10:59:49
9:59:49 – 10:08: Break (News, Fishing)
10:06 – 10:08: Client Segment2
10:10 – 10:15: Child Support Enforcement, Ted Mermigos, Director
Division of Child Support Services
10:16 – 10:19: Break
10:19 – 10:30: Child support segment continues!
10:30 – 10:33: Marine Weather/Fox Business
10:33 – 10:35: Client Segment
10:35 – 10:45: Child support segment continues!
10:45 – 10:48: Break
10:48 – 10:59: Child support segment concludes!
10:59 – 11:08: Fox News Break
11:08 – 11:10: Client Segment
11:10 – 11:15: At Coachella, Trump says he will end the EV Mandate on day one!
How does Trump plan to do that?
Jay Beeber, Executive Director of Policy at the National Motorists
11:15 – 11:18: Break
11:18 – 11:30: EV mandate segment continues until 11:30!
11:30 – 11:33: (Marine Weather/Fox Business)
11:33 – 11:35: Client segment3
11:37 – 11:50: Affordable Holiday Meals, Gifting, and Entertaining Ideas!
Spice up your holiday on a budget:
Shanisty Ireland, Food & Lifestyle Influencer
11:50: Salute the Troops
Jake Smith
Real News Talk Logo Graphics LED Pixels Light Effect
Storyblocks Asset ID: SBV-302248713
Music Track: About The Lion and The Cuckoo
Artist: Radioactive Pokemon
Written by: Alexander, Denis
Album: Through the thorns of a dead forest
Visuaizer: About The Lion and The Cuckoo –
Radio… (First release on YouTube) Spotify:…
Your News Talk America with Jake Smith – 10/24/2024
There is no video today.
Your News Talk America with Jake Smith. Welcome to the digital and interactive program.
To participate live by asking and voting on questions, chatting with viewers, and watching the show, got to and click the “Watch Here” button. You can view questions by clicking on the “Recent”, “Popular”, or “On Deck” buttons at the top of the left column.
To ask a question fill out the field on the left. You may vote on questions by pressing on the up and down arrow to the left of each question. You can watch the show in the middle and see current questions below the show window. You are the “Producers”, ask questions and your votes count. There will be way more questions than time which makes voting important.
You can chat with other Producers and comment in the chat which is in the right column. You can keep notes by clicking the link to the right of your name in the upper right corner. If you asked your question in Mukana, and there is an issue with ti or we run out of time we will send your question back to your notes. Show notes will be posted on and the shows will be posted the following week.
10:10 AM ET
Segment Topic:
Jake and the Judge:
- War and the Constitution (what about the War Powers Act?)
- DOJ threatening Trump voters without any evidence of violence.
- Senators retaliate against McDonalds for Trump campaign stop.
Can the president fight any war he wishes? Can Congress fund any war it chooses? Are there constitutional and legal requirements that must first be met before war is waged?
These questions should be addressed in a national debate over the U.S. military involvement in Ukraine and Israel. Sadly, there has been no debate. The media are mouthing what the CIA is telling them, Congress is in lock-step, and only a few websites and podcasts — my own, “Judging Freedom” on YouTube, among them — are challenging the government’s reckless, immoral, illegal and unconstitutional wars.
The Supreme Court has ruled that all power in the federal government comes from the Constitution and from no other source. Congress, however, has managed to extend its reach beyond the confines of the Constitution domestically by spending money in areas that it cannot regulate and purchasing compliance from the states by bribing them; and in foreign policy by paying for wars it cannot legally declare.
Congress cannot legally declare war on Russia or Iran, since there is no American militarily grounded reason for doing so. Russia and Iran pose no credible threats to American national security. Moreover, the U.S. has no treaties with Ukraine or Israel that trigger an American military defense. But Congress spends money on those wars nevertheless.
Under the Constitution, only Congress can declare war on a nation or group. The last time it did so was to initiate American involvement in World War II. But Congress has given away limited authority to presidents and permitted them to fight undeclared wars, such as the War Powers Resolution of 1973 and President George W. Bush’s disastrous and criminal invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq.
Last week, the Biden administration announced that it was sending around 100 troops to Israel to man the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense system, or THAAD, the U.S. has sent there. Then, the administration announced that it was sending a second THAAD unit and another 100 troops. The THAADs will presumably be used in Israel’s defense against Iran.
