Your News Talk America with Jake Smith – 9/13/2024 – Video


Your News Talk America with Jake Smith. Welcome to the digital and interactive program.

To participate live by asking and voting on questions, chatting with viewers, and watching the show, got to and click the “Watch Here” button. You can view questions by clicking on the “Recent”, “Popular”, or “On Deck” buttons at the top of the left column.

To ask a question fill out the field on the left. You may vote on questions by pressing on the up and down arrow to the left of each question. You can watch the show in the middle and see current questions below the show window. You are the “Producers”, ask questions and your votes count. There will be way more questions than time which makes voting important.

You can chat with other Producers and comment in the chat which is in the right column. You can keep notes by clicking the link to the right of your name in the upper right corner. If you asked your question in Mukana, and there is an issue with ti or we run out of time we will send your question back to your notes. Show notes will be posted on and the shows will be posted the following week.

10:10 AM ET

Chris Ruddy, CEO of NEWSMAX

Segment Topic:

Thanks to the leadership of its CEO, Chris Ruddy, Newsmax, Nielsen reported on Newsmax’s July 2024 and found:

22.6 million viewers tuned into Newsmax — up 68% since July ’23 and 46% since June ’24.

Newsmax was a top 10 cable channel in total viewers for 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Newsmax Prime Time beat CNBC, Fox Business, and NewsNation combined.

Separately, data from OTT platforms showed our Newsmax2 streaming channel had a viewership of over 40 million. This was an increase of 30% year-over-year.

And most of all, Newsmax digital property, saw significant growth in July with 7.1 million unique users — up 54% since last year — making over 70 million-page views.

“Tens of millions of Americans are voting with their remote controls, their clicks, and their apps for Newsmax,” Newsmax CEO Christopher Ruddy said.  Newsmax announced plans for a public offering in later this year, into early 2025.  There is no one more qualified to speak to the level of growth and the public offering than Newsmax CEO, Chris Ruddy!

Sample Questions:

Chris, so many of those who were loyal to Fox News Channel, have felt betrayed, abandoned by what has happened at the once great Conservative outlet.  How often do you hear that those who have migrated to Newsmax now feel that your media company has filled a huge void for them?

Our flagship station airs Rob Carson every day and Rob’s show has been a huge success.  My listeners are always asking us for more Newsmax Radio.  Are there any plans for an expansion of Newsmax Radio to compete with Fox News Radio?

Newsmax has provided MAGA nation with unfettered access to MAGA rallies like no one else has.  MAGA nation knows that IF President Trump is standing at a podium, viewers are assured of turning to Newsmax for coverage.  What went into your decision to cover Trump; wall to wall?

I find myself watching Newsmax 2 more frequently.  Tell us about Newsmax 2.

Can you tell us why an IPO, why have you decided to take Newsmax Media public and how can our listening family, own a piece of the rock?

10:35 AM ET

Segment Topic:

America’s #1 Conservative Publicist A.J. Rice, Releases Hilarious New Book, The White Privilege Album!


A.J. Rice, President and CEO of Publius PR, editor-in-chief of The Publius National Post on Substack, and author of the #1 Amazon bestseller, The Woking Dead: How Society’s Vogue Virus Destroys Our Culture.

Sample Questions:

  1. J. following the debate, were you surprised to see so many RINO’s falling on their swords?
  2. I thought President Trump performed well during the debate, even though Fox News says that his commanding Electoral lead in battleground states has disappeared. Has your analysis on the debate changed two-half days after it ended?
  3. Were you surprised how ABC rigged the debate to fact-check Trump and cover for Kamala the Commie?
  4. J. what do you make of the announcement that the Biden-Harris DHS Designates January 6, 2025 Electoral Vote Counting “National Special Security Event” to Criminalize Election Protests?
  5. The sequel to your last book, The Woking Dead is now in pre-order stage: The White Privilege Album: Bringing Racial Harmony to Very Fine People…on Both Sides. You mean, I don’t have white privilege?
  6. You have very graciously committed to sending us copies of your latest book – so we can have another YNTA book giveaway. Would you be interested in coming on the show to help me give them away?
  7. NYC Council is moving toward slavery reparations. Does that mean white privilege is real and must be avenged?

11:10 AM ET

Segment Topic:

How did Tuesday nights debate compare with others who are remembered historically?


Jeffrey Lord

Former Reagan advisor, Contributing Editor to the American Spectator, frequent Newsmax contributor, author, political strategist and historian, host of the podcast: The word of the Lord – available on Apple Podcasts!

Sample Questions:

  1. Jeffrey, there wasn’t any one-specific soundbite in Tuesday nights debate, which would have swung voters – either way, such as there is no soviet domination in Poland and I will not make age an issue of this campaign. So, what was your analysis and have you changed your analysis – some 60+ hours since it ended?
  2. Were you surprised that the ABC Moderators were in the tank for General Secretary Harris? They don’t even try to hide it anymore.
  3. What do you think of Trump and his campaign for refusing to do any more debates?
  4. Last night in North Carolina, General Sec. Harris, armed with a new southern voice inflection claimed that Donald Trump was going to cut social security. They must be desperate; they have returned to pushing granny off a cliff.

Community Guidelines

Thank you for being part of the DTDMedia Community. We value our producers and encourage an active participation by having everyone ask questions vote and chat. In order to keep the DTD Media Community and this platform engaging and respectful to all members we request all commenters adhere to our guidelines.

Respectful Debate: We encourage a variety of opinions and open debate but please refrain from using threatening language or making direct threats. Civil discourse is key.

Accuracy and Ownership: Ensure that your contributions are either factual or clearly presented as your own opinions. Posts containing illegal, discriminatory, offensive or misleading content will not be tolerated.”

Use Real Names: For a better and more respectful experience we encourage participants to use their real names rather than nicknames. People tend to be more considerate when their identity is known.

