Your News Talk America with Jake Smith | Ep. 15 – 10/11/2024

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10:10 AM ET

Segment Topic:

The Biden-Harris administration Is lying to the American public when they claim that FEMA is out of money.  What is the Truth about FEMA and their response to the victims of Hurricane Helene?

Unfortunately, the Biden-Harris administration has not only been slow to respond, with anecdotal accounts of soldiers at Fort Liberty (formerly Fort Bragg) in North Carolina being denied leave to rescue their friends and neighbors in the Smoky Mountains.

Rather than going into overdrive with a massive public-private search and rescue mission, the Biden-Harris administration has let the people of Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Tennessee, South Carolina and Virginia down through their deadly failure to treat the devastation caused by Hurricane Helene as a major emergency.

DHS Chief Alejandro Mayorkas is being blasted for saying that FEMA has no money left to help Americans in need, even as he has spent billions to fly migrants into and around the country while feeding, housing, and clothing them, all at taxpayer expense.

As the South and East reel from the disastrous effect of Hurricane Helene, many are slamming the absenteeism of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) as millions struggle to recover from the devastation.


Rick Manning is the President Americans for Limited Government.  A long-time public affairs professional, Rick served as the Public Affairs Chief of Staff at the U.S. Department of Labor during the George W. Bush Administration, where he was twice recognized by the Secretary for Exceptional Achievement.

Judd T. Saul, is a film producer, director and missionary. Saul is the Executive Director of Equipping the Persecuted, a mission that is focused on helping the persecuted Christians in Nigeria.

Sample Questions:

  • Joe Biden has accused President Trump of lying about FEMA’s response to Hurricane Helene; what is your response?
  • What do you both think about FEMA’s response to Helene?
  • Do you both believe Kamala Harris has attempted to use Helene and Milton for political gain?
  • Given the response on the part of NG”s, such as Samaritans Purse, Operation Helo and Grey Bull Rescue, is it time to rethink planning for emergencies?

10:35 AM ET

Segment Topic:

A shadow climate government agency exists:

After more than eight months of litigation with the U.S. Department of State, Power The Future is suing the Department of Justice (DOJ) over their systemic cover-up of the secretive Office of the Special Presidential Envoy for Climate (SPEC.) For years, Power The Future has filed Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests seeking basic information about the taxpayer-funded office formerly run by John Kerry. At every turn, the Biden-Harris Administration has thwarted the law and used stalling tactics to keep this information hidden.

In the latest development, DOJ and agencies have made it clear that no documents related to Mr. Kerry and his climate office will be released until after the November election.  Is the DOJ hiding climate and energy lies?


Daniel Turner, Executive Director, Power the Future:

Power The Future, a national nonprofit organization that advocates for American energy jobs. He comments regularly on trends related to energy, environmental policies, and politics in the media and has been published at FoxNews.comNew York PostRealClearEnergyWashington TimesDaily CallerWashington ExaminerThe FederalistHuman Events, and The Spectator. He appears regularly on Fox Business,  Fox News, Newsmax, OANN, and more. He’s also a frequent guest on Tim Pool’s Timcast IRL. You can watch clips of him here.

Frank Lasee, author of Climate and Energy Lies: Expensive, Dangerous & Destructive.

“Do Not Fear Climate Change, Fear Climate Change Policy”

Across the modern world, we are being told that the climate is heating up, creating a climate crisis. This well-funded propaganda, commonly called "Climate Alarmism," is founded on lies. These “Climate and Energy Lies” will impoverish communities, states, and entire nations, robbing citizens of their freedoms. What’s more, the psychological fear triggered by Climate Alarmism is used to control populations. To herd them into making decisions that favor corporations and politicians, at the average citizen’s expense. At its core, Climate Alarmism is a tool in a dark globalist political and corporate agenda.

Energy inflation and bureaucratic meddling for the sake of reducing greenhouse gases are the first steps toward global control through Climate Alarmism.