Congress has not only not declared war on Iran; it has not authorized the use of American military forces against it. Yet, it has given President Joe Biden a blank check and authorized him to spend it on military equipment for Israel however he sees fit, without a lawful or even credible American military objective.
Biden has also promised to continue giving Ukraine whatever it needs for “as long as it takes.” As long as it takes to do what? Eliminating Russian troops from Ukraine and Crimea or Russian President Vladimir Putin from office are not realistically attainable American military goals. Last week, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said he fears Putin has his eyes on Poland. That’s scaremongering nonsense.
The U.S. involvement in Vietnam began the same way: no declaration of war; no authorization for the use of military force; no clear American military objective; shamelessly preaching the discredited domino theory of collapsing countries; a gradual buildup of American troops as technicians, advisers and instructors; and then a congressionally supported war that saw half a million American troops deployed, 10% of whom came home in body bags. And for what?
We don’t know how many American troops are in Ukraine. We do know that they are involved in hostilities, since much of the offensive hardware that Biden has sent requires American know-how to operate and maintain. And some of the weaponry has American troops actually targeting Russian forces and pulling the triggers.
Are American soldiers killing Russian soldiers? Yes. Will American troops soon be shooting down Iranian pilots in their jets? Yes. None of this has been authorized by Congress, but Congress has paid for all of it.
Now back to the Constitution. The War Powers Resolution, which requires presidential notification to Congress of the use of American military force, is unconstitutional because it consists of Congress giving away to the president one of its core functions — declaring war.
The Supreme Court has characterized delegating away core functions as violative of the separation of powers because when one branch of the federal government cedes its powers to another, the receiving branch threatens the constitutional order and potentially jeopardizes personal liberty.
Nevertheless, Biden has not informed Congress of his intentions to use American troops in Ukraine or Israel.
Don’t be surprised if Biden gives War Powers Resolution notice secretly to the Gang of Eight. That’s the Congress within the Congress. It consists of the chairs and ranking members of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees and the Republican and Democratic leaders of the House and Senate with which the president legally shares secrets.
This, too, is unconstitutional. Just as Congress cannot delegate away its war-making powers to the president, it cannot delegate them away to the Gang of Eight. The concept of the Gang of Eight is antithetical to democratic values. Informing them of whatever violence the president is up to is done under an oath of secrecy. What kind of democracy operates and kills in secret?
The various treaties to which the U.S. is a party limit its war-making to that which is defensive, proportional and reasonable. So, if a foreign power is about to strike — like on 9/11 or Dec. 7, 1941, while the government slept — the president can strike first in order to protect the U.S. Beyond an imminent attack, the basis for war must be real, the adversary’s anti-U.S. military behavior must be grave, the objective of war must be clear and attainable, and the means must be proportionate to the threat.
Has Russia or Iran threatened the U.S.? No. What grave acts have they committed against the U.S.? None. What is Biden’s clear military objective? He won’t say.
Do Congress or the president uphold the Constitution? They do not. They also don’t understand that the problem with searching the world for monsters to slay is that they have a way of following you home.
Judge Andrew Napolitano
Sample Questions:
- Judge, North Korea has sent at least 3,000 soldiers to Russia to fight against Ukraine. How worried should we be that we are being tricked into another foreign war?
- What is it about the War Powers Act which is blatantly unconstitutional?
- The Justice Department is deploying district elections officers across the nation ahead of Election Day to ensure poll workers can “do their jobs free from threatsand intimidation.”
- The elections officers are expected to work in coordination with the Justice Department’sElection Threats Task Force, which was created in June 2021 by Attorney General Merrick Garland and Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco to address alleged violence against election workers.
- The task force, since its inception, has been engaging with the election community and state and local law enforcement to assess allegations and reports of threats against election workers, according to the Justice Department. The task force also partners with FBI field offices and U.S. Attorneys’ Offices throughout the U.S.
- U.S. Senate demands answers to Mc’Donalds price gouging. Is that a job for the U.S. Senate?
- A group of Democratic senators knocked McDonald’s over its price increases and its “dominant market position” as the largest fast-food chain across the country.