Language: Please use English when posting comments or questions as this is the primary language of our event.

Stay On Topic: Keep discussions relevant to the event topic. If you have a different topic in mind please wait for an appropriate session or thread.”

Question Submission: When asking questions please use the designated questions field and select the appropriate category from the dropdown menu. Do not add comments in the question field; they will be removed. All comments should be posted in the chat section.

Be Respectful: Engage in discussions with kindness and respect for others. Differences in opinion should be addressed with civility to maintain a constructive environment.

Avoid Negativity: If you encounter negativity or hostile behavior consider your response carefully. Engaging in a positive and constructive manner helps foster a better community.”

Moderation: We reserve the right to moderate and remove comments that are abusive, spammy, off-topic, or otherwise inappropriate. Even partial violations may result in the removal of a post.

Reporting Issues: If you notice inappropriate content please report it to our moderation team at the following email address: Include a direct link or reference to the specific session or chat where the issue occurred. While we may not respond to all reports individually please know that your concerns are reviewed and taken seriously.

By following these guidelines you contribute to a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone. Thank you for your cooperation and for making this event a success!


Jake Smith

Walt Palmer

Technical Director
Julia Hardy

Panel Liaison
Joe Giuliani

Producer Liaison
Mark Giuliani

Real News Talk Logo Graphics LED Pixels Light Effect
Storyblocks Asset ID: SBV-302248713
Music Track: About The Lion and The Cuckoo
Artist: Radioactive Pokemon
Written by: Alexander, Denis
Album: Through the thorns of a dead forest
Visuaizer: About The Lion and The Cuckoo –
Radio… (First release on YouTube) Spotify:… 

Read More

Your News Talk America with Jake Smith – 9/9/2024 – No Video

Your News Talk America with Jake Smith. Welcome to the digital and interactive program.

To participate live by asking and voting on questions, chatting with viewers, and watching the show, got to and click the “Watch Here” button. You can view questions by clicking on the “Recent”, “Popular”, or “On Deck” buttons at the top of the left column.

To ask a question fill out the field on the left. You may vote on questions by pressing on the up and down arrow to the left of each question. You can watch the show in the middle and see current questions below the show window. You are the “Producers”, ask questions and your votes count. There will be way more questions than time which makes voting important.

You can chat with other Producers and comment in the chat which is in the right column. You can keep notes by clicking the link to the right of your name in the upper right corner. If you asked your question in Mukana, and there is an issue with ti or we run out of time we will send your question back to your notes. Show notes will be posted on and the shows will be posted the following week.

it’s a new week and a brand new Russia hoax!  Roger Stone joins us this morning to outline the Dem-Com’s desperate attempts to recycle ANOTHER Russia Hoax.  Why are they doing this – after Vladimir Putin’s ringing endorsement of Gen Sec. Harris.  YNTA enters the stone zone later this morning.

We will get the latest on the presidential campaign, just 56 days from election day with Republican Strategist, Jennifer Kerns!

An earth-shattering set of endorsements over the weekend: War-Lord Dick Cheney and his Uni-Party offspring Lizzie Borden Cheney have endorsed Gen Sec. Harris for president.  What will we do?

Find out at 9:06 on the Flagship for YNTA: 927 & 985 – The Talk of Delmarva

Don’t forget to log on to real news talk dot com and register to participate in real-time during Tuesday nights debate.  Instead of screaming at the tv – vent, comment on MUKANA with talk of Delmarva hosts.  Three hours of the truth begins at 9:06 on the flagship for YNTA: 927 and 985 – the talk of Delmarva

Show Open:

The UN is apparently scared:

From Fox news: A recent undercover video showing a United Nations legal affairs employee saying the world body is scared of a Trump presidency is shining a new spotlight on Trump’s policy toward many of the U.N.’s scandal-plagued agencies.

The U.N. Office of Legal Affairs official was recorded on an undercover video stating, “I’m not sure the United Nations as an institution is going to survive a second term by Trump.” The Louder with Crowder podcast conducted the undercover recording and first disclosed it.

While the Trump campaign did not respond to requests for comment, as president he was viewed as being very tough on the world body by taking an aggressive posture against U.N. corruption, anti-Americanism and antisemitism while pushing American interests.

My friends, the UN is a front for the ruling junta globalists, who are committed to destroying our Republic – if you still have not decided to support Trump, consider this revelation from a UN hack.  They know that the party’s over if Trump returns to the White House!

10:10 AM ET

Segment Topic:

General Secretary Harris is holed-up inside a Pittsburg hotel with a Trump impersonator – prepping for tomorrow night’s debate.

Panelist: (Phoner)

Jennifer Kerns, Republican Strategist, Host of Syndicated Radio Program: All American Radio!

Sample Questions:

  1. Jennifer, have you ever heard of debate prep using an impersonator?
  2. Will Kamala attempt to label Trump a white supremacist, woman abusing racist during the debate?
  3. As you know, I am all about poll trending at this stage, recent polling, even from the NY Slimes, Sienna College poll show Trump moving upward. What has changed in the past two weeks?
  4. Is this virtual basement campaigning going to work this time or have Americans smarter today than 2020?
  5. We are now hearing that Republicans are going to lose control of the House and take control of the Senate. What are you hearing?  If that happens, how long before the first impeachment vote to remove Trump?

10:35 AM ET


Segment Topic:

The DOJ has launched Russia Hoax 3.0.  How desperate are the Dem-Coms at this point?


Roger Stone:

YNTA enters the Stone Zone, with our guest, Republican strategist, political consultant and successful author and the host of the Roger Stone Show – now airing on the Talk of Delmarva – Sundays from 7-9 PM!

Segment Topic:

The Dem-Com’s are floating Russia-Hoax 3.0.  Are they that desperate?

