Your News Talk America with Jake Smith Ep. 10 9/6/2024


Your News Talk America with Jake Smith. Welcome to the digital and interactive program.

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To ask a question fill out the field on the left. You may vote on questions by pressing on the up and down arrow to the left of each question. You can watch the show in the middle and see current questions below the show window. You are the “Producers”, ask questions and your votes count. There will be way more questions than time which makes voting important.

You can chat with other Producers and comment in the chat which is in the right column. You can keep notes by clicking the link to the right of your name in the upper right corner. If you asked your question in Mukana, and there is an issue with ti or we run out of time we will send your question back to your notes. Show notes will be posted on and the shows will be posted the following week.

Thank you for participating.

10:10 AM ET

Segment Topic:

American Energy Alliance Unveils 2024 American Energy Scorecard.  Where does Congress stand on key energy issues?

Founded in May, 2008, The American Energy Alliance (AEA) is a not-for-profit organization that engages in grassroots public policy advocacy and debate concerning energy and environmental policies.

AEA’s legislative and public policy advocacy takes place at both the state and national level.  It is the aim of AEA to educate and mobilize citizens in understanding, promoting and helping to solve America’s most pressing energy and environmental policy problems. Through a deeper understanding of these issues, our nation’s citizens will be able to better participate in the policy-making process at the state and national level.

AEA has no ties to any political party, and it has no interest in supporting the agenda of any particular political party.  AEA is an issue organization that supports affordable, abundant and reliable energy for America’s consumers and businesses.

AEA is the advocacy arm of the Institute for Energy Research (IER), a not-for-profit organization – founded in 1989 – that conducts intensive research and analysis on the functions, operations, and government regulation of global energy markets.


Thomas J. Pyle is the President of the American Energy Alliance (AEA). Tom has also held numerous positions on Capitol Hill including serving as a Policy Analyst for the Majority Whip of the U.S. House of Representatives and as Staff Director for the Congressional Western Caucus.

Sample Questions:

  1. Tom, the results from the AEA Scorcard indicate that a majority of Republicans support President Trump’s energy platform.  Two notable Dem-Com’s, Senators Bob Casey, PA and John Tester, MN – who represent two States with huge energy implications scored poorly.  Can you explain?
  2. This past week, Judge’s ruling could end Gulf oil production: ‘Death by a thousand cuts,’ senator warns!
  3. Tom, if Trump returns to power, can the Keystone Pipeline project be resurrected?

10:35 AM ET

Segment Topic:

Election integrity warrior, Commander Gregory Stenstrom, USN Ret. returns to Digital, Interactive Friday to lay out the dangerous road ahead for election integrity.

In a 4-1 ruling, the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court blocked enforcement of a law requiring election officials to reject otherwise valid mail-in ballots with missing or incorrect handwritten dates on their outer return envelopes.


Commander Stenstrom is the Co-founder Patriot Online and author of “The Parallel Election: A Blueprint for Deception.”

Sample Questions:

  1. When does early voting begin in PA Commander?
  2. What is your assessment of last week’s court ruling requiring the counting of undated, mis-dated or unsigned mail-in ballots?
  3. For those listening in Pennsylvania, what is your advice with respect to early voting?
  4. Will Pennsylvania election officials attempt to steer the nation election results to Kamala Harris?


Segment Topic:

The American Gulag Chronicles and Unredacted Media Announce the 1A [First Amendment] Film Fest to be held September 13-15, 2024 at the Historic Texan Theatre in Greenville, Texas!


David Sumrall, is an Activist, Citizen Journalist, January 6 documentary filmmaker of “Righting History,”  “Bloody Hill,” “1000daysofTerror,” founder of StopHate in 1992 and, co-founder of the American Celebration Tour, Creator/Host of Discussion Island, and American Gulag Chronicles Board President, American Patriot Relief board member.

Sample Questions:

  1. David, the war on the 1st Amendment has created an entire new way of communicating with the American people by way of documentaries.  Is the 1A Film-fest a way to celebrate this media?
  2. Is there any way of watching the festival online?
  3. How did the procedures of those documentaries get their projects recognized to be considered for an award?
  4. In a sense, aren’t these producers of 1A media modern-day freedom fighters?


Segment Topic:

The film “Reagan” is now in theaters:

Jeffrey Lord, a former advisor to President Ronald Reagan has seen the film and provides his thoughts on the biopic: Reagan!