- In a letter sent to McDonald’s leadership, Sens. Elizabeth Warren (Mass.), Bob Casey (Pa.) and Ron Wyden (Ore.) demanded President and CEO Chris Kempczinski explain the chain’s pricing they say is higher than it should be, accounting for inflation.
- They voted for the Inflation Reduction Act and they are demanding answers from a public company?
10:35 AM ET
Segment Topic:
1. It appears that the Dem-Coms are in full panic mode. Are they?
2. The Atlantic slanders Trump
3. Trump accused of groping a model in 1993?
4. Republicans seize control of early voting. Is that sending the Dem-Com’s into full panic mode?
Roger Stone
Roger Stone is a seasoned political operative, speaker, pundit, and New York Times Bestselling Author featured in the Netflix documentary Get Me Roger Stone.
Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and Donald Trump—all of these Presidents relied on Roger Stone to secure their seat in the Oval Office. In a 45-year career in American politics, Stone has worked on over 700 campaigns for public office.
Host of the Roger Stone Show 7PM on Sundays on 92.7
Stone Zone dot com – all things Roger Stone
Sample Questions:
- Roger, did the Dem-Com’s expect Republicans to early vote this year? If not, what has that done to their plans to steal the 2024 election?
- Are the Hitler, NAZI references by the Atlantic swayed any voters to abandon Trump support?
- We are hearing that it will take at least five-days to count all the votes. The Fox decision desk is warning that it will be days before a winner is announced? What is your response?
- How powerful was Trump’s campaign stop at a PA McDonalds last Sunday?
- How powerful will Trump’s MAGA rally at MSG be on Sunday?
11:10 AM ET
Segment Topic:
- Are recent examples of Dem-Com retaliation to protect Kamala the Commie acts of desperation?
- Can Trump and his supporters expect more threats and more intimidation over the next 12-days? How should we respond to those threats?
DOJ threatens Trump voters?
DOJ deploys district elections officers to handle ‘threats and intimidation aimed at Trump voters.
Trump surging ahead:
Did Joe Biden and Kamala Harris both threaten Trump with jail in response to his recent surge in the polls?
Dem-Com corporate retaliation:
One day following President Trump’s time at a PA McDonalds, the Dem-Coms in the Senate, sprang into action – accusing the Golden Arches of price gouging – the centerpiece of the Kamala the Commie Economic plan.
In a letter sent late Monday afternoon, Sens. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, Bob Casey of Pennsylvania and Ron Wyden of Oregon demanded that McDonald’s President and CEO Chris Kempczinski explain the chain’s pricing decisions.
The DOJ threaten Elon Musk:
The Justice Department warned Elon Musk’s America PAC in recent days that his $1 million sweepstakes to registered voters in swing states may violate federal law, people briefed on the matter told CNN.
Musk, who has thrown his support behind former President Donald Trump and is spending millions of dollars supporting his candidacy, has publicized the $1 million prize by his political action committee aiming to increase voter registrations in hotly contested states.
Musk’s initial promise to pay prizes to registered voters immediately raised concerns from election law experts and some state officials who questioned whether it ran afoul of the law.
Federal law bars paying people to register to vote. The language of the petition currently promises $1 million prizes to people chosen at random for signing a petition in support of First and Second Amendment freedoms. But to sign the petition, you must be registered to vote in specific states.
A letter from the Justice Department’s public integrity section, which investigates potential election-related law violations, went to Musk’s political action committee, according to people briefed on the matter.
Sample Questions:
- Are recent examples of threatened retaliation against Trump and his supporters acts of desperation?
- Every time a poll indicates Trump is surging, the Dem-Com’s respond. Is it a coincidence?
- Has early voting by Trump voters sent the Dem-Coms into mental health crisis?
- Can Trump and his supporters expect more threats and more intimidation over the next 12-days? How should we respond to those threats?
11:35 AM ET
Segment Topic:
Sample Questions:
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By following these guidelines you contribute to a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone. Thank you for your cooperation and for making this event a success!
Jake Smith
Walt Palmer
Technical Director
Julia Hardy
Panel Liaison
Mark Giuliani
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Storyblocks Asset ID: SBV-302248713
Music Track: About The Lion and The Cuckoo
Artist: Radioactive Pokemon
Written by: Alexander, Denis
Album: Through the thorns of a dead forest
Visuaizer: About The Lion and The Cuckoo –
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Your News Talk America with Jake Smith | Ep. 16 – 10/18/2024
Your News Talk America with Jake Smith. Welcome to the digital and interactive program.