First coalition government in modern U.S. history.  The goal: to use those committed to eliminating the swamp – regardless of party to powerful positions in his administration.

RFK numbers redistributed – do not reflect Tulsi Gabbard’s endorsement and probable appointment to a high-powered Trump Administration cabinet position. 

Sample Questions:

  1. Roger, what do you think is behind the new Russia Hoax sequel?
  2. Can Gen. Sec. Harris continue to campaign inside a virtual basement – like 2020?
  3. Roger, isn’t Trump saying, I am going to use those committed to draining the swamp as a pre-requisite for the creation of the first modern coalition government in U.S. history. Will this resonate with voters?
  4. Former staffers for Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s now-suspended presidential campaign have launched a super PAC to convince Kennedy supporters to back Donald Trump.
  5. About one dozen ex-staffers are behind the Make America Healthy Again (MAHA) PAC, Jeff Hutt, a spokesperson for the PAC, told POLITICO. The group includes many members of the independent campaign’s former field team, he said.

11:10 AM ET

Segment Topic:

The differences between the UN Globalist Summit – later this month and Project 2025:  Trump may not have officially endorsed Project 2025; however his platform and past policies endorse the document, however, I assure you that Ge. Sec. Kamala the Commie Harris has fully endorsed all the concepts, ideas and proposals of the Un Globalist Summit 2024. 

The United Nations, a communist insurgency working on behalf of the Klaus Schwab Globalists are nervous about Trump winning in November and has outlined their own version of Project 2025 – however the media is ignoring the UN Plan: Summit of the Future 2024

20-21 September — Action Days

22-23rd September – Summit

Indoctrinate our children and future generations into the concept of Globalism – that is in direct conflict with our Bill of Rights:  In the eyes of DAVOS – all men are not created equal.  The are created to serve the movement – the globalist movement and their directives. 

Project 2025 is based on the United States Constitution.  The UN Summit for the Future – is based on the Globalist Cabal!

The UN wants much more control over global affairs, and “the Pact for the Future” which is scheduled to be adopted during “the Summit of the Future” that will be held on September 22nd and 23rd will go a long way toward making that a reality.  But even though “the Summit of the Future” is just days away, hardly anyone is talking about it and the mainstream media is almost entirely ignoring it.  Enormous decisions that could dramatically affect the future of everyone on the entire planet are about to be made, and just about the entire population has absolutely no idea what is going on.

This is exactly how the globalists like it.  They don’t want the general population to even be aware of their agenda as they relentlessly push it forward.

According to the official UN website, the idea for the Summit of the Future was “conceived at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic” four years ago…

In 2020, the UN turned 75 and marked the occasion by starting a global conversation about hopes and fears for the future.

This was the beginning of a process that would eventually lead, four years later, to the convening of the Summit of the Future, a major event this September, which will take place at UN Headquarters, just before the annual high-level debate of the General Assembly.

The Summit was conceived at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, when there was a perception at the UN that, rather than cooperating to face this global threat that affected all of us, countries and people pulled apart.

That all sounds very nice until you start digging into the details.

There is a special page for the Summit of the Future on the UN website, and it tells us that this summit will be a “once-in-a-generation opportunity” to create a “new international consensus”…

The Summit is a high-level event, bringing world leaders together to forge a new international consensus on how we deliver a better present and safeguard the future.

Effective global cooperation is increasingly critical to our survival but difficult to achieve in an atmosphere of mistrust, using outdated structures that no longer reflect today’s political and economic realities. This once-in-a-generation opportunity serves as a moment to mend eroded trust and demonstrate that international cooperation can effectively achieve agreed goals and tackle emerging threats and opportunities.

When you say that something is a “once-in-a-generation opportunity”, that is quite dramatic.

Solar power is proving to be ineffective for the grid, but PERSONAL solar power is necessary for when the grid goes down. Grab a personal solar generator for bugging in or bugging out.

Exactly what do they hope to achieve?

Well, the UN says that the Summit of the Future will focus on five primary areas

The event will consist of sessions and plenaries based around five main tracks (sustainable development and financing; peace and security; a digital future for all; youth and future generations; and global governance), and other topics that cut across all of the work of the UN, including human rights, gender equality and the climate crisis.

It is that fifth area that concerns me the most.

“Global governance” is just a fancy way of saying “global government”, and apparently there are big plans for changing the way that the UN operates.

On the UN website there is a PDF which is entitled “SUMMIT OF THE FUTURE 2024: WHAT WILL IT DELIVER?”, and it was not easy for me to find.

On the second page of that PDF there is a section called “TRANSFORMING GLOBAL GOVERNANCE”, and it contains some very alarming plans for a far stronger UN than we have today…

A Security Council with an updated composition and working methods, allowing it to be more effective, representative, and trusted. A revitalized General Assembly with a stronger role in peace and security and the aspiration for a female Secretary-General. A stronger ECOSOC and steps towards the revitalization of the Commission on the Status of Women. Strengthened Peacebuilding Commission that bridges more effectively to other actors, including international financial institutions.

A strengthened UN human rights pillar that is better resourced and coordinated. A UN that uses innovation, data, digital tools, foresight and (behavioural) science effectively (UN 2.0) and a sustainably financed UN development system. Deepened partnerships between the UN and other stakeholders, including civil society, the private sector, regional organizations, national parliaments and local and regional authorities.

When did we get to debate any of this?

If they are going to make radical changes to how the UN works, isn’t that something that our leaders should be talking about?

I especially don’t like the term “UN 2.0”. I am not exactly sure what that term means, but I don’t want any part of it.

The changes that the UN plans to implement immediately are reflected in a document known as “the Pact for the Future” which is scheduled to be adopted during “the Summit of the Future”.

One of the most disturbing things about “the Pact for the Future” is that it appears to give the UN a central role during any future “global shocks”…

The 3rd draft of the Pact for the Future was released on August 27 and is currently being reviewed by UN member states. This draft continues the discussion around “global shocks” and how these shocks will require a global response.

