Your News Talk America with Jake Smith – 8/29/24

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YNTA Notes: 8-29-24

10:10 AM ET

Segment Topics:

Judge Napolitano analyzes the latest legal maneuver by Special Counsel Jack Smith against President Trump.

Judge Nap also discusses his latest opinion piece: “Searching for Monsters.”  In his piece, Judge questions America’s war-mongers when he quotes John Quincy Adams, who said that offensive foreign wars don’t spread liberty, they spread violence!


Judge Andrew Napolitano

In his regular segment on “Jake and the Judge”, Judge
Andrew Napolitano (Newsmax Senior Judicial Analyst) discusses the most poignant legal topics of the day, including his latest opinion piece from

Segment Questions:

1.  Judge, why would Jack Smith submit almost an identical indictment of Trump on his alleged actions on January 6th, when his former jury has already been dismissed?

2.  This is more election interference from the DOJ – isn’t it?

3.  Judge, you have been a loud critic of American foreign wars which are never justified and result in American soldiers being sent home in body bags.  Joe Biden kept checking his watch when dead bodies following the botched Afghanistan withdrawal.  If our own leaders have no respect for the dead, why do we fight in so many unconstitutional wars and what can be done to stop them in the future?

10:35 AM ET

Segment Topic:

Jack Smith resurrects 4 identical felony charges against Trump.  Is Smith just dancing around double jeopardy protections?  What is Smith’s point now – 67 days until the election?


Gregg Phillips, creator of Ground Fusion AI, a platform that revolutionizes targeted political engagement with data on 211 million voters. Phillips is a trailblazer in political technology with over 40 years of experience. Gregg is also the host of the top-tier technology podcast "Patriot Games," and the co-star and executive producer of the widely acclaimed docudrama “2000 Mules.”

Sample Questions:

1.  Gregg, what is the Special Counsel up to here?  His previous Grand Jury had already been dismissed.  The SCOTUS has already confirmed Trump's presidential immunity.  Isn’t he starting from scratch, under the shadows of the ruling by the high-court?

2.  There is little to no chance that this case goes to trial before the election, so why is Smith doing it?

3.  Gregg, tell us about Ground Fusion AI?

4.  Has your AI-based polling service noticed any unusual trends and how do you feel about Trump’s chances in the Fall?

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11:10 AM ET

Segment Topics:

  • Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey Responds to Judge Amit Mehta’s Ruling on the Missouri Media Matters Case!
  • Kamala’s Border Failure Strikes Again! — New Terrifying Video Shows ARMED Venezuelan Migrant Gangsters Taking Over Another Apartment Complex in Aurora, Colorado.
  • Pope Francis once again revealed his radical leftist agenda by condemning those who take necessary actions to protect their nations from unchecked migration.
  • During his General Audience on Wednesday, the Pope labeled the efforts to repel migrants as nothing less than a “grave sin,” aligning himself with the open-border globalists who seek to undermine the sovereignty of nations worldwide.
  • France Officially Indicts Telegram Founder Pavel Durov after fails to shift Telegram’s Corporate HQ to Paris! Telegram founder Pavel Durov was released from prison in France last evening. Pavel is out on €5,000,000 bail for “speech crimes.” Durov is scheduled to appear before a French court over allegations that his platform was used for ‘illegal activities.’


Jim Hoft, Editor, The Gateway Pundit

Sample Questions:

  1. Jim, can you explain what is going on with the Soros controlled Media matters, and Obama-judge and the AG of MO, Andrew Bailey?
  2. Jim, the illegals who are working honestly to earn a living are not the real threat from Kamala’s open-borders, it is the gang warfare which is being exhibited in States like CO.  Can you explain?
  3. If you are an American Catholic, you have been warned that if you do not accept unchecked illegal immigration, you have committed A GRAVE SIN.  In Catholicism, that is called MORTAL SIN or in legal terms a Catholic Felony!  How are Catholics supposed to react to this Jim?
  4. Telegram Founder and CEO Pavel Durov was released on bail by Macron’s Marxist government last night.  How serious a threat to freedom of expression is Durov’s arrest and is it safe to believe that Washington is involved?



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Jake Smith

Walt Palmer

Technical Director
Julia Hardy

Panel Liaison
Joe Giuliani

Producer Liaison
Mark Giuliani

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Artist: Radioactive Pokemon
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Album: Through the thorns of a dead forest
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