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10:10 AM ET
Segment Topic:
Why do our children hate America after only one-semester away at University?
“If you are scratching your head as to how radicals could have seized control in Washington, and of American media, while defaming American democracy as a ‘white supremacist’ nightmare, look no further than the left’s transformation of American universities into ideological boot camps for Marxist treachery. Brutal Minds is a model of clarity and straight talk about this national tragedy, whose destructive energies have yet to run their course.” —DAVID HOROWITZ, Bestselling Author of Final Battle
Dr. Ridgley is Clinical Professor of Management at Drexel University’s LeBow College of Business. He holds a Doctorate and Masters in International Relations from Duke University and an International MBA from Temple University. He has also studied at Moscow State University and the Institut de Gestion Sociale in Paris.
A former Military Intelligence Officer, Dr. Ridgley served five years in West Berlin and near the Czech-German border. Dr. Ridgley’s intelligence activities versus the Soviet Union included signals intelligence, electronic intelligence, operations security, as well as Russian translation and analysis. He graduated from the U.S. Army’s Airborne School at Ft. Benning, Georgia, and served as a tactical intelligence officer on the German frontier with a combat arms unit and as a liaison officer during Soviet military inspections.
In Brutal Minds, award-winning professor Stanley K. Ridgley exposes the dangers of radicalization, cancel culture, academic censorship, and the growing influence of socialists “boldly transforming” colleges across the country into reeducation camps of dull conformity.
Sample Questions:
- Professor Ridgley, we all know the dirty little secret of communist controlled colleges and universities indoctrinating our kids into believing that this nation has been evil since its founding. We can and should adopt and embrace socialism. This nation can permit communist lite government, but what can we do about it?
- How important is it to carefully screen potential schools for our kids before we send them into the lion’s den?
- I have heard from so many parents who swore when they sent THEIR kids off to a Marxist college or university that their kids would not allow themselves to be brainwashed, only to discover that they had been turned into card carrying communists. What would you say to those parents?
- Why are Federal and State tax dollars handed over to these institutions, especially when many of them are monitored by the Chinese Communist Party?
10:35 AM ET
Segment Topic: (postponed). Holdover Dr. Ridgley
- Election integrity, how can we ensure that the 2024 election cannot be stolen?
- The state of Florida is suing the Biden administration over what it claims is a refusal to verify immigration records so that the Sunshine State can ensure the integrity of its voter rolls and prevent noncitizens from voting. (Fox News)
- Fulton Judge Strikes Down Seven New Election Rules, Including Hand-Counting of Ballots After Polls Close and Mandatory Video Surveillance of Drop Boxes, Claiming It is “Illegal, Unconstitutional and Void” (The Gateway Pundit)
Ken Cuccinelli, Chairman of the Election Transparency Initiative:
Ken served in the federal government, first as the acting director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, and then as the acting deputy secretary for the Department of Homeland Security.
During his tenure, Cuccinelli was a leading spokesman for the administration on immigration, election security and homeland security issues, and was appointed by the president to serve as an original member of the Coronavirus Task Force upon the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic.
In addition to practicing law for over 25 years, Cuccinelli served in state government in the Virginia Senate from 2002-2010 and as Virginia’s attorney general from 2010-2014. Cuccinelli earned a mechanical engineering degree from the University of Virginia, a law degree from the Antonin Scalia Law School at George Mason University, and a master’s in international transactions from George Mason University.
Sample Questions:
- Ken, can you tell us that the top 10 election litigation cases in 2024 implicating the rule of law?
- Will battleground North Carolina voters overcome Hurricane Helene challenges?
- Officials in North Carolina, Georgia say Helene will not derail voting in presidential election
- “Buncombe County will vote,” said one North Carolina elections official.
- Ken, what is the status of the SAVE Act?
11:10 AM ET
Segment Topic:
- Kamala has sat down with Fox News for an interview, but still refuses to answer any questions. It appears that she will continue to BS her way to election day!
- Will Bob Casey be sent back to the Senate?
- What about reliable conservative Scott Perry?