For example, one section titled “We will strengthen the international response to complex global shocks”, states that there is a need for a “coordinated and multidimensional international response to complex global shocks and the central role of the United Nations in this regard.”

The UN defines “complex global shocks” as events that “have severely disruptive and adverse consequences for a significant proportion of countries and the global population”. These shocks would require a “multidimensional multistakeholder, and whole of government, whole of society response.”

For a moment, try to imagine what it would be like for the UN to be calling the shots during the next global pandemic.

I don’t think that is something that any of us want.

During a “global shock”, apparently the UN would be granted emergency powers “for a finite period”

These potential shocks would necessitate the activation of “emergency platforms” which could grant the UN more power to respond to these apparent emergencies. The document says the UN will present member states with “protocols for convening and operationalizing emergency platforms based on flexible approaches to respond to a range of different complex global shocks”.

While the UN claims these emergency platforms will only be “convened for a finite period”, and will not be a standing institution or entity with respect to national sovereignty, critics of the UN fear that these emergency platforms will be seized upon and used to grant the UN new legal powers.

If the Pact for the Future is adopted, the UN will be the one to determine when a “global shock” occurs.

And the UN would also be the one to determine when it should be granted emergency powers and for how long those emergency powers should be in force. Needless to say, this is a nightmare waiting to happen.

Personally, I have been sounding the alarm about this for a long time.  I wrote about the Summit of the Future and the Pact for the Future in a book that I published last year, and that helped to educate a lot of people about what the UN is planning. Unfortunately, hardly anyone else is talking about this, and so 99 percent of the population is clueless.

On September 22nd and 23rd, the Summit of the Future will be held and the Pact for the Future will be adopted, and the changes that are about to happen could ultimately have enormous implications for every man, woman and child on the entire planet.

Michael’s new book entitled “Chaos” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on, and you can subscribe to his Substack newsletter at

Project 2025:

The Guardian:

“It’s a cold day in Washington DC in late January 2025. Though Donald Trump has lost the popular vote for a third consecutive election, his narrow capture of the electoral college has delivered the presidency.

During the campaign, Trump offered some symbolic gestures to distance himself from Project 2025, the Heritage Foundation-led policy blueprint for the next Republican administration, matched with a database of conservative personnel to execute those plans. “Personnel is politics,” they explain.

But with Republicans now holding bare majorities in both chambers of Congress, the gloves come off. As Trump utters the last phrase of the oath of office – “so help me God” – the first phase of what Project 2025’s authors call “the playbook” begins.

First come the firings. Thousands of federal, non-partisan civil servants –environmental and food safety regulators; authorities in disaster relief coordination; attorneys overseeing anti-discrimination policies in housing, education and employment; medical and scientific researchers – receive immediate layoff notices. Many will not be replaced, as entire federal programs and agencies are shuttered. The new personnel that do arrive come from conservative thinktanks, or are rightwing activists who applied through the Project 2025 application database. Political cronyism is now the official hiring policy of the US federal government.”


The US Air Force Academy is investigating after a 19-year-old first-year cadet was found dead in her Colorado dorm room last week.

Avery Koonce of Tyler, Texas, was “found unconscious” in her Colorado Springs room last Thursday.

Academy first responders were called and attempted life-saving measures, which were unsuccessful. The cause of death is under investigation,” the academy added.

 “We lost an incredible teammate … While only with us for a short time, Avery positively impacted her unit, her intercollegiate team, and her class — her loss will be felt across USAFA,” Academy Superintendent Lt. Gen Tony Bauernfeind said in the statement.

Koonce was also on the track team of Thrall High School in Thrall, Texas, which she graduated from this year. She posted on X in March 2023 that she set a personal best — and beat her own school record — for the 100-meter dash.

Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas), who nominated Koonce to attend USAFA outside Colorado Springs, said he was “incredibly saddened to hear about the loss” of the cadet.

He called her a “talented athlete” and said she was “planning to major in biology and minor in kinesiology with hopes of becoming a pilot physical therapist.”

STT honors the service to our nation of USAF, first year-first-year cadet, Avery Koonce, who hailed from Tyler, Texas.

If not for cadet Koonce’s commitment to defend freedom and liberty – this nation could not, this nation would never have remained free.

May this grateful nation never forget the name of Avery Koonce – USAF Cadet.

Community Guidelines

Thank you for being part of the DTDMedia Community. We value our producers and encourage an active participation by having everyone ask questions vote and chat. In order to keep the DTD Media Community and this platform engaging and respectful to all members we request all commenters adhere to our guidelines.

Respectful Debate: We encourage a variety of opinions and open debate but please refrain from using threatening language or making direct threats. Civil discourse is key.

Accuracy and Ownership: Ensure that your contributions are either factual or clearly presented as your own opinions. Posts containing illegal, discriminatory, offensive or misleading content will not be tolerated.”

Use Real Names: For a better and more respectful experience we encourage participants to use their real names rather than nicknames. People tend to be more considerate when their identity is known.

Language: Please use English when posting comments or questions as this is the primary language of our event.

Stay On Topic: Keep discussions relevant to the event topic. If you have a different topic in mind please wait for an appropriate session or thread.”

Question Submission: When asking questions please use the designated questions field and select the appropriate category from the dropdown menu. Do not add comments in the question field; they will be removed. All comments should be posted in the chat section.

Be Respectful: Engage in discussions with kindness and respect for others. Differences in opinion should be addressed with civility to maintain a constructive environment.

Avoid Negativity: If you encounter negativity or hostile behavior consider your response carefully. Engaging in a positive and constructive manner helps foster a better community.”

Moderation: We reserve the right to moderate and remove comments that are abusive, spammy, off-topic, or otherwise inappropriate. Even partial violations may result in the removal of a post.

