Your News Talk America with Jake Smith, Ep. 4 – 7/26/2024


Your News Talk America with Jake Smith. Welcome to the Digital and Interactive Software used by DTD Media, called Mukana. Jake Smith invites guest as panelists from all over America to discuss current News and Politics.  In Mukana you can view questions by clicking on the “Recent”, “Popular”, or “On Deck” buttons at the top of the left column. To ask a question, fill out the field on the left. You can choose the guest or question category by hitting the arrow in the question field. To submit the question hit the arrow with the grey background. You may vote on questions by pressing on the up and down arrow to the left of each question. You can watch the show in the middle and see current questions below the show window. You are the “Producers”, ask questions and vote. Your votes count. Having seen this program used for events, the number of questions will grow. When it does, there will be more questions than time in the show. You can chat with other Producers and comment in the chat which is in the right column. You can keep notes by clicking the link to the right of your name in the upper right corner. If you asked your question in Mukana, and there is an issue with it or we run out of time we will send your question back to your notes. Thank you for participating

Show Notes

Segment 10:10
Kamala Harris wants to invest $10 trillion in another Green New Deal!
Larry Behrens: Larry is the communications director at Power The Future, a national nonprofit organization that advocates for American energy jobs.

Writing for The Washington Times, Larry warns — “When President Biden bowed to the pressure of Democratic Party elites and pulled out of the presidential race, he also gave the radical environmental movement one last gift: Vice President Kamala Harris.”

Behrens goes on to explain how Kamala Harris’s plan to combat climate change is far more expensive and damaging than anything President Biden has advocated for over the past 3.5 years. In fact, Biden has spent less than 4% of what Harris has pushed for in past statements.

Sample question:
Kamala Harris has always been an enemy of fossil fuels.  How would a President Harris destroy traditional, cheap energy sources for Americans and what would it do to our economy and more importantly our lifestyle.

Segment 10:35
Peter Navarro, author of The New Maga Deal: The Unofficial Deplorables Guide to Donald Trump’s 2024 Policy Platform.
Dr. Navarro was an economic and trade advisor for President Donald J. Trump during the 2016 Presidential campaign, and joined the White House staff on Inauguration Day. Dr. Navarro was instrumental in helping to implement President Donald Trump’s tariff policies to defend American steel and aluminum industries, combating Communist Chinese economic aggression, and renegotiating trade deals that put America last. 

For his refusal to testify against President Donald J. Trump at the January 6 witch-hunt committee, Dr. Navarro was sentenced to four months in federal prison. His loyalty to making America Great Again never wavered.

Sample questions:

Peter, President Trump has mentioned on the campaign trail the auto manufacturing facilities built by China in Mexico.  Do you predict that “The Boss” will slap a 100% duty on each vehicle coming into the USA?

Are you open to returning to the White House if President Trump is re-elected?

Segment 11:10
Kansas AG Kris Kobach sued Pfizer over deceptive marketing of Covid-19 vaccine wherein they claimed it was safe and effective.  But was it safe and effective?

Scott Schara, host of Deprogramming With Grace’s Dad, realized he had been programmed to believe a litany of things that weren’t true after the medical murder of his daughter Grace Schara, a beautiful 19 year old with Down syndrome died on October 13, 2021 in a hospital after being given a lethal combination of meds.

On the final day of Grace’s life, after the doctor proclaimed how well Grace was doing, he unilaterally labeled Grace as DNR before administering a combination of IV sedatives and narcotics over a short timeframe that no one could survive, especially if already in respiratory distress, as Grace was.

After extensive research and an investigation into the hospital’s COVID protocols and financial incentives, Scott Schara determined that the hospital had decided that Grace Schara was worth more dead than alive to them, noting that the hospital recorded COVID-19 pneumonia “as the second cause of death in order for the hospital to receive the killing bonus from the government.”

The tragic experience opened Scott Schara’s eyes to reality that so much of what we have been programmed to believe isn’t so. His podcast is aimed at helping others deprogram themselves, by opening their eyes and hearts to the truth.

Sample Questions:

Scott since the pandemic, our instructions, such as public health, the medical profession and the pharmaceutical industry are no longer trusted.  This level of mistrust has spread to all levels of government.  Is this what you experienced while Grace was ill?

Do you believe that the COVID 19 vaccines and boosters were safe and effective?  So many people around the world have either died suddenly or been permanently saddled with crippling conditions. 




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