Jeffrey Lord, Former advisor to President Ronald Reagan, Associate Editor of the American Spectator, frequent contributor for Newsmax and host of the Word of the Lord Podcast and a very good friend to this radio program.

Sample Questions:

  1. Jeffrey, what was it like to relive those historic moments from the Reagan Presidency?
  2. What did you think of Dennis Quaid’s performance as President Ronald Reagan?
  3. Was there anything you saw portrayed in the move, which was factually or historically incorrect?
  4. Did you notice who played your part as advisor to the President?



Community Guidelines

Thank you for being part of the DTDMedia Community. We value our producers and encourage an active participation by having everyone ask questions vote and chat. In order to keep the DTD Media Community and this platform engaging and respectful to all members we request all commenters adhere to our guidelines.

Respectful Debate: We encourage a variety of opinions and open debate but please refrain from using threatening language or making direct threats. Civil discourse is key.

Accuracy and Ownership: Ensure that your contributions are either factual or clearly presented as your own opinions. Posts containing illegal, discriminatory, offensive or misleading content will not be tolerated.”

Use Real Names: For a better and more respectful experience we encourage participants to use their real names rather than nicknames. People tend to be more considerate when their identity is known.

Language: Please use English when posting comments or questions as this is the primary language of our event.

Stay On Topic: Keep discussions relevant to the event topic. If you have a different topic in mind please wait for an appropriate session or thread.”

Question Submission: When asking questions please use the designated questions field and select the appropriate category from the dropdown menu. Do not add comments in the question field; they will be removed. All comments should be posted in the chat section.

Be Respectful: Engage in discussions with kindness and respect for others. Differences in opinion should be addressed with civility to maintain a constructive environment.

Avoid Negativity: If you encounter negativity or hostile behavior consider your response carefully. Engaging in a positive and constructive manner helps foster a better community.”

Moderation: We reserve the right to moderate and remove comments that are abusive, spammy, off-topic, or otherwise inappropriate. Even partial violations may result in the removal of a post.

Reporting Issues: If you notice inappropriate content please report it to our moderation team at the following email address: Include a direct link or reference to the specific session or chat where the issue occurred. While we may not respond to all reports individually please know that your concerns are reviewed and taken seriously.

By following these guidelines you contribute to a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone. Thank you for your cooperation and for making this event a success!


Jake Smith

Walt Palmer

Technical Director
Julia Hardy

Panel Liaison
Joe Giuliani

Producer Liaison
Mark Giuliani

Real News Talk Logo Graphics LED Pixels Light Effect
Storyblocks Asset ID: SBV-302248713
Music Track: About The Lion and The Cuckoo
Artist: Radioactive Pokemon
Written by: Alexander, Denis
Album: Through the thorns of a dead forest
Visuaizer: About The Lion and The Cuckoo –
Radio… (First release on YouTube) Spotify:… 

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Your News Talk America with Jake Smith – 8/29/24


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YNTA Notes: 8-29-24

10:10 AM ET

Segment Topics:

Judge Napolitano analyzes the latest legal maneuver by Special Counsel Jack Smith against President Trump.

Judge Nap also discusses his latest opinion piece: “Searching for Monsters.”  In his piece, Judge questions America’s war-mongers when he quotes John Quincy Adams, who said that offensive foreign wars don’t spread liberty, they spread violence!


Judge Andrew Napolitano

In his regular segment on “Jake and the Judge”, Judge
Andrew Napolitano (Newsmax Senior Judicial Analyst) discusses the most poignant legal topics of the day, including his latest opinion piece from

Segment Questions:

1.  Judge, why would Jack Smith submit almost an identical indictment of Trump on his alleged actions on January 6th, when his former jury has already been dismissed?

2.  This is more election interference from the DOJ – isn’t it?

3.  Judge, you have been a loud critic of American foreign wars which are never justified and result in American soldiers being sent home in body bags.  Joe Biden kept checking his watch when dead bodies following the botched Afghanistan withdrawal.  If our own leaders have no respect for the dead, why do we fight in so many unconstitutional wars and what can be done to stop them in the future?

10:35 AM ET

Segment Topic:

Jack Smith resurrects 4 identical felony charges against Trump.  Is Smith just dancing around double jeopardy protections?  What is Smith’s point now – 67 days until the election?