Reporting Issues: If you notice inappropriate content please report it to our moderation team at the following email address: Include a direct link or reference to the specific session or chat where the issue occurred. While we may not respond to all reports individually please know that your concerns are reviewed and taken seriously.

By following these guidelines you contribute to a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone. Thank you for your cooperation and for making this event a success!


Jake Smith

Walt Palmer

Technical Director
Julia Hardy

Producer Liaison
Mark Giuliani

Real News Talk Logo Graphics LED Pixels Light Effect
Storyblocks Asset ID: SBV-302248713
Music Track: About The Lion and The Cuckoo
Artist: Radioactive Pokemon
Written by: Alexander, Denis
Album: Through the thorns of a dead forest
Visuaizer: About The Lion and The Cuckoo –
Radio… (First release on YouTube) Spotify:… 

Read More

Your News Talk America with Jake Smith – 9/10/2024 – No Video

Your News Talk America with Jake Smith. Welcome to the digital and interactive program.

To participate live by asking and voting on questions, chatting with viewers, and watching the show, got to and click the “Watch Here” button. You can view questions by clicking on the “Recent”, “Popular”, or “On Deck” buttons at the top of the left column.

To ask a question fill out the field on the left. You may vote on questions by pressing on the up and down arrow to the left of each question. You can watch the show in the middle and see current questions below the show window. You are the “Producers”, ask questions and your votes count. There will be way more questions than time which makes voting important.

You can chat with other Producers and comment in the chat which is in the right column. You can keep notes by clicking the link to the right of your name in the upper right corner. If you asked your question in Mukana, and there is an issue with ti or we run out of time we will send your question back to your notes. Show notes will be posted on and the shows will be posted the following week.

I continue to receive emails asking me where to find cheat sheets for voters: who should they vote for?  We have the answer this morning on the Monologue: Your Anchorman’s guide to voting will be rebroadcast for those who have missed it in the past.

The congressional report on the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan is devastating news for the nation and in particular for General Sec. Harris – the last person in the room.  The report provides a scathing rebuke of the cowardly cut and run – which set off a chain of events which has destabilized the world.

Jim Hoft editor of the Gateway Pundit will join us to preview tonight’s debate of the century!

Its only the beginning of a long day for yours truly:  Tonight, I will be providing a blow by blow analysis on Mukana.  I hope you will join me on real news talk dot com.

My long day begins at 906 – on the flagship of YNTA 927 & 985 – the talk of Delmarva

9:35 AM ET

Monologue: Down-ballot wisdom!

The reason Kamala has been hiding in a virtual basement is because she thinks she can win early voting which will send her to the White House.  That is how critical it is to vote early my friends.  If we don’t, they will!

10:10 AM ET

Segment Topic:

The botched withdrawal from Afghanistan: Will the McCall Report further damage the “last person in the room?”  Who is responsible?  Joe Biden/Kamala Harris or Jake Sullivan and the National Security Council?


Brigadier General Blaine holt, USAF Retired. 

Brig. Gen. Holt is a former Deputy United States Military Representative to (NATO). He supported the Military Representative and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in executing the U.S. political-military mission at the North Atlantic Council.

The general is a command pilot with more than 3,900 flying hours in a variety of aircraft.  General Holt is a frequent contributor to Newsmax. 

Sample Questions:

  1. General, what did you think of Admiral Kirby’s excuses for the botched withdrawal? The military hardware left behind was not ours, it belonged to the Afghan Government?
  2. Kamala says she was the last person in the room. Why shouldn’t she be held responsible for the blood spilled at Abbey Gate on August 26th, 2021?
  3. Was there some coordination with the CCP? After we pulled out, China moved into Bagram Airbase almost immediately?
  4. Why does Jake Sullivan’s name keep popping up when it comes to White House scandals?

10:35 AM ET

Segment Topic:

Trump-Harris Debate preview!


Jim Hoft, Editor, The Gateway Pundit

Sample Questions:

  1. Jim, Kamala is emerging from her virtual basement to debate Donald Trump – not with her preferred rules for debating, however, she does have a network and moderators who NEVER criticize her. She gets 100% positive coverage from ABC – President Trump: 7% positive coverage.  How can she defend her record?  She is joined at the hip with Joe Biden.
  2. Jim, what did think that the Harris Campaign hired a Trump impersonator for debate prep?
  3. General Secretary Harris received no bump from her convention.   If she fails to deliver tonight, her only hope is to win early voting, correct?

11:10 AM ET

Segment Topic:

An arrest of an illegal immigrant in Alabama has turned the theory of illegals voting in our elections on its head!



Sample Questions:

  1. Should we be worried about illegals voting? Will voter ID put an end to illegals voting in our elections?
  2. What good is voter ID if illegals have access to fake U.S. Passports and the penalties for voter fraud are not a deterrent?


STT honors the ultimate sacrifice of US Army Captain Seth Vernon Vanderkamp who was one of five soldiers killed in a helicopter crash while on a peacekeeping mission in the Sinai on Nov. 12, 2020.  Captain Vanderkamp hailed form Katy TX.

An Egyptian official said the UH-60 Black Hawk was on a reconnaissance mission and crashed near the island of Tiran, apparently because of a technical failure.

Vandekamp was an Army doctor assigned to a medical company under Task Force Sinai.

He joined the Army after graduating from A.T. Still University Medical School in 2017. This was his first overseas assignment, arriving in Egypt this October.

In 1978, Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat signed the Camp David Accords, which called for the withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Sinai Peninsula and an international peacekeeping mission.

After the United Nations Security Council failed to oversee the Israel-Egypt peace treaty, the United States became instrumental in creating and maintaining the Multi-National Force.

