Your News Talk America with Jake Smith – 01/31/2025
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10:10 AM ET
Segment Topic:
- God-Given or Bust: Defeating Marxism and Saving America with Biblical Truths!
- In America, either rights come from God—or they don’t. This is the ultimate war, and God-Given or Bust tells how patriots can win.
American exceptionalism is rooted in the idea that individual rights come from God and government is only in place to preserve and protect those rights. - But America’s losing sight of that concept.
- America’s turning into a country where the government grants rights and privileges to only those the government deems worthy—and takes them from those it deems unworthy.
- This is not how the Founding Fathers envisioned the nation; this is not how the concept of inalienable rights coming from a Creator works. Rather, this is how Marxism, communism, and collectivism spread.
- How can the American people reclaim the notion of God-given and ditch the idea of government-granted?
- Cheryl, your two, previous books: Lockdown: The Socialist Plan to Take Away Your Freedom and Socialists Don't Sleep: Christians Must Rise or America Will Fall, touched on the dangers of losing sight that we Americans are governed first and foremost by God’s Natural Law.
- They were a warning; was that warning heeded?
- Have Americans been so conditioned by our socialist government, that we are willingly accepting that we are no longer a Christian nation? That we are no longer governed by God’s natural law; that freedom is a gift, granted by Government?
- In America, either rights come from God—or they don’t. This is the ultimate war, and God-Given or Bust tells how patriots can win.
Cheryl Chumley, Author: God-Given or Bust: Defeating Marxism and Saving America with Biblical Truths!
Online Opinion Editor, The Washington Times, Host of the Bold and Blunt Podcast.
10:35 AM ET
Segment Topic:
- Mass deportation operation is underway: Why did Americans permit this invasion to go unchecked for four years?
- Not only are gang-bangers, murderers, rapists and child predators been captured in the first days of the roundup; as ISIS terrorist has been nabbed as well.
- During the first days of the purge, it appeared that Americans were aware that the worst of the worst were living openly among them. Why did they accept that?
- What is the difference between Middle-Eastern terrorists, gang bangers, human traffickers and cartel members to the safety and stability of our nation?
Have Americans been brainwashed to readily accept a government-sponsored invasion to give them more power at the expense of the lives of American citizens?
Jon Glasgow, Host of Sunday Report on Newsmax and eyewitness to recent ICE raids in NYC.
Charles A. Marino, former Senior Law Enforcement Advisor to the Secretary to the Department of Homeland Security. Chuck is a nationally known security expert and the Author: Terrorists on the Border and in Our Country.
11:10 AM ET
Segment Topic:
- Why are the Democrats sill obstructing, still resisting? Are they actively trying to trigger a civil war in America?
- The American people spoke loudly in November. President Trump’s poll numbers reflect that even those who did not vote for him now support his policies.
- So why are Democrat Communist Senators openly defying voters by attacks on Trump nominees during confirmation hearings?
- Their behavior would have made John Tower and Judge Bork blush!
- Ridgely, where is this open-defiance of the American people coming from? Every one of these Democrat Communist Senators (Pocahontas, Shifty-Schiff, Whitestone, Bernie Sanders; they have young people working on their staffs (you can see them sitting behind these reprobates). How much influence do our Marxist Universities have on what we are seeing during these embarrassing confirmation hearings?
- Is the communist insurgency being purged from Washington merely going to hideout on university campuses until their next opportunity?
- Is the Senate a sewer? Should we be debating a repeal of the 17th Amendment and placing the Senate back under the control of State Legislatures?
- Yesterday (on this program); Judge Andrew Napolitano said that the only unconstitutional amendment in the Constitution is the 17th
Jeffrey Lord, Host of the “Word of the Lord” Podcast (Spotify, Amazon Music and other platforms). Jeffrey is a frequent Newsmax contributor, former advisor to President Reagan.
David Zere, Host of “Breaking Point” on Real Americas Voice.
Stanley K. Ridgely, PhD. Brutal Minds: The Dark World of Left-Wing Brainwashing in Our Universities.
11:35 AM ET
Segment Topic:
- Wokeism and Globalism Wanted a Great Reset in 2024, Instead Trump Reset Them!
- Trump’s poll numbers are at an all time high and increasing. Why is that?
- Yesterday, Trump took aim at DEI, when he blamed it on the shortage of controllers in the tower at Reagan Airport. He connected the DEI-dots so the average American can understand the dangers of DEI.
- Does he need to continue doing this by pointing out the dangers with wokeism and globalism?
Mark Gober, author of An End to the Upside Down Reset: The Leftist Vision for Society Under the “Great Reset”—and How It Can Fool Caring People into Supporting Harmful Causes.
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