Gregg Phillips, creator of Ground Fusion AI, a platform that revolutionizes targeted political engagement with data on 211 million voters. Phillips is a trailblazer in political technology with over 40 years of experience. Gregg is also the host of the top-tier technology podcast “Patriot Games,” and the co-star and executive producer of the widely acclaimed docudrama “2000 Mules.”

Sample Questions:

1.  Gregg, what is the Special Counsel up to here?  His previous Grand Jury had already been dismissed.  The SCOTUS has already confirmed Trump’s presidential immunity.  Isn’t he starting from scratch, under the shadows of the ruling by the high-court?

2.  There is little to no chance that this case goes to trial before the election, so why is Smith doing it?

3.  Gregg, tell us about Ground Fusion AI?

4.  Has your AI-based polling service noticed any unusual trends and how do you feel about Trump’s chances in the Fall?

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11:10 AM ET

Segment Topics:

  • Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey Responds to Judge Amit Mehta’s Ruling on the Missouri Media Matters Case!
  • Kamala’s Border Failure Strikes Again! — New Terrifying Video Shows ARMED Venezuelan Migrant Gangsters Taking Over Another Apartment Complex in Aurora, Colorado.
  • Pope Francis once again revealed his radical leftist agenda by condemning those who take necessary actions to protect their nations from unchecked migration.
  • During his General Audience on Wednesday, the Pope labeled the efforts to repel migrants as nothing less than a “grave sin,” aligning himself with the open-border globalists who seek to undermine the sovereignty of nations worldwide.
  • France Officially Indicts Telegram Founder Pavel Durov after fails to shift Telegram’s Corporate HQ to Paris! Telegram founder Pavel Durov was released from prison in France last evening. Pavel is out on €5,000,000 bail for “speech crimes.” Durov is scheduled to appear before a French court over allegations that his platform was used for ‘illegal activities.’


Jim Hoft, Editor, The Gateway Pundit

Sample Questions:

  1. Jim, can you explain what is going on with the Soros controlled Media matters, and Obama-judge and the AG of MO, Andrew Bailey?
  2. Jim, the illegals who are working honestly to earn a living are not the real threat from Kamala’s open-borders, it is the gang warfare which is being exhibited in States like CO.  Can you explain?
  3. If you are an American Catholic, you have been warned that if you do not accept unchecked illegal immigration, you have committed A GRAVE SIN.  In Catholicism, that is called MORTAL SIN or in legal terms a Catholic Felony!  How are Catholics supposed to react to this Jim?
  4. Telegram Founder and CEO Pavel Durov was released on bail by Macron’s Marxist government last night.  How serious a threat to freedom of expression is Durov’s arrest and is it safe to believe that Washington is involved?



Community Guidelines

Thank you for being part of the DTDMedia Community. We value our producers and encourage an active participation by having everyone ask questions vote and chat. In order to keep the DTD Media Community and this platform engaging and respectful to all members we request all commenters adhere to our guidelines.

Respectful Debate: We encourage a variety of opinions and open debate but please refrain from using threatening language or making direct threats. Civil discourse is key.

Accuracy and Ownership: Ensure that your contributions are either factual or clearly presented as your own opinions. Posts containing illegal, discriminatory, offensive or misleading content will not be tolerated.”

Use Real Names: For a better and more respectful experience we encourage participants to use their real names rather than nicknames. People tend to be more considerate when their identity is known.

Language: Please use English when posting comments or questions as this is the primary language of our event.

Stay On Topic: Keep discussions relevant to the event topic. If you have a different topic in mind please wait for an appropriate session or thread.”

Question Submission: When asking questions please use the designated questions field and select the appropriate category from the dropdown menu. Do not add comments in the question field; they will be removed. All comments should be posted in the chat section.

Be Respectful: Engage in discussions with kindness and respect for others. Differences in opinion should be addressed with civility to maintain a constructive environment.

Avoid Negativity: If you encounter negativity or hostile behavior consider your response carefully. Engaging in a positive and constructive manner helps foster a better community.”

Moderation: We reserve the right to moderate and remove comments that are abusive, spammy, off-topic, or otherwise inappropriate. Even partial violations may result in the removal of a post.

Reporting Issues: If you notice inappropriate content please report it to our moderation team at the following email address: Include a direct link or reference to the specific session or chat where the issue occurred. While we may not respond to all reports individually please know that your concerns are reviewed and taken seriously.

