Your News Talk America with Jake Smith Ep. 10 9/6/2024

Your News Talk America with Jake Smith. Welcome to the digital and interactive program.

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Thank you for participating.

10:10 AM ET

Segment Topic:

American Energy Alliance Unveils 2024 American Energy Scorecard.  Where does Congress stand on key energy issues?

Founded in May, 2008, The American Energy Alliance (AEA) is a not-for-profit organization that engages in grassroots public policy advocacy and debate concerning energy and environmental policies.

AEA’s legislative and public policy advocacy takes place at both the state and national level.  It is the aim of AEA to educate and mobilize citizens in understanding, promoting and helping to solve America’s most pressing energy and environmental policy problems. Through a deeper understanding of these issues, our nation’s citizens will be able to better participate in the policy-making process at the state and national level.

AEA has no ties to any political party, and it has no interest in supporting the agenda of any particular political party.  AEA is an issue organization that supports affordable, abundant and reliable energy for America’s consumers and businesses.

AEA is the advocacy arm of the Institute for Energy Research (IER), a not-for-profit organization – founded in 1989 – that conducts intensive research and analysis on the functions, operations, and government regulation of global energy markets.


Thomas J. Pyle is the President of the American Energy Alliance (AEA). Tom has also held numerous positions on Capitol Hill including serving as a Policy Analyst for the Majority Whip of the U.S. House of Representatives and as Staff Director for the Congressional Western Caucus.

Sample Questions:

  1. Tom, the results from the AEA Scorcard indicate that a majority of Republicans support President Trump’s energy platform.  Two notable Dem-Com’s, Senators Bob Casey, PA and John Tester, MN – who represent two States with huge energy implications scored poorly.  Can you explain?
  2. This past week, Judge's ruling could end Gulf oil production: 'Death by a thousand cuts,' senator warns!
  3. Tom, if Trump returns to power, can the Keystone Pipeline project be resurrected?

10:35 AM ET

Segment Topic:

Election integrity warrior, Commander Gregory Stenstrom, USN Ret. returns to Digital, Interactive Friday to lay out the dangerous road ahead for election integrity.

In a 4-1 ruling, the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court blocked enforcement of a law requiring election officials to reject otherwise valid mail-in ballots with missing or incorrect handwritten dates on their outer return envelopes.


Commander Stenstrom is the Co-founder Patriot Online and author of "The Parallel Election: A Blueprint for Deception."

Sample Questions:

  1. When does early voting begin in PA Commander?
  2. What is your assessment of last week's court ruling requiring the counting of undated, mis-dated or unsigned mail-in ballots?
  3. For those listening in Pennsylvania, what is your advice with respect to early voting?
  4. Will Pennsylvania election officials attempt to steer the nation election results to Kamala Harris?


Segment Topic:

The American Gulag Chronicles and Unredacted Media Announce the 1A [First Amendment] Film Fest to be held September 13-15, 2024 at the Historic Texan Theatre in Greenville, Texas!


David Sumrall, is an Activist, Citizen Journalist, January 6 documentary filmmaker of “Righting History,”  “Bloody Hill,” “1000daysofTerror,” founder of StopHate in 1992 and, co-founder of the American Celebration Tour, Creator/Host of Discussion Island, and American Gulag Chronicles Board President, American Patriot Relief board member.

Sample Questions:

  1. David, the war on the 1st Amendment has created an entire new way of communicating with the American people by way of documentaries.  Is the 1A Film-fest a way to celebrate this media?
  2. Is there any way of watching the festival online?
  3. How did the procedures of those documentaries get their projects recognized to be considered for an award?
  4. In a sense, aren’t these producers of 1A media modern-day freedom fighters?


Segment Topic:

The film “Reagan” is now in theaters:

Jeffrey Lord, a former advisor to President Ronald Reagan has seen the film and provides his thoughts on the biopic: Reagan!


Jeffrey Lord, Former advisor to President Ronald Reagan, Associate Editor of the American Spectator, frequent contributor for Newsmax and host of the Word of the Lord Podcast and a very good friend to this radio program.

Sample Questions:

  1. Jeffrey, what was it like to relive those historic moments from the Reagan Presidency?
  2. What did you think of Dennis Quaid’s performance as President Ronald Reagan?
  3. Was there anything you saw portrayed in the move, which was factually or historically incorrect?
  4. Did you notice who played your part as advisor to the President?



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Jake Smith

Walt Palmer

Technical Director
Julia Hardy

Panel Liaison
Joe Giuliani

Producer Liaison
Mark Giuliani

Real News Talk Logo Graphics LED Pixels Light Effect
Storyblocks Asset ID: SBV-302248713
Music Track: About The Lion and The Cuckoo
Artist: Radioactive Pokemon
Written by: Alexander, Denis
Album: Through the thorns of a dead forest
Visuaizer: About The Lion and The Cuckoo -
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