STT honors the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of peace in the Middle East of US Army Captain Seth Vernon Vanderkamp.  If not for Captain Vanderkamp’s commitment to serve, this nation could not, this nation would never have remained free.

May this grateful nation never forget the ultimate sacrifice of US Army Captain Seth Vernon Vanderkamp.  Rest in peace sir.

Community Guidelines

Thank you for being part of the DTDMedia Community. We value our producers and encourage an active participation by having everyone ask questions vote and chat. In order to keep the DTD Media Community and this platform engaging and respectful to all members we request all commenters adhere to our guidelines.

Respectful Debate: We encourage a variety of opinions and open debate but please refrain from using threatening language or making direct threats. Civil discourse is key.

Accuracy and Ownership: Ensure that your contributions are either factual or clearly presented as your own opinions. Posts containing illegal, discriminatory, offensive or misleading content will not be tolerated.”

Use Real Names: For a better and more respectful experience we encourage participants to use their real names rather than nicknames. People tend to be more considerate when their identity is known.

Language: Please use English when posting comments or questions as this is the primary language of our event.

Stay On Topic: Keep discussions relevant to the event topic. If you have a different topic in mind please wait for an appropriate session or thread.”

Question Submission: When asking questions please use the designated questions field and select the appropriate category from the dropdown menu. Do not add comments in the question field; they will be removed. All comments should be posted in the chat section.

Be Respectful: Engage in discussions with kindness and respect for others. Differences in opinion should be addressed with civility to maintain a constructive environment.

Avoid Negativity: If you encounter negativity or hostile behavior consider your response carefully. Engaging in a positive and constructive manner helps foster a better community.”

Moderation: We reserve the right to moderate and remove comments that are abusive, spammy, off-topic, or otherwise inappropriate. Even partial violations may result in the removal of a post.

Reporting Issues: If you notice inappropriate content please report it to our moderation team at the following email address: Include a direct link or reference to the specific session or chat where the issue occurred. While we may not respond to all reports individually please know that your concerns are reviewed and taken seriously.

By following these guidelines you contribute to a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone. Thank you for your cooperation and for making this event a success!


Jake Smith

Walt Palmer

Technical Director
Julia Hardy

Panel Liaison
Joe Giuliani

Producer Liaison
Mark Giuliani

Real News Talk Logo Graphics LED Pixels Light Effect
Storyblocks Asset ID: SBV-302248713
Music Track: About The Lion and The Cuckoo
Artist: Radioactive Pokemon
Written by: Alexander, Denis
Album: Through the thorns of a dead forest
Visuaizer: About The Lion and The Cuckoo –
Radio… (First release on YouTube) Spotify:… 

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Your News Talk America with Jake Smith – 9/12/2024 – No Video

Your News Talk America with Jake Smith. Welcome to the digital and interactive program.

To participate live by asking and voting on questions, chatting with viewers, and watching the show, got to and click the “Watch Here” button. You can view questions by clicking on the “Recent”, “Popular”, or “On Deck” buttons at the top of the left column.

To ask a question fill out the field on the left. You may vote on questions by pressing on the up and down arrow to the left of each question. You can watch the show in the middle and see current questions below the show window. You are the “Producers”, ask questions and your votes count. There will be way more questions than time which makes voting important.

You can chat with other Producers and comment in the chat which is in the right column. You can keep notes by clicking the link to the right of your name in the upper right corner. If you asked your question in Mukana, and there is an issue with ti or we run out of time we will send your question back to your notes. Show notes will be posted on and the shows will be posted the following week.

10:10 AM ET


Judge Andrew Napolitano

At 10:10 – its Jake and the Judge.  This week, Judge Napolitano takes issue with Merrick Garland’s DOJ charging Russian agents with election tampering.  Judge nap compares it to Soviet style prosecution.


Free Speech and the Department of Political Justice:

In 1966, two famous Russian literary dissidents, Yuli Daniel and Andrei Sin-yav-sky, were tried and convicted on charges of disseminating propaganda against the Soviet state. The two were authors and humorists who published satire abroad that mocked Soviet leaders for failure to comply with the Soviet Constitution of 1936, which guaranteed the freedom of speech.

       Their convictions sparked international outrage. Former U.S. Supreme Court Justice, and then America’s U.N. ambassador, Arthur Goldberg called the charges and the trial “an outrageous attempt to give the form of legality to the suppression of a basic human right.” When a secret transcript of the trial was circulated in the West, it became clear that Daniel and Sinyavsky were convicted of using words and expressing ideas contrary to what Soviet leaders wanted. They were sentenced to five and seven years, respectively, of hard labor in Soviet prison camps.

       Last week, the U.S. Department of Political Justice took a page from the Soviets and charged Americans and Russians with disseminating anti-Biden administration propaganda in Russia and here in the U.S. What ever happened to the freedom of speech?

       Here is the backstory.

       The Framers who crafted the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, both under the leadership and the pen of James Madison, were the same generation that revolted violently against King George III and Parliament and won the American Revolution. The revolution was more than just six years of war in the colonies. It was a radical change in the minds of men — elites like Thomas Jefferson and Madison, as well as farmers and laborers generally untutored in political philosophy.

       Untutored they may have been, but they knew they wanted to be able to speak their minds, associate and worship as they pleased, defend themselves, and be left alone by the government. The key to all this was the freedom of speech. Speech was then, as it is today, the most essential freedom. The late Harvard Professor Bernard Bailyn read and analyzed all the extant speeches, sermons, lectures, editorials and pamphlets that he could find from the revolutionary period and concluded that in 1776 only about one-third of the colonists favored a violent separation from England. By the war’s end in 1781, around two-thirds welcomed independence.

       But independence was bilateral. It meant not just independence from England but independence from the new government here as well. In order to assure independence from the federal government, the colonies ratified the Constitution. Its purpose was to establish a limited central government. After the Constitution was ratified and the federal government was established, five colonies threatened to secede from it unless the Constitution was amended to include absolute prohibitions on the government from interfering with natural individual rights.

