Your News Talk America with Jake Smith 20240903

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Show Notes 20240903

YNTA Panelists: 9/3/24

Show Open:

From Colin Rugg – posted on X:

Two U.S. Marines from the U.S. Navy amphibious assault ship USS Wasp, assaulted in Izmir, Turkey. A group of men were heard yelling "Yankee go home" as they assaulted one of the Americans and put a sack over his head. The men responsible for the attack were members of the Turkish Youth Union.

"The U.S. soldiers who carry the bl**d of our soldiers and thousands of Palestinians on their hands cannot pollute our country," the group said on X. The service members who were attacked are "now safe" and back on board the USS Wasp. Turkey has since detained 15 people for the incident.

9:35 Monologue: Just In Case!


Segment Topic:

Is MN Gov. Tim Walz connections with Communist China similar to Joe Biden’s?  Is Walz a danger to blackmail from the CCP or is he merely an agent of communist influence?


Panelist: (phoner)

Gatestone Institute senior fellow Gordon Chang, author of the Coming Collapse of China discusses Tim Walz's connections to China.  You can follow Gordon on X: @GordonGChang

Sample Questions:

  • Gordon – thank you for joining us.  Can you tell us the differences between the Biden entanglements with China and Tim Walz?
  • It has been reported that Walz would talk-down the United States to his students prior to taking them there.  Isn’t that a form of communist indoctrination?
  • Republican Congressman, Jim Banks, of Indiana has been looking into the Minnesota governor's trips to the country. What can we expect from this investigation?
  • Is the issue: Did Walz have security clearance when he was visiting China and did, he disclose his close ties with Beijing prior to receiving his security clearance?


Segment Topic:

MSM polls continue to show Harris ahead.  What is the real story and is Harris campaigning in a virtual basement hurting her chances?

Panelist: (phoner)

Jennifer Kerns, Republican Strategist, Host of the nationally syndicated radio program, All American Radio.

Sample Questions:

Early voting starts soon in some areas of the Country. Jennifer, you are a Republican strategist, where does the Trump/Vance ticket sit this morning.

  • Vice President Kamala Harris’ growing lead in the polls may be exaggerated by oversampling Democratic voters, and some critics say it’s an intentional bid to bolster her momentum.
  • Democrats are celebrating after Ms. Harrisclosed the poll gap with former President Donald Trump and even surpassed him nationally and in some battleground states.  How can that be?
  • How powerful were the images of Trump at Arlington national Cemetery on August 26th and what do you make of the Harris campaign trying to astir up trouble form Trump’s visit to Arlington?


Segment Topic: (phoner)

Hamas Executes 6 Hostages Including an American.  What really happened? Are Israelis blaming Hamas or Netanyahu?  Hamas appeared to suggest Monday that the six hostages found dead were deliberately executed because they were about to be rescued by Israeli forces — and that others could suffer the same fate, too (from NY Post).


Israeli Commando Officer, Capt. Elkana (Kuno) Cohen, author of OCT 7: The War Against Hamas Through the Eyes of an Israeli Commando Officer.

Sample Questions:

  • Captain, can you tell us when Hamas executed their six prisoners? There are reports that they were executed before the IDF entered the tunnels.  What is the truth? 
  • Yesterday, Prime Minister Netanyahu apologized to the nation for the deaths, but it was Hamas who executed them – wasn’t it? Why did Bibi apologize? Where was the apology from Hamas?
  • Israel has but two choices, should they negotiate for peace at any price which permit Hamas to fight another day or they can continue to fight to eradicate Hamas and Hezbollah from the face of the earth. Isn’t that the choice Captain? 
  • What did you think of the pitiful, lame duck Joe Biden tossing Netanyahu under the bus again yesterday?
  • The United Nations is once again blaming Israel. How can that be?  Where is the blame for Hamas for starting this war, kidnapping innocent Israelis and murdering hostages in cold blood?


Segment Topic: (based on active chat engagement on energy on Monday).  Dem-Coms are using the European Socialist model to mold U.S. energy policy.  What is their goal?  What happens if they succeed?

What is the truth about Kamala and the Dem-Com’s policies on energy supply and pricing?

BBC Scotland: Energy is deliberately in short supply and expensive based on government tampering.  They control every aspect of EU and UK life.  Government then tosses bones in the forms of tax credits – to supplement the winter purchase of fuel: WINTER FUEL PAYMENTS!

The answer – as told by the BBC is not to increase supply, drop the prices.  The answer is to maintain government control over energy supplies and pricing and control the thermostats on seniors – on the backs of those who can afford to subsidize those who cannot.

Panelists: (if we have time)

  • Dan Kish is the Senior Vice President of Policy at the American Energy Alliance (AEA). Kish has more than 25 years of experience on congressional committees focused principally upon natural resource and energy policies. His service includes the principal resource committees in the House and Senate, including six years as Chief of Staff for the Republicans on the House Resources Committee and four years on the Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee staff.
  • Larry Behrens, Communications Director of Power the Future, a national nonprofit organization that advocates for American energy jobs.


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Jake Smith

Walt Palmer

Technical Director
Julia Hardy

Panel Liaison
Joe Giuliani

Producer Liaison
Mark Giuliani

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