Your News Talk America with Jake Smith, Digital Ep. 12 – 9/20/2024


10:10 AM ET


F.R. Buckley

His latest book, F. H. Buckley, author of The Roots of Liberalism: What Faithful Knights and the Little Match Girl Taught Us about Civil Virtue.

Professor Buckley is a Foundation Professor at George Mason University’s Scalia School of Law.

He is a senior editor at the American Spectator and a columnist for the New York Post, and he has written for the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post among others.

His most recent books are The Republican Workers Party (2018); The Republic of Virtue (2017); The Way Back: Restoring the Promise of America (2016); The Once and Future King (2015); and American Secession: The Looming Threat of a National Breakup (2020).

Professor, as a conservative talk show host, the concept of an American breakup – your book in 2020 is the future that most conservatives fear. 

Play Rush cut from 2020 – your book American secession was generating that possibility back then:

Is that possible, future secession, rooted in Liberalism?  Your latest book: The Roots of Liberalism: What Faithful Knights and the Little Match Girl Taught Us about Civil Virtue warns us that: Liberalism is not an ideology that stands above our practices and judges them, but a practice itself, an inheritance of virtues, institutions, customs, and longings embedded in our culture and passed on through our memories and stories of moral heroes.

Segment Topic:

The Roots of Liberalism: What Faithful Knights and the Little Match Girl Taught Us About Civil Virtue

This spirited book traces the roots of liberalism through the noblest traditions, virtues, institutions and longings embedded in Western culture.

Liberalism is under attack from both left and right, but anti-liberals have failed to understand how the tradition defines our idea of civic virtue. Liberalism is not an ideology that stands above our practices and judges them, but a practice itself, an inheritance of virtues, institutions, customs, and longings embedded in our culture and passed on through our memories and stories of moral heroes.

In this book, Buckley explains how we learned magnanimity from the Code of Chivalry and to avoid brutishness from the Code of the Gentleman; how, through the stories of Hans Christian Andersen and the novels of Charles Dickens, kindness became a liberal virtue; how the republican virtue of the Founders can be traced back to fourteenth century Sienese merchants. From the stories that comprise the Western Tradition of liberalism, we learned the civic virtues that are the efficient secret of American constitutional government.

Sample Questions:

  1. Has 21st Century Liberalism been hijacked and and used to cover up Communism?
  2. HR, todays liberals appear to be nothing like social libs of the 1960’s. These so-called 21st-Century  liberals support communism, socialism, Marxism.  Are we misleading the nation by referring them as liberals?  They are not your daddy’s social liberals.
  3. In your book, American Secession: The Looming Threat of a National Breakup (2020), my listener and callers are still talking about a possible secession. What was it about this book that has captured the attention of this nation?

10:35 AM ET


Gregory Stenstrom

Commander Stenstrom is the Co-founder Patriot Online and author of "The Parallel Election: A Blueprint for Deception."

Segment Topic:

Election integrity warrior, Commander Gregory Stenstrom, USN Ret. returns to Digital, Interactive Friday to lay out the dangerous road ahead for election integrity.

  • In a 4-1 ruling, the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court blockedenforcement of a law requiring election officials to reject otherwise valid mail-in ballots with missing or incorrect handwritten dates on their outer return envelopes.  The ACLU says the law requiring proper dates and signatures is meaningless!  Meaningless!  I wonder what our next panelist thinks of that?
  • Pennsylvania’s Motor Voter System, Endorsed By Barack Obama, Will Be Audited For Illegal Non-Citizen Voters.

Sample Questions:

  1. Has early voting begun in PA Commander?

  2. Pennsylvania’s Motor-Voter System will be audited for the presence of illegals on the voter rolls. How significant is this?
  3. What is your assessment of the recent court ruling requiring correct dates and signatures will NOT be counted?
  4. For those listening in Pennsylvania, what is your advice with respect to early voting?
  5. Will Pennsylvania election officials attempt to steer the nation election results to Kamala Harris?
  6. News from Ohio indicates that a Cryptographic Algorithm has been secretly embedded in the States voter database. What is your reaction?
  7. Arizona admits that nearly 10,000 illegals are on the voter rolls there. How typical is this do you think in most states?

11:10 AM ET


Jeffrey Lord

Jeffrey Lord, Former advisor to President Ronald Reagan, Associate Editor of the American Spectator, frequent contributor for Newsmax and host of the Word of the Lord Podcast and a very good friend to this radio program.

Segment Topic:

President Trump has committed to fixing up New York if elected.  But it remains to be seen if the Dem-Coms in NY will permit a Republican to fix their mess.

Trump came off a highly successful MAGA rally at the Nassau Coliseum on Long Island.  Trump believes that he can win New York.  The pollsters have their doubts that Trump can carry New York, however there is a critical importance of Trump helping elect Republicans to Congress from New York.  If not, the Dem-Com’s will retake the majority and begin the Trump impeachment process all over again.   

Sample Questions:

  1. Jeffrey, it is not uncommon for a Presidential Candidate to win his home state when running for President. Fritz Mondale won his home state of Minnesota in 1984.  Reagan won California in 1980 and 84, however, Trump did not win his own state in 2016, nor did he win it in 2020.  If Trump can overcome the trifecta of New York, Queens and Brooklyn Counties, can he still take New York and if that occurs, what about coattails?
  2. If Trump cannot defeat the Dem-Com trifecta, can he still help to elect Republicans in the House and thereby save his Presidency?
  3. In Reagan’s farewell address to the nation, he focused on We The People and not We The Government as the focus of his eight-years in office. We The People has taken quite a beating these past few years.  What would Reagan say to us today about We The people?

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Jake Smith

Walt Palmer

Technical Director
Julia Hardy

Producer Liaison
Mark Giuliani

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Music Track: About The Lion and The Cuckoo
Artist: Radioactive Pokemon
Written by: Alexander, Denis
Album: Through the thorns of a dead forest
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