By following these guidelines you contribute to a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone. Thank you for your cooperation and for making this event a success!


Jake Smith

Walt Palmer

Technical Director
Julia Hardy

Panel Liaison
Joe Giuliani

Producer Liaison
Mark Giuliani

Real News Talk Logo Graphics LED Pixels Light Effect
Storyblocks Asset ID: SBV-302248713
Music Track: About The Lion and The Cuckoo
Artist: Radioactive Pokemon
Written by: Alexander, Denis
Album: Through the thorns of a dead forest
Visuaizer: About The Lion and The Cuckoo –
Radio… (First release on YouTube) Spotify:… 

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Your News Talk America with Jake Smith, Ep. 5 – 8/2/2024


Which Kamala Harris should we believe?

Panelist: James Golden AKA: Bo Snerdley

James Golden, aka “Bo Snerdley,” is on the air every weekday on 77WABC! Prior to that, he served as call screener, producer, and engineer for the syndicated Rush Limbaugh radio talk show. He is also Senior Partner and CEO of Golden Age Consulting Group. In his early twenties, Golden worked at radio station WWRL as a Marketing and Research Director, and later served as the radio station’s first Music Research Director. From 1992 to 1998, Golden co-hosted (with Joel Santisteban) a political call-in show, The James and Joel Show, on WABC radio in New York. From 1998 to 2001, Golden served as Vice-President for Programming at, where he also hosted two Internet radio programs. He occasionally contributes written political commentary online.

Sample question:
James, Kamala Harris has not held a press briefing, why is she ducking the mainstream media which covers for her?

The SCOTUS has taken an axe to the Chevron Doctrine.  This decision will affect life in America.  It’s time for Congress to step up and grab the reins, it is time for them to do their jobs, but will they?

Phil Kerpen, President American Commitment

Sample question:

Phil, now that the Chevron Doctrine has been buried by the SCOTUS, will the career government bureaucrats at the EPA cease in creating unconstitutional government regulations?

Todd Starnes, Owner of Starnes Media Group and KWAM AM/FM Memphis, Newsmax host, bestselling author, syndicated columnist, host of the Todd Starnes Show, which airs Monday through Friday from Noon until 3PM ET.

Sample question:

Todd, what did you think of the trap set by the National Association of Black Journalists Convention and the hit on President Trump by ABC News Reporter, Rachel Scott?


Real News Talk Logo

LED Pixels Light Effect
Storyblocks Asset ID:

About The Lion and The Cuckoo
Radioactive Pokemon
Written by:
Alexander, Denis
Through the thorns of a dead forest
About The Lion and The Cuckoo – Radio… (First release on YouTube)

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Your News Talk America with Jake Smith, Ep. 4 – 7/26/2024


Your News Talk America with Jake Smith. Welcome to the Digital and Interactive Software used by DTD Media, called Mukana. Jake Smith invites guest as panelists from all over America to discuss current News and Politics.  In Mukana you can view questions by clicking on the “Recent”, “Popular”, or “On Deck” buttons at the top of the left column. To ask a question, fill out the field on the left. You can choose the guest or question category by hitting the arrow in the question field. To submit the question hit the arrow with the grey background. You may vote on questions by pressing on the up and down arrow to the left of each question. You can watch the show in the middle and see current questions below the show window. You are the “Producers”, ask questions and vote. Your votes count. Having seen this program used for events, the number of questions will grow. When it does, there will be more questions than time in the show. You can chat with other Producers and comment in the chat which is in the right column. You can keep notes by clicking the link to the right of your name in the upper right corner. If you asked your question in Mukana, and there is an issue with it or we run out of time we will send your question back to your notes. Thank you for participating

Show Notes

Segment 10:10
Kamala Harris wants to invest $10 trillion in another Green New Deal!
Larry Behrens: Larry is the communications director at Power The Future, a national nonprofit organization that advocates for American energy jobs.

Writing for The Washington Times, Larry warns — “When President Biden bowed to the pressure of Democratic Party elites and pulled out of the presidential race, he also gave the radical environmental movement one last gift: Vice President Kamala Harris.”

Behrens goes on to explain how Kamala Harris’s plan to combat climate change is far more expensive and damaging than anything President Biden has advocated for over the past 3.5 years. In fact, Biden has spent less than 4% of what Harris has pushed for in past statements.

