Your News Talk America with Jake Smith 09/16/2024 – No Video


Show Open:

How could this happen again?  How did this would-be assassin know Trump’s whereabouts, how did he know his schedule on a Sunday?  How did a SS agent see an AK-47 muzzle through a chain link fence opening and through a buffer zone with trees and bushes?

Why was there no assessment completed to protect the perimeter?  Where were the drones?  Where were the perimeter patrols along the fence line?

All we heard was how heroic those agents were yesterday.  Is that the new storyline?  SS agents are heroic?

Did he have help?  How was he able to move from NC to Hawaii – unemployed?  Hawaii is the most expensive state to live in the nation?

10:10 AM ET


Garett Ziegler (VIA ZOOM AUDIO)

Garrett Ziegler is the founder & chairman of Marco Polo. Ziegler served as an Associate Director (Office of Trade & Manufacturing Policy) in the White House under President Donald J. Trump from 2019-2021. He received a degree in economics from Saint Louis University & lives in Illinois with his wife & children.

Tyler Nixon, Esq. (VIA ZOOM AUDIO)

Tyler Nixon is a practicing attorney (Roger Stone’s personal attorney), he is a U.S. Army Infantry Veteran. A Constitutionalist. Advocate. Writer. Technologist. Critical Historian. Extremist in the Defense of Liberty.  Tyler is also a former co-worker of mine and is an expert on the JFK Assassination in Dallas on November 22, 1963.

Segment Topic: From NY Post

Hunter Biden won $18,000 in legal fees in his lawsuit against a former Trump White House aide for his alleged role in the first son’s infamous laptop scandal.

President Biden’s embattled son is suing Garrett Ziegler for allegedly illegally accessing and circulating the embarrassing contents of Hunter’s infamous laptop on Ziegler’s right-wing nonprofit website Marco Polo.

Ziegler worked as aide to President Donald Trump’s trade adviser, Peter Navarro, from February 2019 through January 2021. He’s been an outspoken critic of the Bidens and has exposed much of Hunter’s laptop data on his site.

Los Angeles federal Judge Hernan Vera ordered Ziegler Monday to fork over $17,929 to Hunter, 54, for what it cost him to fight Ziegler’s unsuccessful motion to toss Hunter’s suit. Vera described Ziegler’s motion to dismiss in his ruling as “totally devoid of merit.”

Hunter’s suit — which is still pending with a hearing date next set for Nov. 12 — accuses Zielger and others of breaching computer fraud and data laws by accessing “tens of thousands of emails, thousands of photos, and dozens of videos and recordings” from Hunter’s laptop.

But that is not all: From Fox News

Two IRS agents who blew the whistle on the political interference into Hunter Biden’s tax crimes filed a $20 million defamation lawsuit against an attorney for the president’s son late Friday, accusing him of behaving with "clear malice." 

IRS investigators Gary Shapley and Joe Ziegler accuse attorney Abbe Lowell of retaliating against them for their efforts in exposing the kid glove treatment Hunter Biden was receiving in regard to his non-payment of taxes. 

The lawsuit, filed in D.C. court, states that the pair are bringing the case to "vindicate their reputations for the incredible and malicious harm they have suffered."


10:35 AM ET


Joseph Sweeney, author of Dangerous Injustice: How the Democrats Weaponized the DOJ to Protect Biden and Persecute Trump.

From a veteran CIA lawyer, a provocative analysis of the cases against two presidents for mishandling classified documents and a call to action against an American justice system that is spinning out of control.

The politicization of the Justice Department is not new. But on August 8, 2022, when armed FBI agents raided the home of former President Donald Trump—alleging violations of the Presidential Records Act and the Espionage Act—the nation’s top law enforcement organization’s weaponization reached new heights.

The FBI seized approximately 130,000 documents, about 100 of which bore classification markings. President Biden publicly criticized Trump for being reckless, but soon thereafter, over 100 classified documents, with dates spanning five decades, were discovered in Biden’s possession. Trump was indicted for forty felonies. Biden was not charged.

Drawing on twenty-five years of experience, including working on high-level espionage investigations and prosecutions, veteran CIA lawyer Joseph B. Sweeney provides unprecedented insights and answers the big questions about the classified information cases against both presidents.

Dangerous Injustice is a rigorously argued, eye-opening insider’s view of how the modern American justice system really works (and doesn’t work) at the highest levels—and what we can do to save it.  Something Changed.  What changed?

Segment Topic:

Can you blame Dem-Com rhetoric for two assassination attempts against President Trump?  Has the Dem-Com’s Weaponization of the DOJ been engineered to to Protect Biden/Harris and Persecute Trump?

Sample Questions:

  1. Joseph, you heard Merrick Garland last week tell the nation that Donald Trump’s rhetoric against the weaponization of the DOJ has increased the threat level to the beleaguered agency. There aren’t two sets of rules at his DOJ; What is your response to what Garland said?
  2. In your opinion, what role has DOJ-sponsored lawfare had in two assassination attempts against President Trump?
  3. Dangerous Injustice is a rigorously argued, eye-opening insider’s view of how the modern American justice system really works (and doesn’t work) at the highest levels—and what we can do to save it. Something Changed.  What changed?
  4. In what ways were the document cases different and handled differently?
    • How did they compare to historical precedents?
    • Was the handling of the cases politically biased?
    • Can today’s judicial system fairly and impartially adjudicate cases involving high-profile political figures?

11:10 AM ET



Segment Topic:

Trump assassination attempt.  Was the Secret Service negligent again or is there something far more sinister at play here?



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Jake Smith

Walt Palmer

Technical Director
Julia Hardy

Producer Liaison
Mark Giuliani

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Music Track: About The Lion and The Cuckoo
Artist: Radioactive Pokemon
Written by: Alexander, Denis
Album: Through the thorns of a dead forest
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