Your News Talk America with Jake Smith, Ep. 2 – 7/12/2024

Biden’s green agenda will hurt American agriculture and the economy.  The continued climate crackdown on heavy-duty trucks will threaten our food supply.  Offshore windmills will destroy the fishing industry and do permanent damage to marine life.  Why does the Biden Regime continue to push this garbage on the American people?

Gregory Wrightstone

Gregory Wrightstone is a geologist and the Executive Director of the CO2 Coalition in Arlington Virginia. He is bestselling author of A Very Convenient Warming: How modest warming and more CO2 are benefiting humanity.

David Stevenson
David is former DE state climatologist and an expert on real data about climate change.  He has been active in fighting government meddling in energy production, including green mandates, which don’t work and have cost electric customers millions of dollars in higher electric bills.  David has been active in Delaware’s unholy alliance with U.S. Wind and their attempts to destroy Delaware’s seashore and fishing industry with the installation of coastal windmills.  Dave Stevenson is the Director of the Center for Energy Competitiveness at The Caesar Rodney Institute .

Gregory, you have demonstrated in your books and lectures that the so-called climate crisis is a hoax.  Why don’t you explain to our viewers why CO2 has not only benefitted mankind but has NEVER been a danger to life on this planet.

Dave, you have spent years fighting against government meddling in energy production; their war against reasonably priced energy, what is behind the war on cheap, plentiful energy in this country?

Gregory, the mere suggestion that trucks and heavy far equipment can go EV is preposterous.  Even the certainty of massive food shortages does not seem to stop these climate wackos.  Why?

Dave, I am sure you noticed that Fisker recently filed for Bankruptcy protection.  Joe Biden has been busy over the years forcing Delaware ratepayers to reward his climate mafia with schemes such as Fisker and Bloom Energy.  Why don’t you tell our viewers about these two massive schemes, which cost taxpayers and ratepayers millions of dollars?

Is there a war on women?  If so, why don’t women recognize the threat?  What are women thinking about politically just 115 days from the election?

Virginia Allen is a senior news producer for The Daily Signal and host of "The Daily Signal Podcast" and "Problematic Women."

She is here to announce a Conservative Women’s Group Launches ‘She Prays She Votes’ Bus Tour Ahead of 2024 Election.  She says; this matters because heading into the 2024 presidential election, a majority of women across party, age, race and ethnicity report feeling “anxious” or “frustrated.” But this doesn’t mean they are apathetic; only one in five women voters say they are “uninterested” in the election. More than half of women voters say they are either “not too satisfied” or “not at all satisfied” with their options for President including three-fourths of independent women voters.

Virginia, you say that as we head toward the 2024 election, a majority of women across party, age, race and ethnicity report feeling “anxious” or “frustrated.” But this doesn’t mean they are apathetic; only one in five women voters say they are “uninterested” in the election. More than half of women voters say they are either “not too satisfied” or “not at all satisfied” with their options for President including three-fourths of independent women voters.  Why do these women feel powerless politically?

What are women looking for in a presidential candidate?

Why wouldn’t women be more supportive of Trump who has promised to end Biden’s manipulation of Title XI?

Why do you suppose women’s rights groups such as NOW and ME-Too Movement have been silent?  We have not heard a peep out of them?

How are women reacting to the very highly publicized stories of the rapes and murders of American women and girls at the hands of illegals.   Wouldn’t you think that (again) they might be supportive of Trump who has secured the border or RFK Jr. who has promised to secure the border?

The DC NATO Summit, what to make of it and how will Biden’s weakness play-out. Will the possibility of another Trump presidency affect the conference with Trump’s shadow looming?

USMC Colonel Eric Buer (Ret.)

National Security Analyst, former Joint Chiefs staffer at the Pentagon, former National War College Professor, decorated Middle East and Eastern Europe Attack Helicopter Pilot, SOFREP contributor and author of “Ghosts of Baghdad.”

How has Joe Biden’s political problems affected this conference?

Do you think NATO Member States are mindful that another Trump Presidency will make their lives a bit less comfy?

How do other world leaders view Biden, especially after the debate debacle?
Would our allies respect a Biden or Trump presidency more, and why?
What should U.S. involvement be in Ukraine, Gaza, and other global hot spots?

Should Ukraine gain NATO membership?

Do you think Putin, Xi Jinping or the Mullahs in Iran fear NATO? 

Do you feel that member States will still support one another if another member is attacked?



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