       During the drafting of the Bill of Rights, Madison, who chaired the House of Representatives committee that did the drafting, insisted that the word “the” precede the phrase “freedom of speech, or of the press” in order to manifest to the ratifiers and to posterity the Framers’ collective understanding of the origin of these rights. That understanding was the belief that expressive rights are natural to all persons, no matter where they were born, and natural rights are, as Jefferson had written in the Declaration of Independence, inalienable.

       Stated differently, Madison and his colleagues gave us a Constitution and a Bill of Rights that on their face recognized the pre-political existence of the freedom of speech and of the press in all persons and guaranteed that the Congress — by which they meant the government — could not and would not abridge them.

       Until now.

       In the past two weeks, the feds have secured indictments against two Americans living in Russia who are also Russian citizens working for a Russian television network that expressed political views — the feds call this propaganda — contrary to the views of the Biden administration.

       The same feds secured an indictment against Americans and Canadians for funneling pro-Russian ideas to the American public through social media influencers. The feds, who call the words being used by their targets “disinformation,” apparently believe that the First Amendment has some holes in it for the speech that the government hates and fears.

       That belief is profoundly erroneous.

       The whole purpose of the First Amendment is to keep the government out of the business of evaluating the content of speech. The strength of an idea is its acceptance in the public marketplace of ideas not in the minds of government. This is political speech that is critical of government policies — that would be the very speech in which you and I and millions of Americans engage every day.

       The speech we love to hear needs no protection because we welcome it. But the speech that challenges; irritates; expresses alternative views; exposes the government’s lies, cheats and killings — even harsh, caustic, hateful speech — is the very speech that the First Amendment was written to protect.

       The United States has not declared war on Russia. Under international law, there is no legal basis for such a declaration. The U.S., however, which supplies weapons for its proxy Ukraine to attack Russia, is far more a threat to Russia than Russia is to the U.S. But you’d never know that by listening to the government. Now the government doesn’t even want you to hear speech that contradicts its narrative.

       In reading about the Soviet show trial of Daniel and Sinyavsky and the recent indictments of Americans and others for expressing so-called Russian propaganda, my stomach turned. The federal government has become what it once condemned. Just like the Soviets in 1966, it mocks free speech, it assaults basic human rights, it evades the Constitution it is commanded to uphold and now it punishes those who dare to disagree. This may bring it to the same untimely end as the Soviet Union it now emulates.

Sample Questions:

  1. Judge, why and has the Department of Justice been politicized to the extent that it is trying to divert attention to what is another manufactured Russia Hoax?
  2. The FARA act is a paper tiger, so why has the government sought to weaponize it at this point in our history?
  3. RFK Jr. issued a warning saying if Kamala Harris wins, we will be living in a totalitarian state; if Donald Trump returns to the White House, would you be supportive of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. as AG? If not, how can Trump repurpose the DOJ as it was intended or is that task insurmountable?

10:35 AM ET

Segment Topic:

Liberalism or Communism?  Will the United States be split into separate provinces?


H.R. Buckley

His latest book, F. H. Buckley, author of The Roots of Liberalism: What Faithful Knights and the Little Match Girl Taught Us about Civil Virtue.

Professor Buckley is a Foundation Professor at George Mason University’s Scalia School of Law.

He is a senior editor at the American Spectator and a columnist for the New York Post, and he has written for the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post among others.

His most recent books are The Republican Workers Party (2018); The Republic of Virtue (2017); The Way Back: Restoring the Promise of America (2016); The Once and Future King (2015); and American Secession: The Looming Threat of a National Breakup (2020).

Professor, as a conservative talk show host, the concept of an American breakup – your book in 2020 is the future that most conservatives fear. 

Play Rush cut from 2020 – your book American secession was generating that possibility back then:

Is that possible, future secession, rooted in Liberalism?  Your latest book: The Roots of Liberalism: What Faithful Knights and the Little Match Girl Taught Us about Civil Virtue warns us that: Liberalism is not an ideology that stands above our practices and judges them, but a practice itself, an inheritance of virtues, institutions, customs, and longings embedded in our culture and passed on through our memories and stories of moral heroes.

Sample Questions:

  1. HR, todays liberals appear to be nothing like social libs of the 1960’s. These so-called 21st-Century  liberals support communism, socialism, Marxism.  Are we misleading the nation by referring them as liberals?  They are not your daddy’s social liberals.
  2. In your book, American Secession: The Looming Threat of a National Breakup (2020), my listeners and callers are still talking about a possible secession. What was it about this book that has captured the attention of this nation?

11:10 AM ET

Segment Topic:

NY Congresswoman, Stefanik files complaint against judge in Trump (hush-money) trial saying his daughter has a “newly active financial relationship” with the Harris campaign. 


John D. O’Connor, Author of, Postgate and the Mysteries of Watergate:

John O’Connor is an experienced trial lawyer, practicing law in San Francisco since 1972. He has tried cases in state and federal court throughout the country.

He served as an Assistant U.S. Attorney in Northern California, representing the United States in both criminal and civil cases. Among his interesting assignments have been representation of the government during the OPEC oil embargo of the 1970s; writing Fifth Amendment and “state of mind” briefs for the prosecution in United States v. Patricia Hearst; representing the FDIC, FSLC and RTC during the savings and loan crisis of the late 1980s and early 1990s; representing California Attorney General Dan Lungren in campaign-related litigation; defending R.J. Reynolds Tobacco in significant smoking and health litigation; representing Coach Don Nelson in litigation with Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban; and representing W. Mark Felt regarding the revelation of his identity as Deep Throat.