Sample question:
Kamala Harris has always been an enemy of fossil fuels.  How would a President Harris destroy traditional, cheap energy sources for Americans and what would it do to our economy and more importantly our lifestyle.

Segment 10:35
Peter Navarro, author of The New Maga Deal: The Unofficial Deplorables Guide to Donald Trump’s 2024 Policy Platform.
Dr. Navarro was an economic and trade advisor for President Donald J. Trump during the 2016 Presidential campaign, and joined the White House staff on Inauguration Day. Dr. Navarro was instrumental in helping to implement President Donald Trump’s tariff policies to defend American steel and aluminum industries, combating Communist Chinese economic aggression, and renegotiating trade deals that put America last. 

For his refusal to testify against President Donald J. Trump at the January 6 witch-hunt committee, Dr. Navarro was sentenced to four months in federal prison. His loyalty to making America Great Again never wavered.

Sample questions:

Peter, President Trump has mentioned on the campaign trail the auto manufacturing facilities built by China in Mexico.  Do you predict that “The Boss” will slap a 100% duty on each vehicle coming into the USA?

Are you open to returning to the White House if President Trump is re-elected?

Segment 11:10
Kansas AG Kris Kobach sued Pfizer over deceptive marketing of Covid-19 vaccine wherein they claimed it was safe and effective.  But was it safe and effective?

Scott Schara, host of Deprogramming With Grace’s Dad, realized he had been programmed to believe a litany of things that weren’t true after the medical murder of his daughter Grace Schara, a beautiful 19 year old with Down syndrome died on October 13, 2021 in a hospital after being given a lethal combination of meds.

On the final day of Grace’s life, after the doctor proclaimed how well Grace was doing, he unilaterally labeled Grace as DNR before administering a combination of IV sedatives and narcotics over a short timeframe that no one could survive, especially if already in respiratory distress, as Grace was.

After extensive research and an investigation into the hospital’s COVID protocols and financial incentives, Scott Schara determined that the hospital had decided that Grace Schara was worth more dead than alive to them, noting that the hospital recorded COVID-19 pneumonia “as the second cause of death in order for the hospital to receive the killing bonus from the government.”

The tragic experience opened Scott Schara’s eyes to reality that so much of what we have been programmed to believe isn’t so. His podcast is aimed at helping others deprogram themselves, by opening their eyes and hearts to the truth.

Sample Questions:

Scott since the pandemic, our instructions, such as public health, the medical profession and the pharmaceutical industry are no longer trusted.  This level of mistrust has spread to all levels of government.  Is this what you experienced while Grace was ill?

Do you believe that the COVID 19 vaccines and boosters were safe and effective?  So many people around the world have either died suddenly or been permanently saddled with crippling conditions. 




Real News Talk Logo

LED Pixels Light Effect
Storyblocks Asset ID:

About The Lion and The Cuckoo
Radioactive Pokemon
Written by:
Alexander, Denis
Through the thorns of a dead forest
About The Lion and The Cuckoo – Radio… (First release on YouTube)

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Your News Talk America with Jake Smith, Ep. 3 – 7/19/2024


10:10 AM Eastern
Captain Hung Cao, USN Ret. Took that podium at the RNC on Tuesday.  He is Trump-endorsed Senate from VA and is running against Tim Caine.
Panelist: Captain Hung Cao (US Navy), GOP US Senate candidate, Virginia and author of the new book, Call Me an American.

  • Captain, how did it feel to take the podium at the RNC in Milwaukee on Tuesday?
  • Where were you when an assassin’s bullet nearly took the life of our President, Donald Trump?
  • Captain, what is your assessment of the Secret Service, six-days after the assassination attempt? 
  • Do you think that the control of the Secret Service needs to be placed back in the Treasury Department?
  • What did you think of president Trump’s speech last night?
  • Can you provide us with an update on your Senate Race against Caine Mutiny?

10:35 AM Eastern
Topic: President Trump’s Acceptance Speech.  Analysis of the assassination of Trump on July 13th.
Panelist: Garett Ziegler

Garrett Ziegler is the founder & chairman of Marco Polo. Ziegler served as an Associate Director (Office of Trade & Manufacturing Policy) in the White House under President Donald J. Trump from 2019-2021. He received a degree in economics from Saint Louis University & lives in Illinois with his wife & children.

Panelist: Tyler Nixon, Esq.