- Is Fracking an issue for PA voters?
- Microsoft has purchased and is reopening Three Mile Island Nuclear Facility. How can that be? The Democrats (who control Washington) refuse to consider Nuclear. How do Pennsylvanians feel about this?
Jeffrey Lord, Former advisor to President Ronald Reagan, Associate Editor of the American Spectator, frequent contributor for Newsmax and host of the Word of the Lord Podcast and a very good friend to this radio program.
Sample Questions:
- Can Kamala continue to BS her way to election day!
- Will Bob Casey be sent back to the Senate? At last report, McCormick is polling 10-points behind?
- What about reliable conservative Scott Perry?
- How important is the Fracking issue for PA voters? PA could become its own Saudi Arabia; it is energy rich?
- Microsoft has purchased and is reopening Three Mile Island Nuclear Facility. How can that be? The Democrats (who control Washington) refuse to consider Nuclear. How do Pennsylvanians feel about this? Do you think this is the future for energy production: corporations going it alone and perhaps avoiding the political fallout?
11:35 AM ET
Segment Topic:
It’s not your imagination. By any objective measure, America is in decline, but there’s a lot to laugh at! Really?
It’s not your imagination. By any objective measure, America is in decline. But as depressing as the facts might be, there’s a lot to laugh at. And there might even be hope.
Thirty years ago, the United States seemed invincible. We had won the Cold War, the economy was galloping, crime had plunged. Life was good, and the country was confident.
But since then, a series of crises have drained Americans of their optimism. Our government is dysfunctional, our president thinks he’s an emperor, our kids are uneducated, our streets are filled with crime, Christianity is in decline, wokeness reigns, and addiction has hollowed out our communities. Even late-night comedy has gone down the tubes.
Matt Purple, author of Decline from the Top: Snapshots from America’s Crisis and Glimmers of Hope.
Matt is an editor and journalist who has written for the Spectator, the American Conservative, National Review, the Washington Examiner, and many other magazines and newspapers. A native of Avon, Connecticut, and a graduate of the Catholic University of America, he lives in Alexandria, Virginia, with his wife, Claire, and their two children.
Sample Questions:
- Matt, how can you find humor when America is in decline?
- In your book, you say that the 1990s really were better than today and vividly documents our economic, political, and cultural signs of decay. What can we do about that?
- WOKE comedy sucks, we no longer have free speech, everyone in the country is offended at the drop of a hat, what can we do to improve the spirit of America?
Community Guidelines
Thank you for being part of the DTDMedia Community. We value our producers and encourage an active participation by having everyone ask questions vote and chat. In order to keep the DTD Media Community and this platform engaging and respectful to all members we request all commenters adhere to our guidelines.
Respectful Debate: We encourage a variety of opinions and open debate but please refrain from using threatening language or making direct threats. Civil discourse is key.
Accuracy and Ownership: Ensure that your contributions are either factual or clearly presented as your own opinions. Posts containing illegal, discriminatory, offensive or misleading content will not be tolerated.”
Use Real Names: For a better and more respectful experience we encourage participants to use their real names rather than nicknames. People tend to be more considerate when their identity is known.
Language: Please use English when posting comments or questions as this is the primary language of our event.
Stay On Topic: Keep discussions relevant to the event topic. If you have a different topic in mind please wait for an appropriate session or thread.”
Question Submission: When asking questions please use the designated questions field and select the appropriate category from the dropdown menu. Do not add comments in the question field; they will be removed. All comments should be posted in the chat section.
Be Respectful: Engage in discussions with kindness and respect for others. Differences in opinion should be addressed with civility to maintain a constructive environment.
Avoid Negativity: If you encounter negativity or hostile behavior consider your response carefully. Engaging in a positive and constructive manner helps foster a better community.”
Moderation: We reserve the right to moderate and remove comments that are abusive, spammy, off-topic, or otherwise inappropriate. Even partial violations may result in the removal of a post.
Reporting Issues: If you notice inappropriate content please report it to our moderation team at the following email address: Include a direct link or reference to the specific session or chat where the issue occurred. While we may not respond to all reports individually please know that your concerns are reviewed and taken seriously.
By following these guidelines you contribute to a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone. Thank you for your cooperation and for making this event a success!