The “Green” movement is financed with borrowed tax money, oppressive regulations, and ever more expensive electricity and energy. This adds to the $34 trillion U.S. national debt.

The West scrambles to purchase wind towers, solar panels, batteries, and electric car components from the world’s greatest polluter and Alarmism beneficiary, totalitarian Communist China.

“Green” Chinese products are made with dirty coal power, near slave labor, and almost no environmental protections. They are often more detrimental to earth (and our national debt) than fossil fuel energy.

Thankfully, the climate crisis is an imaginary threat. In “Climate and Energy Lies,” Frank Lasee details these lies, using hundreds of mainstream sources and graphs. However imaginary the climate crisis is, the threat of prosperity and freedom disintegrating is real. We shouldn’t fear climate change, we should fear climate change policy!

Will the West choose a prosperous future or succumb to the Climate and Energy Lies?

Sample Questions:

  • Daniel, was John Kerry involved in running (what is in essence) an underground, subversive (shadow) government agency as a work-around climate government?
  • Frank you have called this global climate hoax: Well-funded propaganda, commonly called "Climate Alarmism, founded on lies.” If we do not fight back harder against this hoax, tell us what is at stake for the nation?
  • In 24-days, we will (unless the Dem-Com’s) commit massive fraud, send Donald Trump back to the White House. If he attempts to drill, drill, drill, will the Marxist EPA block his efforts at every turn? 


11:10 AM ET

Segment Topic:

Has Kamala’s media blitz done more harm to her campaign?  Drinking beer on national TV while the dead are unaccounted for in North Carolina and Hurricane Milton preparations were underway?

Did Donald Trump commit high crimes and misdemeanors by sending Vladimir Putin a COVID test kit?  Is Bob Woodward up to his old tricks again?


Jeffrey Lord, Former advisor to President Ronald Reagan, Associate Editor of the American Spectator, frequent contributor for Newsmax and host of the Word of the Lord Podcast and a very good friend to this radio program.

Sample Questions:

  • Jeffrey, this week, Kamala chugged a beer on national TV, is this as damaging to her image as Mike Dukakis riding in a tank?
  • Bob Woodward’s new book has been released. Do you see anything which would change any committed voter?  Do you see anything which would sway any undecided voters?
  • Trump spent more time in PA, with a rally on Wednesday in Scranton. Do you see any differences in Trump support between 2020 and 2024?
  • Dick Morris is predicting a Reagan 1980 like landslide. Do you agree?

11:35 AM ET

Segment Topic:

Federal Agencies permitted illegals (without proper identification) to fly on commercial aircraft, while American citizens cannot.


Ira Mehlman, Media Director, Federation for American Immigration Reform

Ira joined FAIR in 1986 with experience as a journalist, professor of journalism, special assistant, and press secretary of the House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee. His columns have appeared in National Review, LA Times, NY Times, Washington Post, Newsweek, and more. He is an experienced TV and radio commentator.

Sample Questions:

  • Ira, since 9-11, I cannot even get access to an airport gate, much less an aircraft, without a government-issued ID. What is the truth about this?
  • Can you outline this scheme, how taxpayer dollars were used by the Border Czar to smuggle illegals into the United States?
  • There are violent gang members inside our country right now, warring with domestic gangs, why is half the country OK with this?

    • Ira, if Trump returns to the White House, has FAIR evaluated his promise for a mass deportation effort? Blue states will put up all sorts of roadblocks.  Police, who report to Dem-Com politicians will not put their jobs and pensions on the line to participate; however they will put their lives on the line when facing a Guatemalan gang member in the middle of the night.

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Jake Smith

Walt Palmer

Technical Director
Julia Hardy

Panel Liaison
Mark Giuliani

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Music Track: About The Lion and The Cuckoo
Artist: Radioactive Pokemon
Written by: Alexander, Denis
Album: Through the thorns of a dead forest
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