Tyler Nixon is a practicing attorney (Roger Stone’s personal attorney), he is a U.S. Army Infantry Veteran. A Constitutionalist. Advocate. Writer. Technologist. Critical Historian. Extremist in the Defense of Liberty.  Tyler is also a former co-worker of mine and is an expert on the JFK Assassination in Dallas on November 22, 1963.

  • Let me ask you both, I have not heard from any listener to this program who does NOT believe that the U.S. Government was trying to assassinate Donald Trump last Saturday in PA.  What are your thoughts, what is your observations of the behavior of the Secret Service since July 13th?  Let me start with Tyler.
  • Garrett, your thoughts on the events of July 13th?
  • Tyler, we hear a lot about the building and the roof which was used by the would-be assassin to kill President Trump.  Is this building our modern-day School Book Depository?
  • Let’s move to President Trump’s emotional speech at the RNC last night: Garett, did President Trump accomplish what he set out to do so; unify the country?
  • Tyler, what do you think?
  • Let me ask you both, it appears that Joe Biden is toast.  When he gives his LBJ speech, what happens next?
  • Can the nation survive another six-months with Joe Biden in the Oval Office until the end of his term?


11:10 AM Eastern
Topic: What Are the Top Five Stolen Product Ideas in US History? The crime docudrama film “Stolen Dough”, ( directed by AFI Award Winner Stefano Da Frè and produced by Laura Pellegrini, in collaboration with the Russo Brothers National Film Forum is now on Amazon Prime Video

Stolen Dough” unveils the extraordinary journey of Anthony Mongiello, a young Italian American who, at the age of 18, invented Stuffed Crust Pizza, only to have his patent stolen by Pizza Hut. This is a true story of resilience. A gripping tale of the pursuit of justice, involving a staggering one-billion-dollar lawsuit.

Panelist: Stefano Da Frè, Director & Screenwriter of Stolen Dough!

What if someone else takes credit for your hard work?

Below are five instances of products stolen from their original inventors.

  • Monopoly: The board game Monopoly was originally designed by Elizabeth Magie in 1903 as “The Landlord’s Game.” It was intended to illustrate the negative aspects of concentrating land in private monopolies. Charles Darrow later claimed the invention of the game and sold it to Parker Brothers in the 1930s. Parker Brothers eventually acknowledged Magie’s contributions, but not before Darrow’s version had become widely popular.
  • Jack Daniel’s Whiskey: Jack Daniel’s Whiskey is often attributed solely to Jasper “Jack” Daniel, but the real story involves Nathan “Nearest” Green, an enslaved African-American who taught Jack Daniel the art of distilling. Green’s significant role in the whiskey’s creation was largely overlooked until recent efforts have been made to recognize his contributions.
  • McDonald’s: The McDonald’s fast-food empire was initially a single restaurant owned by Richard and Maurice McDonald. Ray Kroc, who was a milkshake machine salesman, saw the potential in their operation and entered into a franchise agreement with them. Kroc eventually bought out the brothers in 1961 for $2.7 million, transforming McDonald’s into a global franchise while the McDonald brothers’ original contributions became a footnote in the company’s history.
  • Facebook: Mark Zuckerberg is credited with creating Facebook, but the platform’s origin is contested. The Winklevoss twins and Divya Narendra accused Zuckerberg of stealing their idea for a social networking site called HarvardConnection (later renamed ConnectU). They filed a lawsuit claiming Zuckerberg used their concepts to launch Facebook. The case was settled for $65 million in 2008.
  • Stuffed Crust Pizza: Stuffed crust pizza is often associated with Pizza Hut, which introduced it in 1995. However, Anthony Mongiello, a Brooklyn-based inventor, claimed he had patented the idea in 1987. Mongiello sued Pizza Hut, alleging they had stolen his concept. The case was eventually dismissed in 1999, with the court ruling that Pizza Hut’s version did not infringe on Mongiello’s patent.



Real News Talk Logo

LED Pixels Light Effect
Storyblocks Asset ID:

About The Lion and The Cuckoo
Radioactive Pokemon
Written by:
Alexander, Denis
Through the thorns of a dead forest
About The Lion and The Cuckoo – Radio… (First release on YouTube)

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Your News Talk America with Jake Smith, Ep. 2 – 7/12/2024


Biden’s green agenda will hurt American agriculture and the economy.  The continued climate crackdown on heavy-duty trucks will threaten our food supply.  Offshore windmills will destroy the fishing industry and do permanent damage to marine life.  Why does the Biden Regime continue to push this garbage on the American people?