Sample Questions:

  1. John, is this ethics complain have any teeth or is it political posturing by Stefanik?
  2. John, what did you think of Jack Smith’s new indictment of Trump and how will Judge Chakan (an Obama Judge) do with this new indictment, new grand jury and new evidence?
  3. What do you make of Jack Smith’s appointment? Was it lawful? 
  4. Do any of these cases now threaten Donald Trump’s candidacy? If so, how?

Community Guidelines

Thank you for being part of the DTDMedia Community. We value our producers and encourage an active participation by having everyone ask questions vote and chat. In order to keep the DTD Media Community and this platform engaging and respectful to all members we request all commenters adhere to our guidelines.

Respectful Debate: We encourage a variety of opinions and open debate but please refrain from using threatening language or making direct threats. Civil discourse is key.

Accuracy and Ownership: Ensure that your contributions are either factual or clearly presented as your own opinions. Posts containing illegal, discriminatory, offensive or misleading content will not be tolerated.”

Use Real Names: For a better and more respectful experience we encourage participants to use their real names rather than nicknames. People tend to be more considerate when their identity is known.

Language: Please use English when posting comments or questions as this is the primary language of our event.

Stay On Topic: Keep discussions relevant to the event topic. If you have a different topic in mind please wait for an appropriate session or thread.”

Question Submission: When asking questions please use the designated questions field and select the appropriate category from the dropdown menu. Do not add comments in the question field; they will be removed. All comments should be posted in the chat section.

Be Respectful: Engage in discussions with kindness and respect for others. Differences in opinion should be addressed with civility to maintain a constructive environment.

Avoid Negativity: If you encounter negativity or hostile behavior consider your response carefully. Engaging in a positive and constructive manner helps foster a better community.”

Moderation: We reserve the right to moderate and remove comments that are abusive, spammy, off-topic, or otherwise inappropriate. Even partial violations may result in the removal of a post.

Reporting Issues: If you notice inappropriate content please report it to our moderation team at the following email address: Include a direct link or reference to the specific session or chat where the issue occurred. While we may not respond to all reports individually please know that your concerns are reviewed and taken seriously.

By following these guidelines you contribute to a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone. Thank you for your cooperation and for making this event a success!


Jake Smith

Walt Palmer

Technical Director
Julia Hardy

Real News Talk Logo Graphics LED Pixels Light Effect
Storyblocks Asset ID: SBV-302248713
Music Track: About The Lion and The Cuckoo
Artist: Radioactive Pokemon
Written by: Alexander, Denis
Album: Through the thorns of a dead forest
Visuaizer: About The Lion and The Cuckoo –
Radio… (First release on YouTube) Spotify:… 

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Your News Talk America with Jake Smith Ep. 10 – 9/6/24

Your News Talk America with Jake Smith. Welcome to the digital and interactive program.

To participate live by asking and voting on questions, chatting with viewers, and watching the show, got to and click the “Watch Here” button. You can view questions by clicking on the “Recent”, “Popular”, or “On Deck” buttons at the top of the left column.

To ask a question fill out the field on the left. You may vote on questions by pressing on the up and down arrow to the left of each question. You can watch the show in the middle and see current questions below the show window. You are the “Producers”, ask questions and your votes count. There will be way more questions than time which makes voting important.

You can chat with other Producers and comment in the chat which is in the right column. You can keep notes by clicking the link to the right of your name in the upper right corner. If you asked your question in Mukana, and there is an issue with ti or we run out of time we will send your question back to your notes. Show notes will be posted on and the shows will be posted the following week.

Thank you for participating.

Show Notes 20240906


YNTA Panelists: 9/6/24

10:10 ET


Community Guidelines

Thank you for being part of the DTDMedia Community. We value our producers and encourage an active participation by having everyone ask questions vote and chat. In order to keep the DTD Media Community and this platform engaging and respectful to all members we request all commenters adhere to our guidelines.

Respectful Debate: We encourage a variety of opinions and open debate but please refrain from using threatening language or making direct threats. Civil discourse is key.

Accuracy and Ownership: Ensure that your contributions are either factual or clearly presented as your own opinions. Posts containing illegal, discriminatory, offensive or misleading content will not be tolerated.”

Use Real Names: For a better and more respectful experience we encourage participants to use their real names rather than nicknames. People tend to be more considerate when their identity is known.

Language: Please use English when posting comments or questions as this is the primary language of our event.

Stay On Topic: Keep discussions relevant to the event topic. If you have a different topic in mind please wait for an appropriate session or thread.”

Question Submission: When asking questions please use the designated questions field and select the appropriate category from the dropdown menu. Do not add comments in the question field; they will be removed. All comments should be posted in the chat section.

Be Respectful: Engage in discussions with kindness and respect for others. Differences in opinion should be addressed with civility to maintain a constructive environment.

Avoid Negativity: If you encounter negativity or hostile behavior consider your response carefully. Engaging in a positive and constructive manner helps foster a better community.”

Moderation: We reserve the right to moderate and remove comments that are abusive, spammy, off-topic, or otherwise inappropriate. Even partial violations may result in the removal of a post.

Reporting Issues: If you notice inappropriate content please report it to our moderation team at the following email address: Include a direct link or reference to the specific session or chat where the issue occurred. While we may not respond to all reports individually please know that your concerns are reviewed and taken seriously.

By following these guidelines you contribute to a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone. Thank you for your cooperation and for making this event a success!


Jake Smith

Walt Palmer

Technical Director
Julia Hardy

Panel Liaison
Joe Giuliani

Producer Liaison
Mark Giuliani

Real News Talk Logo Graphics LED Pixels Light Effect
Storyblocks Asset ID: SBV-302248713
Music Track: About The Lion and The Cuckoo
Artist: Radioactive Pokemon
Written by: Alexander, Denis
Album: Through the thorns of a dead forest
Visuaizer: About The Lion and The Cuckoo –
Radio… (First release on YouTube) Spotify:… 

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