Your News Talk America with Jake Smith | Ep. 14 – 10/04/2024

Your News Talk America with Jake Smith. Welcome to the digital and interactive program.

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10:10 AM ET

Segment Topic:

  • America's #1 Conservative Publicist A.J. Rice, Releases Hilarious New Book, The White Privilege Album!
  • A.J. Rice will discuss the Presidential race just 31 days until November 5th.
  • A.J. will help giveaway copies of his latest book to Producers logged on to Mukana during this segment.


A.J. Rice, President and CEO of Publius PR, editor-in-chief of The Publius National Post on Substack, and author of the #1 Amazon bestseller, The Woking Dead: How Society’s Vogue Virus Destroys Our Culture.

Sample Questions:

  1. A.J. what was your assessment of Tuesday night’s debate?
  2. Last week, Crooked-Hillary warned of an October surprise on the horizon to take Trump down before election day. What dirty tricks do these Democrat Communist have up their sleeves – other than they want Trump dead?
  3. Earlier this week, I produced a Monologue entitled: American Apartheid; though your latest book, attempts to poke fun at racism against whites in America, there is evidence that white directed racism has found a home in 21st Century America. Do you agree?
  4. J. are you ready to award copies of your book to our producers on Mukana?

10:35 AM ET

Segment Topic:

The JFK Assassination Chokeholds (the JFK Assassination):

In the JFK Assassination Chokeholds, readers will find up to date evidence that would have compelled any jury to conclude that Oswald was not guilty beyond reasonable doubt, and that there is clear and convincing evidence of both a conspiracy and obstruction of justice to cover it up.

On November 22, 1963, the world took a turn for the worse. JFK and everything he stood for was cruelly taken away from us. Hopefully the truth can help pave the way for a new direction.


James DiEugenio, co-author of The JFK Assassination Chokeholds, has an MA in history from California State University Northridge. He is a retired teacher who has written or co-edited four books on the assassinations of the sixties: Destiny Betrayed, The Assassinations, The JFK Assassination: The Evidence Today and JFK Revisited. The last volume is the companion piece to Oliver Stone’s two recent documentaries on the Kennedy assassination, JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass, and JFK: Destiny Betrayed. Jim wrote the screenplays for both of those films. He has lectured widely and made many appearances on many broadcast programs about the subject. 

He is the editor and publisher of the online journal which features articles, news stories and critiques of works about the four major assassinations of the sixties: JFK, Malcolm X, MLK and RFK.

The next time a historian, teacher, author or Warren Commission backer pushes the lone-nut assassin scenario, the reader will be able to counter with troubling questions, such as:

Sample Questions:

  1. Why was Oswald impersonated?
  2. Why did Jack Ruby receive assistance in murdering Oswald?
  3. Why do an overwhelming number of investigation insiders not believe the Warren Commission conclusions?
  4. How can one explain the scandalous shenanigans around JFK's brain and the chain of custody for CE 399? And many other inexplicable facts that are a matter of record. If Trump returns to the White House and if RFK Jr. joins his Administration, do you believe that the real intel on the CIA involvement in the JFK and RFK assassinations will finally be made public?

11:10 AM ET

Segment Topic:

Jeffrey is going to provide his assessment of the damage Tim Walz did to the Middle-Class Harris campaign during Tuesday night’s debate. 

Much of what President Trump has proposed in his tax plan for America resembles Reagan (Supply-Side) economics of the 1980’s.  Cut taxes, spur economic growth and in the end, the U.S. Treasury will see increased revenues.  Jeffrey will take a look back at Reaganonomics.


Jeffrey Lord, Former advisor to President Ronald Reagan, Associate Editor of the American Spectator, frequent contributor for Newsmax and host of the Word of the Lord Podcast and a very good friend to this radio program.

Sample Questions:

  1. Jeffrey, what is your assessment of Tuesday night’s debate between J.D. Vance and Tim Walz?
  2. What did you think of CBS violating their own debate rules by fact-checking Vance, defending Walz and cutting of the microphones (as they promised they would not do)? What would Bill Paley have said?  What would Edward R. Murrow have said?  What would Walter Cronkite have said?
  3. Why do Republicans continue to fall into these traps by agreeing to appear on Marist State Media outlets?
  4. Jeffrey, want was it like getting Reagan’s tax policies passed by congress?
  5. How long did it take for Reagan to claim success and drive away the George Bush (Voodoo Economics) warnings on the risks of Supply-Side economics?

11:35 AM ET

Segment Topic:

How Ronald Reagan Paved the Way for Donald Trump & Why 2025 Could Be the Year of Change!

The last Republican tax cut, the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act signed into law by Donald Trump, will expire in 2025. Trump has made extending his signature tax law the centerpiece of his reelection campaign. The Congressional Budget Office says that would cost $4.6 trillion over 10 years. Trump has also floated the possibility of lowering the tax rate to 15% from 21% for corporations that make their products in America. Under one possible budget model, this could reduce revenue by about $200 billion through Fiscal Year 2035, according to the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget.


Prominent taxation expert and lawyer Ed Oswald, a former attorney-advisor for the US Treasury Department, said this "grab bag" of tax cut proposals by Trump would be devastating to the economy and only further increase income disparity across the country, but that 2025 could be the year for significant change if Democrats step up to the plate.

"Democrats could finally confront and defeat the enduring policy myths of 'Reaganomics' – the notion that the government is the problem, and that the only way to promote economic growth is through trickle-down tax cuts for the wealthy," Oswald explains. "Will Democrats have the courage and conviction to educate voters about the perils of unfunded tax cuts? There is no free lunch, and the growing national debt already poses a threat to benefits such as Medicare and Social Security."

Sample Questions:

  1. Ed, it does not appear that you in in-favor of supply side economics? You do not believe that increasing economic and manufacturing here at home will increase revenues to the Treasury as they did During the Reagan presidency?
  2. Isn’t the problem government spending and earmarks and not Trump’s tax plan? Why not go in a far different direction and give Trump’s ideas a try?  What have we go to lose?
  3. How long would it take to determine if Trump’s tax plan (if enacted by Congress) is working? How many years?

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Jake Smith

Walt Palmer

Technical Director
Julia Hardy

Panel Liaison
Mark Giuliani

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