Gregory Wrightstone

Gregory Wrightstone is a geologist and the Executive Director of the CO2 Coalition in Arlington Virginia. He is bestselling author of A Very Convenient Warming: How modest warming and more CO2 are benefiting humanity.

David Stevenson
David is former DE state climatologist and an expert on real data about climate change.  He has been active in fighting government meddling in energy production, including green mandates, which don’t work and have cost electric customers millions of dollars in higher electric bills.  David has been active in Delaware’s unholy alliance with U.S. Wind and their attempts to destroy Delaware’s seashore and fishing industry with the installation of coastal windmills.  Dave Stevenson is the Director of the Center for Energy Competitiveness at The Caesar Rodney Institute .

Gregory, you have demonstrated in your books and lectures that the so-called climate crisis is a hoax.  Why don’t you explain to our viewers why CO2 has not only benefitted mankind but has NEVER been a danger to life on this planet.

Dave, you have spent years fighting against government meddling in energy production; their war against reasonably priced energy, what is behind the war on cheap, plentiful energy in this country?

Gregory, the mere suggestion that trucks and heavy far equipment can go EV is preposterous.  Even the certainty of massive food shortages does not seem to stop these climate wackos.  Why?

Dave, I am sure you noticed that Fisker recently filed for Bankruptcy protection.  Joe Biden has been busy over the years forcing Delaware ratepayers to reward his climate mafia with schemes such as Fisker and Bloom Energy.  Why don’t you tell our viewers about these two massive schemes, which cost taxpayers and ratepayers millions of dollars?

Is there a war on women?  If so, why don’t women recognize the threat?  What are women thinking about politically just 115 days from the election?

Virginia Allen is a senior news producer for The Daily Signal and host of “The Daily Signal Podcast” and “Problematic Women.”

She is here to announce a Conservative Women’s Group Launches ‘She Prays She Votes’ Bus Tour Ahead of 2024 Election.  She says; this matters because heading into the 2024 presidential election, a majority of women across party, age, race and ethnicity report feeling “anxious” or “frustrated.” But this doesn’t mean they are apathetic; only one in five women voters say they are “uninterested” in the election. More than half of women voters say they are either “not too satisfied” or “not at all satisfied” with their options for President including three-fourths of independent women voters.

Virginia, you say that as we head toward the 2024 election, a majority of women across party, age, race and ethnicity report feeling “anxious” or “frustrated.” But this doesn’t mean they are apathetic; only one in five women voters say they are “uninterested” in the election. More than half of women voters say they are either “not too satisfied” or “not at all satisfied” with their options for President including three-fourths of independent women voters.  Why do these women feel powerless politically?

What are women looking for in a presidential candidate?

Why wouldn’t women be more supportive of Trump who has promised to end Biden’s manipulation of Title XI?

Why do you suppose women’s rights groups such as NOW and ME-Too Movement have been silent?  We have not heard a peep out of them?

How are women reacting to the very highly publicized stories of the rapes and murders of American women and girls at the hands of illegals.   Wouldn’t you think that (again) they might be supportive of Trump who has secured the border or RFK Jr. who has promised to secure the border?

The DC NATO Summit, what to make of it and how will Biden’s weakness play-out. Will the possibility of another Trump presidency affect the conference with Trump’s shadow looming?

USMC Colonel Eric Buer (Ret.)

National Security Analyst, former Joint Chiefs staffer at the Pentagon, former National War College Professor, decorated Middle East and Eastern Europe Attack Helicopter Pilot, SOFREP contributor and author of “Ghosts of Baghdad.”

How has Joe Biden’s political problems affected this conference?

Do you think NATO Member States are mindful that another Trump Presidency will make their lives a bit less comfy?

How do other world leaders view Biden, especially after the debate debacle?
Would our allies respect a Biden or Trump presidency more, and why?
What should U.S. involvement be in Ukraine, Gaza, and other global hot spots?

Should Ukraine gain NATO membership?

Do you think Putin, Xi Jinping or the Mullahs in Iran fear NATO? 

Do you feel that member States will still support one another if another member is attacked?



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About The Lion and The Cuckoo
Radioactive Pokemon
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Alexander, Denis
Through the thorns of a dead forest
About The Lion and The Cuckoo – Radio… (First release on YouTube)

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